Label countries "shitholes" because of the way their social, cultural...

>label countries "shitholes" because of the way their social, cultural, and economical ways are critically flawed and fair game for criticism
mainstream media never fails to disgust me

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That's reaching because he called a whole continent a shithole. It also happens to be the continent where black people are from, so if he's not trying to appear to be racist he's got extremely poor tact.


haiti is not a shitho-

"Coincidentally" there are no white majority countries that are shitholes. You can argue parts of the Balkans or Ukraine, but give them fifty years or so and they should be improved.

Well they are shit holes, but I guess that depends on what you're comparing it too

Oh dear god


Africa is as shithole.



When it is better to be homeless and have no money in America than it is to be middle class in some of those shithole countries; you have a serious problem.


Move to the shitholes you'll fit in mudslime


It's autism in a television broadcast





who is this semen demon


>Call countries which are objectively shitholes shitholes.
>buh gawd he's racist!

Wtf are they evn doing over there???!!!


Who gives a shit about "tact" anymore. I'm done with all this moral grandstanding that does nothing but contribute to a brain drain in the third world, which makes Africa even more of a shithole. Think about how much more utility a Ugandan doctor has to his own country as opposed to him coming over to the USA. We have plenty of doctors. They do not.

It's about time we have a president who doesn't grandstand with neo-Marxist talking points. Whether or not people hate Trump for this, that doesn't change the fact that Africa is STILL a shithole.
>Video related


Oh fuck off you civic nationalist faggot



Even if it was, for the president of the united states to say that Africa is a shithole fucks with everything we're trying to accomplish there. Once a few African countries stabilize and fully industrialize like China and India have we're going to want to have allies there. We've got a shitload of military personnel there and a lot of resources we depend on rely on Africans believing that we have their best interests at heart. But no nothing's more important that BTFOing the liberals to you losers.


>I'm not racist because I have reasons
No you're just a racist with reasons.

She's hot. If porn, sauce plz.


shithole thread, OP

What porn is this


>Once a few African countries stabilize

Wow Haiti it's worse than I though u guys

Fucking cuck shill, you will hand in the lampposts

nvm i see the logo now





>Once a few African countries stabilize and fully industrialize like China and India have we're going to want to have allies there.
>Once a few African countries stabilize

And are you so stu

>That's reaching because he called a whole continent a shithole.
This. The idiot just lost his black fan base, and everyone stupid enough to think he wasn't a racist

I couldn’t read it with a straight face either

A country isn't a race you retard

Haiti. Is not a shithole.


>Think about how much more utility a Ugandan doctor has to his own country as opposed to him coming over to the USA. We have plenty of doctors. They do not.

That's an interesting point there user.

I personally care about having a president that doesn't say poorly thought out shit.


He is a fucking shill posting shit and sage



Haiti killed all the whites there in the early 1800s-still a shithole

Africa is where humanity started if you go by the out of Africa theory of evolution. They've had forever to figure their shit out, and yet all the black nations are shitholes. Look at zimbabwe, look at South Africa, they kicked out all the whites or ended white rule, and now they're going down the drain.


It just goes on and on and on


anti racist is code for anti white

And are you so stupid that you think corrupt African (chiefdoms) governments will look past the benefits of American "cooperation" because of a few words the president (allegedly) said? Lol

I don't think peta is happy with the haitian people

I do think that the idea that America brain-drains unstable regions is interesting. But if you observe at the Filipinos that work in the US and send back to their families, you might realize that the case of a doctor coming over is one in a hundred. Before anybody says that sending money to another country is bad, these people pay rent, buy food here and work so that your fatass grandma can ride the cruise ship. We need them.

Need sauce boss

Just saw a cnn panel inadvertently drop a red pill when asking what the difference is between someone coming from Africa or Norway. The guy hesitated in his summation, clearly because it became apparent the difference is that Africa is a shithole, it’s well reported, they all knew it. The guy kept waffling about racism but he could see he dun goofed.

It's not, you fucking bigot. Did you forget about the earthquake? Did you forget about it's slavery induced past? Did you forget about RACISM? Of course you have you fucking piece of bigoted shit.

It took the United States 40 years to become a country after the Revolution. Have a little patience.

every single leftist voter needs to die

EVERY single one

Yeah I'm pretty sure Japan has been through some shit (atombomb)as well and so have other countries, they don't make their home into a dumpster for fucks sake

Real pol would be considering why he said this. And no I don't mean actually focusing on what he said but the effect of it.

Current theories:

This shakes up the entire thought process to the reforms to immigration that are being worked on. The average american probably just had Trump say what he naturally thinks anyway. On the social front it could be an anchor to much more frank discourse on what we want out of a merit based system.

He could be saying this because the bipartisan group completely fucked up.

It could be that he never actually said this but one of the democrats he called to that meeting is trying to fuck with him.

Personally I think Trump did this purposely as a ploy to focus the media solidly on immigration for a few days. The timing and underlying purpose I'm not sure of.

And no I'm not saying this 883d chess. Simply that this is a common trump tactic of media manipulation and he's great at it.

When he does something like this there's a bigger purpose behind it and we need to find that.

It’s no coincidence that shitholes are always full of niggers. They’re what make them shitholes to begin with, trump is right, we don’t need any more fucking blacks!


>The guy hesitated in his summation



Do you think a shithole would produce this in the early 1000's when it was built? Lmao. Fuck off racist bitch.

You're playing the same game as them all the way over there on the right.


>these people pay rent, buy food here and work so that your fatass grandma can ride the cruise ship. We need them.
We don't need to displace our population to pay for the pensions of older generations, because that is in effect what's happening. One in five people living in this country weren't even born here. Now, you can argue about whether it's immoral to send them back. That's fine, that's a different argument. But we certainly do not need MORE people.

If you want to help the third world, you essentially have to be a colonialist. Any other way is insufficient and does not address its civilizational problems that prohibit its advancement.

How about a deportation based system all non whites? Only allow whites from European countries to immigrate.

This, they need to stay where they are and make their own countries great.

they already decided to try and kill us. you bet I'm going to kill them back you nigger

Well said user

They had the 3d modeling software before Turing even invented the white computer. Republicucks BTFO'd


>shits on Africa despite having the literal city of gold and advanced technology wakanda in it


"Fuck this shithole lets leave it like it is and invade usa brothas"

> The continents of Haiti and El Salvador

This is a first. I knew you cound get this retarded, but always though that at such levels it would just stop the mental capacity, but it seems there is a new, unknown dimention, a complete halt of all mental activity.

Michigan's a shithole

I just imagine a bunch of niggers climbing around in that fort like monkeys every day after they slopped that giant shithole sand castle together

>you might realize that the case of a doctor coming over is one in a hundred.
Let’s be real here, cases of a doctor coming from a shithole country are closer to 1 in 100,000 if not much higher. That doesn’t mean we need the other 99,999 illiterate blacks

Whoa buddy, keep the u-locks away from this cunt.

Saw a clip of an outraged American news panel inadvertently drop a red pill. This guy was opining on what the difference is between a person coming form Africa or Norway but hesitated a bit too long in his summation. It clearly became apparent that the difference is one place was a shithole. It’s well reported and they all knew it. The guy carried on with his cries of racism but you could see he knew he dun goofed.

Allright, go pick tobacco then if you want to do the shit illiterate people do.

The modern computer was invited by a black man you fuckin dumbass.

He got arased from history bcuz of racism.

He said Africa. Africa, as you may know, is a continent.

kill every. single. leftist.