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gotta get it on social media
real human bean
If he's jewish, he should move to Israel. I'm sure they'd let him in.
he's right about one thing, if trump talked about jews that way he'd be gone
>i'm also jewish
finna virtuu signaa tu mah fello bix noods
This poor nigger jew is literally in tears. Someone give him money.
>why dont you ever leave your room, user?
>why arent you """normal,""" user?
>why dont you be like us, user?
This account is goldmine
What is it with people going on social media and crying like enormous faggots over the least little thing these days?
That can't be real.
I don't habeeb it.
>He’s be gone.
>"he's be gone"
they really can't help it can they?
>hysteric jewish nigger
ultimate oven fuel
You know why it's mother Africa? Because father Africa bailed.
>"Nigger, what about father Africa? "
>He's be gone
>Haiti’s US Ambassador Paul Altidor tells me Haiti’s government has formerly summoned a US official to explain Trump’s comments to Haiti’s officials.
Illiterate NBC correspondent
And yet he lives in the US, instead of living in "mother africa ".
>White supremacist patriarchal misogynistic homophobic classist bigots think me being hurt is funny @AmySommers1 ...cruel and unfeeling is their way. That's not the world I want. We should feel or we will perpetuate.
Do you feel or do you perpetuate, user?
yet he came back. very telling.
>You can laugh because you don't know what it's like to want to hurt people back the way they hurt your people but can't because you can die for doing ANYTHING while Black.
What did he mean by this?
thanks for linking the source faggot
democratic party mind slave
Quiet gweedo
This has to be a fucking Sup Forumstard account. I do not believe this is a real person.
Not all black people are bad, you fucking niggers.
There's a difference between a nigger and a black person. Just like there's a difference between a snow nigger and a white person.
The majority of black people, are in fact niggers though. But don't blame the few who are civilized people, because if white ethnostates ever exist, then we'd be giving control of Africa over to the few civilized black people.
>'m not taking my tears tweet down. Nope. I don't care about symbolics. I care about systemics. I see folks who don't know me or my work judging me. I don't care. I see my tears have brought white and black trolls together to be net naggers. Enjoy your unity.
Trolls of the world, unite!
>im jewish
Lol, the man shouldn't be crying over trump's comment it isn't that big of a deal. The truth his thesr countries are super corrupt and are very dirty, especially hati
>I'm also Jewish
>Because I want us to go to Nigeria, Haiti, Brazil etc. I want us to unite our family. I did my DNA...I can show you how one person was put on a boat and sent to Charleston SC and another to Port au Prince in Haiti...my blood.
He's working on a black ethnostate. Maybe he's the one will be negotiating with?
Poor guy. It must hurt bad for him knowing that Trump is the piece of shit that runs his country, who so many people look up to. Knowing racism is back after all the progress
These are dark times.
Not all white people are as sick as Trump
What is a snow nigger?
He should make Aliyah to Israel.
White trash whores & fuck boys who praise black culture, rap music & an overall defenerative attitude.
Syrup nigger
Neo-nazis, trump supporters, skin heads and the alt-right
Muffin nigger
>I want you to know that I'm dreaming of a travel fund like Birthright Israel where every African American young person can go to Africa or Haiti or other Black countries. We need good diplomacy for this to be safe and effective.
This guy has similar ideas to Spencer actually, wtf is this?
Jewish nigger
A new citizen of Sweden or Norway.
>A crying male jew nigger
if it weren't a shithole, you'd have moved to your 'mother africa'
fucking child race i swear
My fucking sides.
if only they'd leave here and stay there. kinda like all the millionaire celebs that fled america when GEOTUSA got elected
Except he isn't talking about shipping them away by force. He's right though, every African should've the right to return to Africa if they want, especially in times like these when we have an insane president and there's no knowing what he might do
>go on a quest to haiti to find heritage
>get ebola and raped
One way tickets?
I'm all for it!
kek, africans hate american niggers more than white people do.
You can always go back Tyrone.
Its funny beacuse white people are actually considered to be cursed people in africa. Mainly albinos
I meant Spencer wants birthrights for whites, just like Twitty wants for blacks.
Go back to Kang land then nigger. You are proving a point without knowing it.
If “our family” = everyone w/same color skin then, shit, /pol is 90% family discussion
Africans were forced to America, it's the same thing at all
>he's be gone and sheeeeeit
Calm down leaf white people are good
The entire continent of africa is objectively a shithole though, there's no disputing it, cannibalism, baby rape, chaos, corruption, burning people in the streets, slaughtering innocent farmers..... utter fucking SHITHOLE.... fact.
*not the same
what meds call whites to feel about themselves
This jew looks like he escape from oven.
Hahaha niggers going to nig
Seriously shitty shoes, one should only accept immigration from countries where men know how to choose appropriate footwear, such as pic related.
Slavs are white they're just not Aryan. Slavs are snow niggers
What does a country have to do with RACE? Think about it. If I call Canada a shithole, is that anyway RACIST? Canada has muslims, asians, whities --- quite diverse. So if the continent of Africa and countries like Haiti are called shitholes but they should be diverse of course like liberals want all countries to be, then how can that be racist at all?
Shitty post, sort yourself out.
whitey is just jealous that they got no culture
by "anything" they mean doing anything that is against the law. Remember, they think they shouldn't be subject to the white man's laws, and they want their own set of laws where things that white people would call illegal, would now be legal.
they did. A bunch of slaves went back to africa after being freed. Fast forward a handful of decades and you have Zimbabwe.
Like fuck he did. Its as much bullshit as his "I'm Jewish" comment. Africans unironically hate niggers and every fuck I know who went to the "motherland" came back scarred from the shit they faced there. Even cannibals whose favorite past time is putting faggots on fire in the third world have standards.
oy gevalt my nigga
Embrace the future user. Embrace the fact that you or I, or we shall have to be the ones to purge it.
Ride the Tiger, for you have no choice otherwise.
It's useless to kill yourself. It's useless to fear the future. It's useless to complain. All that remains to do is work. Work for the fatherland, for your children should you ever have any or for the future of your kin. Work for a future free of degeneracy, regardless of how hopeless it is. Even if it's hopeless, what do we have to lose, but our chains?
given how they sterilize Ethiopian jews, i'm not sure too sure about that
>Fast forward a handful of decades and you have Zimbabwe.
Liberia actually........
>t.jew who does not like blacks
Kosher Souls: Prepare To Vey
The low IQ niggers, pets of the jew, ruin everything. We don't need or want 'em. Go back to the african bush nignogs iof you like ti so much. See how long you'll last there begging for handouts and complaining. The first nigger shit out of your mouth and they'll kill you. Here at least you get a free apartment, money to live, A/C and you can spend your disposable income you didn't earn on crack, braids, fancy fingernails, your mobile, or cheap booze.
How the fuck can you come back from Africa and say "wow, we are really doing a great job as a people here". Morons. The only livable part of Africa is the white Cape Town suburbs, and they still need guards with machine guns to protect them from the glory of "mother Africa".
>mother africa
I just left a shithole themed gore thread and the only thing that topped Africa in... creativity, is Latin America.
>a grown man crying over people's opinions
wow it's almost like he inherited The Jew gene for maximum sympathy gains.
Knew a girl in college who was mixed race and she had an experience like that. Pulled the typical "I'm gonna connect with my homeland" card. She came back and became a bit more apprecative
Somebody get this nigkike a ticket to Tel Aviv
>I better take a pick of myself in tears so I can post it on the net.
what an absolute fat faggot.