Styx is always criticized for being an ethnonationalist as he comes from Vermont which is 98% white. I'm interested to know where you guys come from and your experience of "diversity".
Styx is always criticized for being an ethnonationalist as he comes from Vermont which is 98% white...
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My experience with "Diversity" was being held underwater and having a rock smashed against my face.
holy fuck lol
I'm from Chicago. My experience is decent, but I have been robbed several times by blacks. On an individual basis -- on the day to day -- most people are fine. On a collective basis, especially where politics are involved, trouble arises because of undeniable, inherent differences. I live in Babylon.
i try to avoid going out in public, but live in a 90+ white area. i'm too apathetic to care what happens with all this stuff though. adaptation is good enough. I'll just avoid the public more.
In a pool? We’re they black? I thought they couldn’t swim.
This guy looks like he lost his jack off virginity to an emperor Palpatine fanfic wherein Palpatine goes to his high school reunion and everyone apologized to him
styx is a civnat cuck who lives in an all white state. hes a hypocrite with an edgy handle
Where do you get robbed and when? I live in a small town and don’t know much of these things.
I live in Germantown in philadelphia and I'm the only one here who looks German under the age of 60.
Southern california. Need i say more.
styx is an occultist larper who talks gibberish.
I live in Atlanta.
it's okay. black people are pretty cool sometimes desu.
then they remind you how fucking hostile and obsessed with race they are, literally without fail, and you remember why you wish you knew what an all white society looked like.
because I've never seen one.
I long for a society where I don't listen to rap and hip hop blast all the time.
where people don't talk like brain damaged fucking idiots, like even white people do.
where women don't dress like hoes, and act worse.
where there's less stealing, violence, general nigger BULLSHIT.
honest to goodness this whole ethno state thing wouldn't even be a serious option if blacks would get their heads out of their asses and stop acting so violent, angry, and by God ARROGANT all the time.
but they won't listen to anybody, and now we're in the position we're in.
Grew up in New Mexico, and now live in Chimpcinnati for school. Just end my life.
I was robbed in the city, two times at the same corner. Both were strong arm robberies (no firearms). I was sixteen at the time, and I didn't have the means do anything -- so I played the coward.
Now I'm almost 30, retired veteran, and wouldn't think twice about blastin a nig
(pic taken at UCI)
Go visit the Southern East coast some time, and talk to some blacks... any blacks at all.
Get that experience first hand.
There is no multiculturalism, just replacement.
Move to Vermont you cock goblin.
Was it at night? I’d be afraid to go out in the day there
I meant civic nationalist*
i'm from houston and its absolute fucking hell. so many sand niggers, pakis, indians, tons of dirty lazy entitled beaners, niggers, and the only whites are faggots and cucks. the outskirts of the city are better but certain parts are being flooded with towel heads, the southwest will be under sharia law by 2030 if this continues. multiculturalism is a fail, hoping for race war soon
I grew up in Los Angeles county. I know it takes at least three generations for the brown man to white wash. We are letting them in way too quickly. The best brown immigrants are the ones that force their kids to speak English.
Grew up in Socal, had to deal with niggers and wetbacks all day. Was one of 3 white people in most of my classes. Lived there until I turned 13. Got attacked all the time. Got shit stole all the time. Parents got their cars broken into all the time. Neighborhood was white when we moved in, but turned to shit very quickly. Ghetto birds flying overhead nightly, and gun shots due to gang violence on the regular.
Parents got sick of it, and we moved to white as fuck Denver suburbs. Was a big nice change. No crazy shit going down every night. No shit getting stolen. Could leave our doors unlocked 24/7. It was mind blowing. Lived there for 20 years.
I moved to Detroit for work about 6 years ago. Sure the pay was good, but it was right back to a shithole like where I started. Crazy shit every night. Shootouts happening on the regular. Stupid stupid niggers all over the place.
Now for the last 2 years I've lived in Northern Michigan it's miles better than Detroit. The roads suck ass, and I still see a few more niggers than I would like to see. It's not as nice as Denver suburbs, but Denver was getting too expensive for me anyways.
Now, go fuck yourself.
Styx is crazy. He had good commentary during the election. A lot of his predictions were right. I’m concerned his ego has inflated due to his e fame though. He acts weird on twitter.
broad daylight. The nigs in Chicago are fearless man. People think it's a game until shit pops off. Stay away from cities.
Are you ever drawn to cities? Do you feel like you're 'missing out'? I've always assumed that this is the mindset of the rural/working class outside of cities.
In a creek, back in the day.
The year was two thousand and six
Mexicans Had already established a majority in pre-K school (The dude that kicked my ass was a 17 illegal immigrant who was posing as a toddler)
Pic related is demography of home town.
since when is styx an ethnonationalist?
he's civnat last i checked
404bro u know da we
No, I want to move further rural. I live near a small city of 50,000 and work there.
Most kids growing up did want to go a city. I am a homebody who loves reading, drawing, and doing yard work, so a city doesn’t really mean anything to me.
Literally the gayest post ever made on Sup Forums
Yeah I got it mixed up (poop posting on phone combo ruined my concentration)
>I'm a faggot who hides behind a memeflag.
seattle area, grew up learning that diversity is strength. Grew up to becoming a nazi larper. shit skins are ruining seattle
you got a salsa for those videos? would love to watch drag styx
>the year is current
>I've found myself surrounded by nogs, spics, and muzzies in a town I once called home
>The few white neighbors I have keep a close knit connection, like a neighborhood watch, but we exclude the niggers
>Born in suburbs of Chicago
>Neighbors are all thieving niggers
>"Wow this sucks"
>Move to suburbs of Houston
>Neighbors are all Mexican sex criminals
>"Wow this sucks"
>Buy 63 acres of land in rural Texas
>Only two neighbors for miles, both white, they both let me go onto their property to take stones for my cement projects
>"Wow this is great"
HAH! that's a side of Styx I never thought I'd see.
Personally I don't give a shit about how he dresses. His contend is still good.
Fucking pussy.
Learn to fight.
What a hideous man
I used to live in Vermont. Can confirm very white and comfy af, but full of liberal idiots who have never experienced living with minorities. I am from TX, and although rural TX is great, I went to school in Dallas, which is full of niggers and spics. Fuck that place.
bro, WAY inflated. I can't stand him. no longer objective
I just moved to Mobile, ALABAMA and IT'S FUCKED DOWN HERE. Sometimes I feel like I'm in Africa and other times it's like DELIVERENCE. IT'S FUCKED. There are more niggers than whtie people too. IT'S FUCKED! Almost all th nigs are retarded, buts there is no shortage of retarded whites down here. HELP!
Raised in NYC, lived here my whole life and I'm not young. Went to public schools where whites were the minority. My experiences have been very negative, I'll just leave it at that. I'm not pro-white, I'm just anti-diversity. I think some races can mix but when the differences are too great it just doesn't work. I've never had a problem with Indians, Asians, Native Americans, Inuits, or non-black hispanics though, so I'm pretty much ok with 75% of all races.
Live in a mostly white area that still has a significant portion of blacks and Hispanics. Have on and off days but nothing too bad.
Also, I wouldn't say Styx has no experience with diversity. He was married to a Latina and lived in Mexico for a while.
Styx isn't identitarian
>ha ha I don't care if Styx is a faggot tranny cross dresser
I live in Sacramento California
I see billboards on the Highway in Spanish. Graffiti in Spanish. I see school notices and text scrawls in Spanish.
I go to the laundry room in my apartment complex and I feel like a foreigner in another country.
I sometimes see chickens grazing in the street outside my complex.
I can't go for a walk around here because the area is infested with homeless niggers. Even going to the store they'll stop you and ask for money or offer to sell you shit out of their car.
Did anyone call him out on the warski live streams for being a trap?
>The Greatest Larp Ever Committed - International Edition (We're Not Racist But)
Coming to a red state near (You).
When I went to highschool we had 1/4 to 1/3 of the student body consisting of natives. That was enough. Very few blacks, one retarded asian child, and one muslim girl. The natives were the worst.
Grew up here
enoch the fat kike is bullying styx on twitter
Post some examples? I don't have twitter.