Just so you know, this guy has seriously diminished America in the eyes of the world.
The rest of the world looks at Trump and thinks: This guy is an offensive, ignorant, prejudiced jackass. I don't believe a word he says, and I don't respect his opinion or authority.
The rest of the world looks at America and thinks: I guess they are not such a great country after all, since they could elect such an offensive, ignorant, prejudiced jackass. I don't like Americans as much as I used to, and I don't particularly care about cooperating with them to do anything.
It's not a chuckle or a meme for them. It's a serious change in their basic view of the world.
Trump has brought the world much closer to being able to imagine a time when China, Russia and the EU will together oppose the USA economically and militarily, and end American dominance.
Just so you know, this guy has seriously diminished America in the eyes of the world
He diminished the virginity of your shitter more like it.
You mad nigger? Did the kikes gape your nigger butthole too much?
you have to keep things in perspective ameribro, lots dumbasses have been president.
this chimp looking faggot was the most racist, anti-American, lawless, Constitution ignoring, racial-identity politics playing, lying, elitist, condescending prick we've ever elected and, in contrast, Trump is a man who loves America and Americans, respects the Constitution, tells it like it is, and doesn't hate all of us real Americans here in the "fly over states", so I'm gonna have to say to anybody who just can't stand living with him as your President... fuck off and move to Canada.
Oprah's new home if there were no white men to rebuild it
I've said that from the moment he was elected. We will end up like Nazi Germany after the war. The world will rise up and unite against us.
Turn off the FoxNews. It's rotting your brain.
> diminished America in the eyes of the world.
last time I checked, I don't give a fuck about the rest of the world. America First. MAGA, mothafucker.
Keep on saying that as the Euros and Chinese take over American markets and help push out American military installations in the rest of the world over the next 30 years or so.
People will remember this President and the things he has said for a long time.
I'm sure that's what the Romans said before the Visigoths sacked Rome.
you forget to take your AZT? the HIV's got you a little confused
inb4 the usa is destroyed by poor anglo whites getting duped by a businessman.
enjoy the fall of the u.s.a., boys.i'm moving to brazil.
i'm glad you've wasted your time on that drivel
kys and sage
Blow me, subversive cunt.
>eyes of the world
Who cares?
Unless Trump starts a ground war with a middle eastern country, we will be fine.
Shut up pussy, he was absolutely right
We elected a she-bopping do-wopping jive nigger. You don't go lower than that.
As long they fear him I don't really care
The weak should fear the strong
WTF? I hate Trump now!
The rest of the world doesn’t matter
No other nation on earth matters
Only America matters
indeed. who gives a fuck what lesser countries think
He's coming close. If he lets Netanyahu do whatever he wants with the Palestinians, then there's bound to be some Middle Eastern country crazy enough to attack Israel.
My money would be on whoever's in charge in Libya at the moment.
The resr of the world's hated us for a lot longer than his current term, or have you already forgotten GWB?
Sage this
the funny part is when you say the world you mean europe and the anglosphere. you never even think what asian or african countries think of immigration from shithole countries.
the chinks are having none of it. africans in south africa necklace the poorer africans who try to sneak in. mexico has military police with submachine guns doing random stops on the highways in the yucatan looking for central american niggers
in your eyes the entire world is just the white, western first world. congratulations, youre a racist.
Shut up you cry baby, he the almighty king of the U.S.A, he's fixing up the mess, that you can't do but the lord mighty Trump.
Sage and redpill all slide threads.
You argue against ignorance, offensiveness, and prejudice, yet hail China and Russia, kys hypocritical blind fool
> diminished America in the eyes of the world.
That's it. That's all they've got. Their strong disapproval.
Which countries did the Donald actually refer to as what the media calls shitholes?
One of the only reasons I like Trump at all is how much he pisses faggot libshits off.
I hate his pro-Jew stance.
I hate his Jew son-in-law.
I hate his helping Israel.
But boy does he piss of communists, niggers, faggots, and Liberals. I hate those cunts more than I hate Trump's pro-Kike stance.
yes, you could even call them, shithole countries
>Just so you know, this guy has seriously diminished America in the eyes of the world.
>The rest of the world looks at...
>implying the rest of the world can do shit to America.
Since when do we care what the rest of the world thinks? This is America. We stand for ourselves.
Who the fuck cares about the "rest of the world"? Guess what, the rest of the world is fucked, utterly fucked, unless they start putting themselves first too.
>eyes of the world
liberal eyes you mean
I wish Trump was my leader. You don't know how good you have it OP.
Well at least he's not a soyboy.
True do
Only the lefties thinks that, Trump gets lots of praise from the Netherlands.
T. Shitholer
>eyes of the world.
(((eyes of the world)))
You mean the niggers aren't going to come here because he said they're from a shit hole?
That's a win, Op. You don't know what winning is.
>Implying trump isn't a puppet for Israel himself
What fake news are you listening tool?
The world has more respect for Trump than any other president in decades
How is that not American? Stop trying to in to fucking trannies and just b yourslef America, we
Funny part is, EVERYONE KNOWS. They just can't say it, but they know exactly what countries are shitholes. Their offense at the term acknowledges it.
The rest of the world already thinks all of the USA is cowboys randomly firing guns in the air and yee-hawing, or ghetto blacks randomly firing guns at each other and sheeeeeeeeeeeeeiting. This isn't a recent thing, it's been like that for decades. I don't give a shit. We're not here to wipe their asses or prove anything.
Who gives a slight fuck about the world? He is a the president of America, the only people he should give a fuck about is Americans, not Europeans, not Asians, not fucking Africans.
just so you're aware I couldn't care less.
So you're another guy who believes we should let terrorists and foreigners decide who we elect to be our president?
Care to defend that position?
Exactly, Trump is the best (and most American) president since Clinton maybe even Kennedy
Except it's you Leftists wanting the barbarians inside America
Demofag is mad his strategy to import more votes is being exposed to normies
thank god. trump is exactly what we need. white people to speak their minds like they did throughout their entire existence before they were groomed to be pussies by their enemies by political correctness starting in the 50s after world war 2. everyone is losing their shit over trump calling shit like it is. those countries are shit holes. the wall does need to be built. non white immigrants do not add anything of value.
white people are better off without non whites. stay asshurt.
This is such a horrible perspective to maintain. It just shows how embarrassingly and pitifully scared you are of living near people that don’t have the same skin color as you. I’m just imagining right now how disgustingly unsociable and weak and lifeless you goofballs are in real life.
fuck off gaylord. I hope you can handle another 7 years of this
We have a base in every country that is worth a fuck. Your countries are subservient to our military’s presence. Thinking we care what the world thinks is exactly what a slave would say. Make no mistake, America fucking sucks, but your countries suck worse.
He is the God-Emperor, tremble in fear mortals
Construction in California is done entirely by Latinos.
No one cares what the rest of the world thinks.
because they took jobs from whites.
Right, the rest of the world want;s us to have people like Obama, Clinton, Merkel and Trudeau. Sorry, not sorry.
You feel that buzz in the air? That's the sound of the Overton Window moving.
HEY YOU GUYS! You don't think pic related is the 2004 alien craft every body has been full retard shit holing over do you? I think i went to deep in the Matrix shit hole and white rabbits squirting shit hole than i should've.
eu is a shithole too
oh ok well I’m white and am well enough with non-whites just fine, which I guess invalidates your statement about whites being better off without non whites
I don't care about the world.
Hell, I don't even really care about the US frankly. All I care about it myself and my family and like two friends, and even they are kind of periphery.
I'm imagining you getting fucked in the mouth by donald trump.
It's a pretty funny sight to behold.... but i guess you already knew that.
fuck off cuck boy, you even sound like a little pussy cuck. fuck your opinions and fuck your entire pussified cuckold existence pussy kys
It's not the aliens or the aliens are in contact with the U.S government or we found it or some thing and went full reverse retard engineer on it's shit hole boi pussy.
>the rest of the world
That legitimately made me laugh.
Trump really isn't that bad. The last present was a black homosexual immigrant, and the only other choice other than Trump was a criminal that legally wasn't able to run for president in the first place. (not like that stopped Obama)
what is a shithole is a shithole, nig nog, you should let it go
>they still keep trying to sneak in
what do the people who hate America mean by this?
Can confirm.
It's frankly pathetic
DOW just hit 25,000, unemployment is down, wages are rebounding.
Remind me again why I give a fuck what the world thinks?
no, it's the other shit you pull regularly that makes me think a lot of you are just retarded
More proof (as if it was needed) that Trump supporters are seriously delusional.
Stay mad. It warms my heart.
Not so fast, Im here to protect Trump
I think only his political opponents are offended. And the ones taking advantage of US immigration must be feeling the heat. Until of course other outspoken leaders start to act wiser than thou onto him. But then Trump can just tell them to take these immigrants instead.
I read on Sup Forums that he's about to get rid of 500k poos. I think its karmic in nature. Like how they are mostly always repulsive towards the US when they post in Sup Forums. The sentiment might be the same in other social media sites, and extend to real life.
I guess it would have been better if they were a nicer bunch, and didn't make it clear they wanted to make enemies of the man whose country they are taking advantage of.
Settle down boomer.
Trump did nothing wrong though, he's just calling a spade a spade.
>It's a pretty funny sight to behold.... but i guess you already knew that.
Lol no I didn’t, you’re the one imagining it so please do tell
user I am in hysterics over your post here.
Okay I’ve had my fill of you goofy goobers for tonight. Adios.
wow i never thought of it that way. Guess I should've voted for Hillary and watched my country crumble from liberalism instead
LARPer? If you give a shit about what Eurofags think, you lose. Doesn't matter who's in office - Obama was a massive cuck and Eurofags still talked the same amount of shit about our country.
If Europe had enough sense to notice it was being destroyed by the swarm of third-world clit-cutting Muslims they're letting in, they'd be following Trump's lead instead of wallowing in delusional condescension.
>Just so you know, this guy has seriously diminished America in the eyes of the world.
Nope, sorry. The land of the rising sun approves of this fine gentleman.
You're living it, user.
Fpbp, as per usual
>rest of the world now disrespects America
It is either 'who the fuck cares about some dependent on us shithole' or 'they disliked us anyways'.
Nothing new.
I think, you literally don't have a fucking clue what reality is.
I love it. Love it, love it, LOVE IT.
Used to hate us? Hate us more, and more, and more.
Feel that hate flow through you.
Listen closely: We don't care. And we don't want to give you money anymore.
Sink or swim, bitch world.
I want to visit America now because of Trump.
Make your own damn mud cookies , fuckstick.