>tfw not from the shithole world
Tfw not from the shithole world
I didn't even vote for trump, I hated trumptards 2 years ago. But he just keeps on outperforming my expectations. And the library tears are delicious
AmeriKKKa is basically the third world masquerading as the first, you have so many in poverty and on food stamps with rising homelessness, rampant murder, high incarceration etc etc etc
You cunts can't even own guns
muh guns hahaha der aussies got beaten by fucking emus ecks dee
try harder amerifat
Better fucking help the revolution this year you jackass.
Nigger pretending to be australian.
Are you a sudanese?
I really think making books cry is the worst thing Trump has done during his presidency so far, but to each his own my man.
Autocorrect of course
This has to be a shoop.
get the fuck out cunt we're full
This is what happens when a nigger lives in a shithole and decides to cut all the trees to make charcoal.
>>tfw not from the shithole world
You flag suggests otherwise
*thumbs up*
That's looks too good to be Haiti, idk
lol imagine getting this triggered on Sup Forums
I live better life than most of amerifats. Brahmin master race.
Am I from a shithole country?
Aussies need not respond (because they're jelly)
>Brahmin master race.
>tfw I'm in hellhole category