The population of Africa is going to balloon to billions more in the next 50 years...

The population of Africa is going to balloon to billions more in the next 50 years. Why shouldn't the US take in these people? These people surely have lots to offer, right? Oh yeah btw you're obviously racist if you disagree with immigration from 2nd and 3rd world countries because they are people of colour from those countries. Oh yeah, and btw you do realize that climate change means these people are literally starving to death because of water shortages meaning they can't grow food because YOU cause climate change by driving a car and use electricity.

Man, the amount lies and manipulation it takes to get a whole race to commit suicide.

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If they can't make Africa livable then why do we want them here?

we keep giving africa more food and medicine and every year, there's more starving africans than ever before and they keep fucking the wildlife and spreading weird diseases at an increasing rate

Should not be allowed to happen.
Let's say the authorities told us that in the next fifty years the population of rats was going to explode to a hundred times what it is today, would we all say "oh, well we better learn to accommodate them, it'll be more their world then"? No, we would and should say "nope, that would be very detrimental to the rest of the Earth's living creatures, and we can not allow it to happen, time for some population control measures", well, same with the jungle bunnies I say.

The niggers can starve now, or they can starve even more later.
What's it going to be?

We have enough niggers as it is.

fuck niggers they cause chaos and chimp out even we pajeet hate them so much

>have more resources and land than 99% of the world
>other countries have to take your retard children in
no, how many times do we have to tell you.
NO, if they can't take care of the kid, the kid should die.


Oh, fuck off, Brit.
If they can't control muh dick and stop having 27 babies when they can't even find a turnip to feed themselves, it's not our problem.
They're too stupid to comprehend basic mechanics.
They're too stupid to comprehend agriculture.
They're too stupid to read above the level of a western 8 year old.
They just blink and drool, and believe superstitions dating back to the stone age.
Somebody stop that idiot Bill Gates from vaccinating them all; he's prolonging their suffering.
Attention, dumbasses worldwide: THIS. CAN'T. BE. FIXED.
Time to let Darwin's Law win this thing.

>Why shouldn't the US take in these people
Why should they

They'll fuck up the environment over here too.

If they have something to offer, why don't they stay in their own homeland?

I'm certain 1 billion Africans can come up with the solution to global warming and food shortages, HIV epidemic, etc

The craziest thing I've ever heard is that theory of tying climate change to racism and immigration. It's just baffling. It's one of those things you read about in an absurdist 1920s theater, only it's real and there are people, institutions, think-tanks paid millions of dollars to seriously shill the idea. I never would have imagined in a thousand years they would tie global warming to racism. Never. Even growing up I thought global warming was something that affected everybody regardless of skin color.

It's truly clownworld-tier. The more I think about it the more I realize we are living in a fucking dystopic novel or something.

I'll just assume those are crypto-Jews, safe assumption.

All these fucking shitholes...

We're going to genocide all these undeveloped countries and replace them with the non whites in our countries. Giving those non-whites a very obvious warning and a chance to do differently.

not being able to recognize sarcasm is a sign of autism user

Africa is a huge place, they can handle it.

If you read my post fully you'll see im just describing how they have checkmated white people with epic bullshit narratives.

>Africa balloons to billions of people
>stop sending aid
>problem is now solved

Brainlets don't get it, we are mathematically doomed at this point

The whole world will resemble some Brazilian shit hole or worse.

What the fuck is your pic related have anything to do with african population growing?

No one cares about the U.K dude lol

maybe he meant to post this

/thread sage

Unironically this. Best way to solve world hunger is stop sending food. The more you send the more people you're left to feed.

i do. checkmate.

and medicine, and peacekeeping forces, and clothes, and oil.

scary trips o truth

Yeah and no one gives a flying shit eith wings lol. We care more about German people than you're kike looking fuck bags

>Why shouldn't the US take in these people? These people surely have lots to offer, right?

>Oh yeah btw you're obviously racist if you disagree with immigration from 2nd and 3rd world countries because they are people of colour from those countries.

>Oh yeah, and btw you do realize that climate change means these people are literally starving to death because of water shortages meaning they can't grow food because YOU cause climate change by driving a car and use electricity.

Nice meme but holy shit Trump was right hati is a shithole. Look at Switzerland thou

Based poos.

Stay in your own country please. Australia is full

>pls greentext next time

Cull them or let nature cull them. Indifference is our biggest asset in that case and most people ARE ultimately indifferent to their 'plight'. Our elite's plan to engineer a compliant society of niggers is becoming more evident every day. I do still think their plan will fail ... and that will result in one ugly, bloody mess.

only if we let it

>The population of Africa is going to balloon to billions more in the next 50 years.
>Why shouldn't the US take in these people?
You answered your question with the first statement you made.