Why does he hate us so much?

Why does he hate us so much?

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He stabbed his friend 28 times in his sleep & burned down at least 3 churches that were considered to be historical

I can care less about what a Norwegian pagan hermit living in a French forest who used a sling for self defense in 2018 thinks about anything.

That meme is 100% pure, unaltered retardation.

because Americans are arrogant trash and the descendants of European criminals

>t. Moorish rape-spawn

Varg shills for views, the same thing most other attention whores do. Apparently the white supremecist platform has a strong base.

he is supposedly against Europeans of different ethnic groups intermixing and assimilating into anglo speaking american society like what happened int the 20th and 19th centuries(even though he himself is married to a celtoid frenchwoman)

the emirate of bari was for a brief period of time before they got btfo.

i hate this meme it always makes me laugh too hard

are all of us descendants of european criminals? :/ that statement does have some merit but a lot of our descendants were just normal people trying to better their lives by coming here

mainland Italy was never occupied by the Moors you dunce, do they even teach world history in the US? i bet all your world knowledge comes form television and films you lobotomized mongrel

You're still a med nigger, faggot.

like 90% of white americans come from Germanic stock

furthermore, the consensus is that the alpha gods who had balls packed up and re-started in a new land here. Which makes sense.

emirate of bari

At least our pagans actually have large families.
>muh six kids
Our American Pagans (read Mormons) have upwards of 12-14.
They also aren’t cucked on brown hair, anything less than blonde hair and blue eyes = impure soul.

Emirate of Bari lasted from 847 to 871 thats not very significant

For the same reason that everyone hates Americans.

do you actually believe in that American propaganda? its a fact that the lowest classes moved to the US which usually consisted of low IQ illiterate bumpkins and unwanted scoundrels your countries tradition of accepting trash is still in affect today ;^)

>like 90% of white americans come from Germanic stock
this is what american really belive

>t. get of filthy Muslim roaches

[eremitic screeching]




The last thing (((USA))) had to make the world view them positively was that they made all of the best films, judging by their recent 'Golden Globe awards' and the behavior/rhetoric of their actors/directers it's safe to assume that (((American))) movies from now on will resemble the new Star Wars films and thus the world no longer has any reasons not to despise (((USA))).

He does look like an incredibly pleasant person

>Mormonism teaches blacks don’t get into the highest heaven reserved for whites
>Mormonism also teaches Nordic whites become gods themselves and rule over the highest heaven in the afterlife
Why don’t you show your flag, m8y before I btfo you again.

He hates white people and worships muslims.

>like 90% of white americans come from Germanic stock

He likes attention. That's it. He don't mind being edgy to get it.

My garage is bigger than your entire house nigger. Stop talking to me hahahaha


We WUZ VIKANGZ & sheeeeit