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We're talking about refugees, not immigrants.
Try to keep up, kid.
RIP pvt mensah
so right off the rip we're +1
He saved niggers.
Someone from a better country would have survived
Yeah, and last week, another Ghanaian immigrant raped a girl in Central Park
which do you think is more likely to occur?
wtf i love open borders with shitholes now
Mensah sounds like a good guy
I wish that sack of shit would just die.
Is he saying Ghana isn't a shithole?
More Gnanans should do this.
>here is one anecdotal event
>therefore fuck borders and shit
(He's Jewish)
Someone from a better country would have prevented the fire from starting.
>Implying it wasn't started by you!
>Old guard neocon POS conservative
Opinion disregarded as irrelevant
>Kristol was born on December 23, 1952 in New York City, into a Jewish family.
Take a hike, kike.
Sad that happend but it still doesn't change the fact
I don't know about you but I like people who don't die, OK? Believe me. This guy, he's no hero.
>look at this one black guy! He actually dindu nuffin, invite the entire continent in now pls!
Everyone knows goddamn fucking well this kike wouldn't let a fuck like that live within a mile of his McMansion. This jew just wants his fucking lawn mowed for cheap.
Didn't Trump just say those countries are shitholes? Why is this guy calling the immigrants sub par too? Is his racism coming out?
>He started the fire
I don't see the relevance of this tweet to what Trump said. If anything its just a white guy gaining twitter attention off the back of a dead african.
That definitely happened yeah
bill kristol needs a shower
What does Bill Kristol mean by this tweet?
All i gotta say is (coughing and clearing throat)
What's with liberals and their hard on for choo-choos?
bill kristol is THE neocon aka neo-commie aka zionist
what the fuck do you think he means in any tweet? he's at the level now where it's like he is playing a character
Let me clear my throat
What's with their inability to comprehend geographical distances and population density? All the countries listed are smaller than the average US state...
hes a hero because he died, I prefer people who don't die
Wow. A kike supports race mixing and flooding the US with people from shit holes.
Imagine my surprise!
Most don't drive or own their own car because they're cityfags and don't experience true independence
Dear Bill Kristol:
Go to Israel. As fast as possible. Crowdfund the expenses, you will find that white Christian Americans will pay them within the span of a week.
Leave, as soon as possible. View this as a foreign land on which you resided temporarily. Look with shame upon your actions at dismantling and dissembling this nation and recognize your self-hatred and self-doubt as the root of this problem. Leave, move, get out as fast as you can and go to the place you belong. Stop hurting yourself and those around you.
Get. Out. Of. Our. Country.
Oh Shit now that you put it that way, let's import all of Africa!
Would gladly lose this supposed hero, if we remove 2,000 deadbeat niggers in return.
Dear Bill Kristol: tell this story to BiBi
In regards to tolerance and acceptance of waves of African migrants, Israel needs remedying more than us right now. Focus on them! Good Luck!
But the fire was lit but niggers.
That straw man over there? oh.. ok
he cant hear you bro
good, one less shitskin.
Let's import the ENTIRE WORLD then! Surely one person out of billions will do something good!
Bill Kristol is a kike neocon. Nothing he says matters.
Subhuman immigrants who always seem to start chip pan fires in the first place
When the shithole immigrants you invited in, cook dinner using the same techniques as when they were in their third world homelands.
King Neocon has spoken
That's a great point.. I've just started looking in here on Sup Forums and I can't understand all the racism. There are good and bad people of every race. All these nigger comments serve no one
2/10 bait
Who gives a fuck what people he saved?? I'm white and I would have helped black people too.. Pointless racism just shows you're a phucktard
No one is denying the fact there’s goodness immigrants from shitholes. But here’s the thing, we don’t have fucking soul scanners where we can see who is a great person and who’s shit. Holy shit can you be pragmatic? Would you rather have 500,000 Norwegians immigrant to your country, people who mostly are college educated and also are compatiable with western culture, or would you rather have 500,000 3rd worlders, 86% of whom will be on welfare and are made up almost entirely unskilled works without education.
Why the fuck would you want immigrants who will undoubtedly lower your standard of living and increase crime rate.
The Jew's and their tribalism need to stay out of host countries affairs.
>muh outlier disproves the average
Maybe you're right but ever thought about how oppressed and targeted black people have been throughout American history..? You moron
>le one based black guy
>fuck borders and shit
>leftists sucking the dick of neocon kikes that made the Iraq war possible
We've come full circle.
I'm sure black people help white people everyday.. It's just you don't hear about it.
Same goes for leftists in Britain sucking Tony Blair's dick
He's not white, he's Jewish.. A big difference..
>muh slavery
Doesn't the US have enough people living in it..?
Tip top kikery there
Oh shit, one guy did something heroic? Quick, import every black person in the world!
A black man has given me a bottle i dropped
fagg :D cuck:DD
Bill Kristol who advocates for the replacement of white people because his (((ilk))) cant pay them shit wages.
Yeah like he gives a shit about niggers from the Bronx. Isint there massive conflict in NY between Blacks and Jews?
*Stands on a charred body for political gain*
Sorry, which shithole gave him that training?
>look at this extreme outlier, and use that judge the mean average
Typical neocon ZOG retard-pandering.
Yes, I'm sure we cannot find any counterexamples to that
What makes a country shit if not its people by the way? Is it the air?
my town must be 40% black people and not one of them ever did anything positive towards me, i would remember
in the military the very few blacks that were there were good guys though
unbelievable how many worthwhile posts Sup Forums produces that go unnoticed
>legally immigrated
>liberals begin naming "shithole" countries Trump never mentioned specifically
They really are racist as fuck.
left wing votes and tax hikes
He was probably just running into loot but kept stumbling across people
I like heroes who don't burn to death
Refugees from Norway? Americans are fucking morons indeed.
So when you bring up the hundreds of criminal slime Africans on our streets that's not acceptable, and anecdotal, then when you cherry pick one good one its somehow ok