What the fuck is this guys problem?
These are magic days.
who is that spic next to spencer?
Yeah it's called a troll, and OP you took the bait.
>who is that spic next to spencer?
I can't tell if he's doing the nu-male mouth ironically or not
Low forehead
doughboy up at all hours, looking for ways to make the right look bad
Oh, the noncountries arrived
Glow in the dark CIA nigger, you fucking nigger I know you shilled against Trump 24/7 because of the DACA deal he never made, now you change your allegiance right when the major news outlets say the guy is a racist for preferring norwegians with your obvious fucking hashtags and norwegian flags. FuCK YOu
This is actually hilarious.
Richard spencer is Jew controlled opposition & only became relevant when the media needed to blame the nonexistent alt-right on the rise of racism in America, they paid Richard to be the face of the alt-right & pay him continuously to act retarded
Norwegians can immigrate, niggers from shitholes have to stay in their shitholes
>what is that that creature next to spencer?
El mutto tyronius also knows as the american
norway to send all non-whites officially "norwegian" to USA
This guy shouldn't dabble in mainstream politics. He ruins everything he touches.
we taken your white woman's.
He's hot for Nordic cock
Can someone explain to me how spencer is helping the white race with this?
Kill yourself you larping faggot
keep forgetting the nigger flag is on lol
Literally the headline on any fucking news site:
Trump ALLEGEDLY says something along the lines of: "Hait is a shithole, why can't we take more people from Norway?" libs freak
>Except brown people, they have evil cultures
>No Asians either, they work too hard
fuck off cia cuck spencer
Spencer is growing on me. I like him more every day.
It’s just a fellow Jew, like yourself you dumb larping fake Finish kike
Repent blood sucking sheklemaster
spotted the cia shill
how much is soros paying you guys?
Literally doesn't matter, if it takes a cianigger to wake whites up and notice the color of their skin, then fucking so be it.
>here is me laughing at Trudeau tonight @ the town hall.
>I'm the ginger in the background you fucking cunts
why do soyboys always make that face?
>Soros is paying someone to advocate for a white ethnostate
Sure buddy.
dont be mad muttboi
Finnish kike? What are those and where can i find one
this, I don't understand how people say this guy is bad optics
I know its hard, but you need to accept whites are better off without you , and you bring nothing to the table. thanks, and good luck with everything (that isn't handed to you by whites)
>Call others kike
>Larps for a dead liberal jew
Every single time this guy does anything, the Right comes up looking horrible. Its on purpose, he's the most obvious controlled oppo of all time, if you follow his tweets you can see all he does is amplify whatever the MSM's current narrative is.
Such as right now Trump's 'racist Norway master race comments'
spencer will get killed by quasi-whites when he outs himself as a "nordicist"
Ive never understood why people dislike Spencu and say he is a bad debater
at least he does something. it not like he has a lynched stuffed monkey in the pic with him.
pic related, literally richard spencer right now
He has to be a plant of some kind, I didn't want to believe it but there is definitely no way he isn't
>he's the most obvious controlled oppo of all time
the fact that this faggot's twitter has never been taken down is proof he's controlled op
that faggot Milo gets removed but not this douche
it doesn't add up
why is he holding our flag?
>Only country that wants me have 12 hour work days and i make more money driving forklifts on the dock than any artisan trade in america.
If we where honestly nogunz i might have took you up on it but im relatively well armed and make a decent living as a carpenter, no sense for me to move to america and end up a pale mexican.
kek'd hard at that filename
Hi Norwegian user, when are you coming here?!
>spencer is CIA
>good CIA
>triple deep undercover triplecrossing rogue not rogue etc and aligned with the good CIA faction
>and who he really is is unironically who he is
Can't this be possible? I really hope it's true. I'd like to be CIA eventually with an unironic Spencer and people like him in the agency.
Because we're not a shithole
1. Bannon is a traitor
2. Bannon was the leaker
3. Bannon works in online media and politics
4. Bannon works for the Chinese Commies and
with Kissanger
5. Bannon claims to be leader of Alt-Right
6. Bannon is ruthlessly defended on here and infinity, thread after thread. Even a sticky on how he never said those things.
7. Bannon defenders post in the same idiotic manner as the Spencer defenders.
8. Bannon had bad intentions from the start.
9. Bannon worked for Navy Intel and Hollywood
10. Bannon believes he masterminded the meme war.
11. Spencer has ties to Dugin through his wife.
12. Dugin calls Bannon soul mate
See the pattern yet????
What about shitskins from Norway?
>said a fuckin meme flag
White Americans can be disenchanted with European cities not so much because they're not all wearing lederhosen and dirndl but because there are packs of niggers and Arabs roaming the streets.
Found her!
legit point though...
What a cutie!
Spencer is controlled opposition and is probably a closeted homo
dude eats dick for breakfast
>What a cutie!
more like (((cutie)))
Hey, a witty and terse tweet from Spencer, much better than his usual spergy shit.
you could land a 747 on some of the fods in Sweden though mate people who live in glass houses even if he is a gutter gene mongrel cunt
Hope to see you soon, bud.
she is not a jew, but a kike loving finn. a yank larping cuckservative, which is just as bad
He is a homosexaual.
I still think Spencer was a RINO asset whose sole function was to damage the President who got trapped in his role but holy fuck this is high quality trolling.
Bonus points for soymouth.
Our next president.