Opening by nano.RIPE

>Opening by nano.RIPE

Other urls found in this thread:

Hey man, I like nano.RIPE.

>>>Sup Forumsrules

>opening by ZAQ

I don't think there's an Sup Forums specific rule about template threads.

Do you also like ordering the waiter at a restaurant to shit on your plate?

>opening by angela

>opening by ZAQ

Stupid niggerposter

The non-anime image is the problem here

nano.RIPE is trash.

nano.RIPE is only for those with ascended tastes. Their music evokes nostalgic feelings by the sound alone if you can get past the shrillness.

Fuck you all I like nano.RIPE

At least it's not Ali Project.

>music by Hiroyuki Sawano
Sign of a great anime

Let's be absolutely real. Sawano's shit post unicorn is samey and lazy as fuck.

>opening is instrumental.


>not liking nano.RIPE

I like this thread.

>opening by Duran Duran

>cute girls doing cute things show
>op sung by characters in show

>OP by nano.RIPE

>OP by JAM Project

Was the only good part of Speed Grapher though

But Kabaneri was him at his finest

>nano ripe
not even that bad
>OP by fripside

>OP by 9mm Parabellum bullet

>OP by ali project

>OP by Nano


>OP by fripside

>OP by seiyuus of the show
the best, BEST