And everyone knows it.
It is. It really, objectively is
They are just going to blame the US for the shithole conditions.
It is, but he is the damn president, he is supposed to use diplomatic language
Nobody would raise any eyebrows if he said that Haitians live under "precarious conditions" or something
Did he say it in public?
You fucking cuck, he said it in a private meeting that some kike decided to leak to the press
They are all just butthurt because he spoke the truth and they know full well it's the truth, otherwise these people would stay in their countries.We don't need shitty people shitting up our great countries. I think Europe can now see and understand why Americans don't like blacks.
The greatness or failure of a country is borne of its people.
>Africa is shit
>because Africans are shit
>Norway is great
>because Norwegians are great
he does not know the word precarious.
he knows it, shithole was more appropriate and everyone knows it, he's just the first public official with the brass to use it
don't forget this fat faggot
Anti whites will never give you any credit for being 'respectable'. There's no benefit to not saying exactly what you mean in an environment where pro-white speech is stifled. Trump is giving whites license to stand up for themselves, you should take advantage of it instead of being a sniveling little cuck faggot.
the hard truth needs to be heard
"Precarious conditions", "shithole", tomato, tomato.
Funny how leftists claim to be the arbiters of logic, yet they defend logical fallacies about the merits of niggers for fear of hurting fee-fees.
>presidents are supposed to bomb innocent civilians not hurt muh feelings
I want you to shove a wire into your urethra for your foolish comment.
Yes, Yes, Yes.
Double down on this topic. There is no other choice. Be sure to bait your friends and family to defend which Americans came from acceptable nations of origin.
I'm a bit late, what did Trump\Drumpf\Blumpf\Shrumpf\Krumpf twit\say this time?
Maybe the left will begin investigating WHY Haiti is a shithole and start to see more Clinton pay to play, money laundering, crony capitalism, donation theft, contractor fraud, etc...
He didn't only say that. He said that they shouldn't go to the US but norwegians should.
Let me be sincere and frank with you guys, I was a Trump supporter since June of 2015 I actually had faith in him before any of you guys did , but this whole debacle and collusion with the kremlin and his recently verbal diarrhea of bigotry has really soured me on him
If Donald were at all presidential he would condemn this brute hatred and step down from the presidency
Instead he thinks he can just run away and hide from it all through petty denial
This just does not look good
The optics of it are very bad.
I think it's becoming presidency seriously at all.
This presidency has just been a media circus, a self-aggrandizement stunt, and an overall joke
I'm sorry I've wasted so much time supporting him because he's clearly not serious and he's clearly not conservative.
We need real leadership, resolve and toughness and Donald Trump has none of those attributes
At this rate I would vote for Oprah Winfrey in 2020, just think about that
Ben Shapiro was right
Thanks for the shoutout, love you America.
Putting the shit in a hole would be an actual improvement. As it is now, the shit is just there on everything.
Leftists are mad because they want to turn the entire world into one big shithole.
Oh come on Vladimir, you wrote his lines and you supposedly don’t know what is going on?
Looks like suburban Detroit to me.
>liberals say its not
you fuckin w0t m8 , trump is the most liberal US president of the last 10+ years
t. Reddit Spacer
fuck off copynigger
Kys kike
Fuck off you were never a Trump supporter. Stop larping to try and act like you have an opinion worth hearing. If this and Russia is what finally put you off then you are an obvious liar.
They would never look into it and accept Haiti's problem is Haitians. They predictably are bashing to U.S. with AMERICANS (mostly blacks and women) making #shithole about the U.S. relative to Norway a trend.
nah, these days I rarely visit Sup Forums because of stormfags who ruin every discussion possible
>these days
We've always been stormniggers, even when Sup Forums was /new/.
“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.”
― Confucius
Why would we let these people in?
THEY are reason why Haiti is shithole. Bringing people from these shitholes will just make USA closer to Haiti. Each shithole immigrant is net negative impact on our economy.
you will have to exterminate your incompetent nigger population .
are swedes born cucks?
a fucking leaf
more like fecarious conditions ahmed