Shit hole thread
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What about shitting streets?
They're probably digging for something under the pile of dirt, not trying to move it somewhere
u wot?
But why wouldn't they just shovel the sand directly onto the other pile?
It's 2 feet away. The wheelbarrow just gets in the way.
its not gay if you do it while pouring water out of bucket over the head, everyone knows that.
The other guy is buying sand, they sell it by the barrow load.
Is he going to take pocket fulls home? Why not load it in the truck/cart instead of handling it twice?
Everyone's a winner in this game
Ok then, they're using the barrow load as a measuring tool to mix concrete/cement.
If it's something small, like lost keys, putting it in the wheelbarrow would act as a second check
i know. feels special
>lose fight
>get complimentary handjob
I wish we had shit like this when I was in school
Yea but you are a proxy so it's not really that special
A literal shithole
must feel shitty to be creamy ausfag
This is now a rare flag thread. Post your rare flags.
Fucking retards.
Holy shit ive never seen someone so dumb.
Pretty sure if you have to use a proxy or meme flag then you must be embarrassed to use your national flag.
probably an american
>PerĂ³n vive you guise
S h u t
I t
D o w n
Sri lanka is pretty common
He was punched in his actual head, not the head of his cock.
Saint Lucia? Nah that semi-rare but when it comes to rare countries, West Sahara, South Sudan, or some flag that looks similar to yours but it's not and it's the rarest flag on Sup Forums
Also flag collecting has become shit since the memeflags and constant proxies
he's new to Sup Forums, forgive him
sitting here in bel ombre - mauritius, don't know what your problem is sweetie
are they of goings to be ok?
no one there gives a fuck about Sup Forums or has probably heard of it
Does anyone have the backstory on this? Is it some kind of gay African chimpfest?
no, both dead. welcome to real world snowflake. for more visit
Tuvalu, seen before
To be fair cart can be use for measurment
I had done it for fundation,
Like x buckets of water, one cart of sand etc
Answered my own question:
Say the line, mutt.
Most African tribes have this ancient spiritual belief that the cock houses the soul, so when you go knockout, you wanna wake the soul up.
at least the horse looks well fed
Apparently in Ghana there's a fighting practice called "Choda Ono" Or some shit, basically Ghana because of some weird law only Gay's are allowed in specific sports and games etc. So in this wrestling match a couple of fags couldn't keep it to themselves and jumped at the opportunity to jack this guy off when the coast is clear. All perfectly legal and no mob killings in sight.
post the space one
also this, an explanation from the gay doctor:
better fed that the niggers that's for sure
this honestly makes me gag more than anything in this thread
at least in bolivia you can actually take a shit on the street
Underrated post
thats how police should act everywhere