So she kills herself because shes a weak cunt and got bullied by other kids and EVERYBODY talks about it like it's an issue that this cunt can't handle shit talking on the innanet. Opinions?
Who is this? What happened?
>attacking a white girl who killed herself due to being bullied by bugpeople and jews/niggers.
Get the fuck off of Sup Forums you fat cunt.
Some kid got bullied on the innanet and killed herself so the news crew are getting a hard on
Nah I think it is important. The way the female brain works is quite different to male brains and they are particularly sensitive to social shaming.
Social media has enabled women to be very vicious to each other and to dog pile on anyone that is different, which has put enormous strain on the average female retard. This is why they spend all their time virtue signalling online: it is half out of fear that they will be in the out group.
tldr: social media fucks with the female brain is big big ways.
>tfw retard bullies never understood the more they bullied the hotter i got
>cute little white girl kills herself from bullying
>you cheer
fucking kys you absolute faggot wimp
That's a fair point but I can't recall how many times I've been called a fat faggot bitch and couldn't care less
Are you a female? Otherwise your comment means fuck all.
I moved schools in year 9 and I loved being bullied by the lebs in my new school. Broke one guys jaw and faced 3 guys once (they got me but damn did I give some). Bullies made me happy. I was the good guy vs the bad guys.
But females deal with aggression differently, and social aggression affects them in ways much deeper than males. This is simple observable fact.
Yeah that's fair enough guess it depends on the girl though I've known tons of girls who'd beat the fuck out of the bullies without a second thought
yeah it is all about averages re the James Damore memo.
The weakness that young girls have for social media and the pressure it puts on them was discussed by Haidt, as new scientific data show just how bad it is for them. Worthy to watch if you want to educate yourself on it:
Well first of all, there's a difference between real life bullying and online. This article is about online.
I don't know the studies about online bullying but I know that real life bullying is an evil act that should be eradicated by schools more.
I think it's all to set the precedent that words = violence, and ultimately for censorship.
The question is, if John tells Jim to kill himself, and he actually does it, is John bad? The way I see it is no, Jim is an idiot for listening. That's standard logic. Modern virtue signaling neo-logic is that Jim's suicide is entirely John's fault. Once they get that to be the accepted norm, then it's all a slippery slope from there.
I hope you have a child one day and they die young
Dumb bitch got what she deserved
bit much that like fucking hell
didn't even know they had laptops in the ivory coast
Online bullying affects females a lot worse than males. That is the main point I am making. It is for obvious reasons: social media allows the amplification of social shaming and stigma and women are more susceptible to it due to their psychological hard-wiring.
Is that better than having a child and letting them grow old into a world that is rapidly collapsing?
Weird I didn't know they had laptops in Pakistan
Kids don't belong on the internet at all.
they do in Palestine though don't they
>online bullying
It's pretty disingenuous though to use an older photo. She was 14, that girl looks between 5-7 at least.
Dumbest comment ever. Plenty of males are like that too, especially prepubescent ones.
Was there even any evidence of said bullying?
Just sounds like the father looking for something to blame.
>bullshit autistic nigger statement about bullying
Opinions ? Yeah
>you should stop sucking kangaroo dicks
Bullying is a problem that should be taken very serious , instead of making edgy statements you should know that today's bullying can go around the world because of (((FB)))
She was a child imagine your child gets bullied and you can't do nothing against it because it will make it worse
how do you get bullied in katherine there's barely anything up there and where were the parents in all this. sounds to me like shit parenting.
so you're saying we should delete facebook and stop normies form using social media. I'm okay with this
lmfao. We got a sex denialist here.
The sexes are not social constructs. Males and females are different.
Females engage in more social aggression and are affected by it more than males. Males engage in more physical aggression and deal with it differently than females.
Get out there and read the scientific lit retard.
>plenty of
Do you even into stats? Or are you that fucking dumb that you dont know what the bell curve or a statistical mean is?
Meh. Don't care. Toughen up or die, the only reason anyone cares is she's a cute little girl.
Oh well!
That is what annoys me too I'm watching the news on the tv and everything but I can't see any proof. I'm thinking the dads just bullshitting for attention which annoys me more
>Cute kid got "bullied"
>Magically killed herself
Sure, sure. Nice alibi. She killed herself because some people bullied her on the internet we don't need an autopsy here.
Something happened to her at the boarding school, investigate them you cunts!!!
I don't need stats when your original comment didn't reference any stats either. If you understood what a bell curve was you'd realize that there are males with the same emotional traits as females. You're just straw manning.
Can you imagine it? Someone tells you to kill yourself and you are obligated to do it. Entirely the other persons fault?
Anyways OPs parents should have been talking to her, when kids only have peers as their influences they go straight to hell.
>Toughen up or die
ok Rambo you gutter gene cunts start hyperventilating if you haven't had a burger in the last hour
Whoop di fucking doo
A teenager kills herself - HERSELF
THATS why the media is in a shitstorm, calling her strong, brave etc etc BULLSHIT!
She took the cowardly way out without a second of thought to those around her, imagine being mum or dad who fucking found her after raising her sorry cunt for 13 years (or however old she was) only for her to not be able to to say "I have problems pls help me."
I'm sorry but I have no fucking sympathy for suicide "victims". I've buried four friends in the past 6 years because they didn't have the spine to put their egos on the shelf and ask for help.
I've found one of them and born two to their graves and fuck me swinging am I sick of it. Cunts these days need to learn how to reach out for help and realize that offing yourself scars those around you for years to come if not permanently while they just switch off the lights.
It is the parents duty to protect their kids, not other people. Am I supposed to ruin my day every time something bad happens to someone? No of course not, you have duties of your own to attend to and you cannot do anything when your are mentally drained.
>white people
wtf is the point of this thread?
Are you the same retard that spams atheist threads on Sup Forums?
>imagine being mum or dad
It takes a really short sighted person to place fault at the 14 year old kid.Retardation is something to expect from someone capable of knowing four friends who killed themselves.
parents weren't good parents, any one whos happy to whore their daughter out for ad campaign has problems to start with
The principal at the school she was a boarder at said that the school had the right policies in place, so I guess everything is all right.
Literally this, the media celebrating her like some martyr for online bullying victims sends the message that you're making a statement by ending your life.
They should be sending the message that you ruin your family by doing so, and that you're a pathetic and weak little bitch if ONLINE bullying makes you do that.
how old was she when she died? in usa theylre making cotton balls out of us you're right we're was too soft.
Kill yourself fat ugly le 56% face faggot
what did they do to her? I just read how she got bullied online. she went to a boarding school or something but I can't find who fucking bullied her
Little kids being bullied by Fucking college age bullies is why little ass kids are hanging themselves. Kids should not be on the internet unsupervised whatsoever.
Just close Facebook/Twitter?
Am I being unreasonable?
Well, I guess suicide is a more sound option after all.
>One less retard to waste our oxygen
>S to spit on grave
I have noticed most of my male friends have either deleted or just stopped using their kikebook. It just seems to have turned into a white knight or people shilling their business with males. with women it's a like fest or a forcing some cunt to kill herself
but did she really kill herself or did a family member rape then murder her ?!?!? or did a representative of the religion of peace enrich her then kill her for being a whore ?!?!?
we need to dig deeper and to do that we need to find out more about her whore mother and why that kid looks like a albino nig
why are they suck little pussy's? I had the internet in 1994 when I was 12. I put up with all the shit that has always and always will happening on the internet. I guess now people are dumb enough to use their real name
What? Source? And I 'used' to be against it, then I realized you can just...turn your monitor/phone off. This also speaks to mis-steps in parenting. 'Children' especially anyone under 18 shouldn't have full unfettered access to the internet. Lastly, NO child should be able to have a social media account.
Won't these kids learn?
If you want to kill yourself, shoot up your school first, and THEN you kill yourself.
If you want to die, at least have fun before killing yourself.
You know as well as me that it was never like this. Social media is hell.
>Kids should not be on the internet unsupervised whatsoever.
Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Hey remember when parents told their kids to never give up personal information or talk to people they don't know on the internet? Not so these days, when every fucking nigger lets their child sign up for a facebook account and talk to random pedophiles on the internet.
What is there to even be said about some girl that got dead? Outraged, sad, or indifferent? Blame the bullies or the parents? How many kids get ritualistically bullied in school every day? Do you give a shit about them? Probably not. Nobody will remember a dead kid's name within two weeks.
Kids do not need nor should have access to Internet.
What is so hard to understand here?
A lot of kids in Straya who get BEAKED commit sudoku
>t. butthurt abbo
Huff some more petrol. Either you fall asleep or die. Either way, no more shitposting please.
So why are you here?
Well considering schools force kids to have a computer and internet that doesn’t work really. Parents need easy parental controls. Specially on social media accounts.
No one is forced to use kikebook or whatever other social medium. It was their own choice to use social media and therefore be able to get bullied
So you like fagbook? Because it’s a fucking travesty. It should be a crime to put information about kids on there whether they posted it themselves or not.
Kys. Doesn't matter if you think she was melodramatic or soft, she still killed herself.
I don't care about her suicide, I do care about the media coverage surrounding it. Just because her parents were friends with some cunt from ABC news or something, she gets 24/7 coverage and a fake social media campaign, hashtags and all.
To babysit brats like you.
why the fuck do people let their kids use social media? I would never let mine. It's bad enough with my 8 year old nephew and roblox and youtube. people are really fucking stupid when it comes to the internet. it's not televison you can't just leave your child watching it because who knows what the fuck they will find
No ive never signed up for any social media. I agree with you though, it should be illegal for minors to be on social media
I don't get kids these days. I don't think I even knew how to kill myself at 12 years old.
All the edge in this thread, holy shit.
She's a young girl, do you expect her to just deal with it like you would?
dad was raping her and she an herod
case closed.
>people are really fucking stupid when it comes to the internet.
kids who are smart and strong belong on the internet. kids who are weak or stupid need to be protected.
It's not her fault she was not trained to fight Kangaroo's since she was a kid like you
People didn’t rally around kids telling them to kill themselves either.
I miss old times. Sup Forums is too soft these days.
She was such an hero, to take it all away
Old Sup Forums would have doxed people like you and bullied you to death.
I think the problem is people are too involved with the internet. I know adults who crack it because someone deleted them off kikebook or didn't reply to their message when it's obvious they are online. Who fucking cares
pretty sure cutting of the wrist has always been a thing. i heard one girl locked herself in the bathroom and was going ham at it when i was in year 8 or some shit
If you believe that then you don't know much about old Sup Forums.
More like old Sup Forums would have found the memorial facebook page and shat all over it, before spamming the girls parents with pizza deliveries.
No they wouldn't you dumb faggot, they would bully all the newfags getting butthurt over some kid an heroing
ikr. like nigga just look away from the screen.
Let the Mitchell shitposting begin.
I knew some dumb bitch who ate a couple of packs of panadol in high school and spent the next 4 days in hospital dying a horrible death. they pumped her stomach but it was too late. I don't even remember why she did it
>because someone deleted them off kikebook or didn't reply to their message when it's obvious they are online.
The internet is torture for people who live their real lives here, who have friends, family, and co-workers who can see the dumb shit they post.
Once I became purely anonymous, I no longer give a shit what I say or what anyone says to me, because that same person might have a pleasant interaction with me later on and neither one of us will know.
Of course, normies think it's creepy to be totally anonymous.
This is fact
You have no idea wtf you are talking about
Year 8 is like 14. There's a big difference.
Think more primary school graduates. Like it makes no sense to me how they would even know about wrist cutting and self-harm.
>This is fact
I wonder if they finally left nearly-headless Nikki's parents alone.
Some kid in the throws of puberty isn't in a good position to handle this. Neck yourself you fifth column scum. Good Aussie girls should live.
Bullying is an extremely good thing. The weak should fear the strong, and those who can't save themselves shouldn't be saved at all.
I can kind of understand women because it's a like factory but why are males even on it
>stand up against any kind of bullying.
>nearly-headless Nikki'
did he leave himself in such a state or is that hyperbole?
did she go to school at all? did kids bully her at all? did she even exist... at all? Or is this potentially fake news in order to help push someone's agenda?
It was a teenaged girl who had an argument with her dad and went flying off in her car and crashed. The cop later on leaked pictures of her head plastered all over the side of the car, Sup Forums found it and started a tradition of sending shit to the parents each year on her birthday, like "hi mom, it's me from the grave", or the pics of her smashed up body.
>inb4 some polly introduce britbong level internet censorship laws
she went to a boarding school because her parents own a large farm. I can't tell who bullied her, was it school people or what?
All these newfags. The people that were trolled the hardest were normalfags that deserved it.
oh im actually familiar with that. brutal images. i thought Nikki was the ipod kid and wonder if he almost took his head off during suicide.