Best religion in the world, CATHOLICISM
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If you're not a sedevacantist you're a faggot heretic
[_] Religion that worships a dead kike
[_] Good
Pick one,
God doesn't exist
Prove that god does not exist
fuck off schismatic.
have fun getting overrun by diversity, you Scandinavian fuck.
inb4 finns are Scandinavian. Ok swedish rape babies, keep telling yourselves that.
>Best Religion
>Worst Leader
>Both can be true
>not understanding that the church is a institution made up of fallen humans
>Mary and Saint Worship
sounds rather pagan to me
Prove that he does
Papists are heretics
bad fruits = bad church
are you not allowed to ask people to pray for you. you pray for the dead, why can they not pray for you?
pray for =/= pray to
>keyblades in your logo
lmao what a fucking dweeb religion
fuck the juden
>saves western culture from barbarism
>does the same from the turks
>basis of greatest art of all time
>has been in a rough patch for the last 2% of its existance
ok dude, shit fruits I see, lets pack it in and abandon all of our traditions
>you pray for the dead,
no I don't
y'all need Jezus Chrystus
worldly culture, arts... meh... it's still Satan's world.
rough patch 2% ?
What about spreading lies about God during 95% of its existence
in my polish diaspora church in seattle, we have a statue of the one and only karol wojtyla
pic related
Lets go over the basic amrian prayer, shall we?
Hail mary full of grace the lord is with thee (from Scripture) Blessed art thou among women (she is the mother of God after all) and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus (dont tell me that you have a problem with that)
Holy Mary (she was), mother of God (ditto) pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death (asking mary to pray for us)
What is wrong with this froggy?
Funeral rites?
catholics are false christians
> mother of God after all
She isn't. Jesus isn't God.
2% is the last 40 years. By lies about God, do you mean the magesterium of the church which is supported by all of the historical evidence and the early church fathers? BTW, if you read Acts in the context of the church fathers, you will find that early christianity looks almost exactly like apostolic christianity of today.
At protestant funerals you do not need to pray for the dead because they are already saved by Jesus Christ meaning they are in Heaven
AHHH here we get to the problem. You are a jewish shill, a fedora, or a muslim. Based on the flag, i guess the last.
Odd, I never knew that, I just kind of assumed everyone did it. However, why would the saints in heaven not be able to pray for us?
No, unitarian christian
Which is it btw?
Pick one
Christ is God, thats why it is called CHRISTianity
They are praying for us... but we should not pray them. Only God, the Father, is the hearer of prayer.
oops misreplied.
Why should we not ask them to pray for us? THis is not wrong.
because you don't speak to spirits... the only one you should pray is God.
1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
Because a relationship is between you and Christ alone
The most funny thing is the catholics brought hell on earth literally and figuratively , you corrupt gods teachings and he is pissed of ever since. but you do not see it you keep being blind
323 Pope Sylvester I in his calendar give to sunday, first day of the week, name Lord´s day and give commandment to churchmembers to keep it as a holy day and so he change old christian and jewish sabbath to sunday.[8]
325: The Arian controversy erupts in Alexandria, causing widespread violence and disruptions among Christians.
325: The First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, convened as a response to the Arian controversy, establishes the Nicene Creed, declaring the belief of orthodox Trinitarian Christians in the Holy Trinity.[9]
Catholics pray to the holy spirit to spare their relatives/friends/others from purgatory, am i wrong? ive had to understand catholicism under the guise of a second language that im not too comfortable with, so ive lost a LOT of nuance
>Because a relationship is between you and Christ alone
No, between you and God, the Father, alone.. through Christ.
No Man, No Saints or Mary or spirits gets in the way of Our relationship with Christ
Are the saints not men? Resurrection of the body would lead me to believe that their is only a material, not an essential change in their status as men.
You shouldn't pray the holy spirit, there is no purgatory.
2 mistakes.
cmon im on Sup Forums in the middle of the night don't expect me to be on my A game here
Luther being pissy about this is literally why he removed Maccabees from the Bible. They pray for the dead in it.
No problem. :)
It's already the middle of the night in NZ ?
sorry but your religion has lost its way and now worships arabs and niggers. Im going to ignore the szatan within you, you should do the same
ITT autistic prots
>Luther being pissy about this is literally why he removed Maccabees from the Bible
and you removed the Book of Enoch at the nicean council
I'll do the same for you. racists aren't christians
its only 10:30 but been up since 4:30 in the morning so its taking its toll
I too enjoy sodomy.
Ha yeah, I get it. Be careful and get some rest. Taking care of our body is also a christian responsability
There is only one God.
>t. nigger
Enjoy france while you still can
Christianity has nothing to do with the races. God created races for a reason, there was always going to be conflict between us.
>Spark unecessary conflicts under the pretext of "liberating the holy land"
>Believe that after death the soul is first being fucked in the ass by the buerorats in the Purgatory instead of immediately go to Hell or Heaven.
>Being a cuck and favor a women who gave birth to Jesus instead of Jesus and the holy trinity itself.
>Kill all beautiful women in europe during the inqusition times and severely damaging yor gene pool forever
>Litteraly cannot question any actions of the Pope.
>Hoard gorillions of shekels in your banks like jews
>Like jew hire a foreign gurd to protect your shekels
>Be completely fuckd by the liberals today
Catholicism is the gayest and the most fucked sect of christian heretics.
Key word, Council. Luther did it of his own accord without the permission of the assembled succesors of the Apostles (the bishops). THe Bishops came together to debate the books' validity and came to the conclusion that it was not legitimate. from a very early stage it was not considered canon by even the jews
I'm whiter than cream cheese, tho. I enjoy any country I can.
If you're not Catholic you will burn in hell forever.
Because it does not belong in the bible , god is actually smart and wrote the 4 gospels and the 24 books of the hebrew bible in revelations
Revelation 5
>14And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever.
ohno papist btfo
God created races to generate conflict ? Tell me I read you wrong
get out of her furfag
more important topic, why are furies numbering more and more by the day? we need something to stop them from resurging
open up heretic
En el nombre del padre, del hijo, del espiritu santo, amen.
Yet the Church in Ethiopia considers it true and it was widely read by the Israelites
More Spanish Inquisition required
get a room, fags
>Prove that god does not exist
It's impossible to prove that something is not the case (eg does not exist). Which is why all courts in civilized cultures adopt to the 'innocent until proven guilty' doctrine.
in hoc signo vinces
Yes offcourse god did that the muslim invasion is a clear curse in deutronomy.
soyboys everything is poison even the fish at sea has mercury in it ... the wrath of god is upon us who can stand
>Spark unecessary conflicts under the pretext of "liberating the holy land"
Not unnecessary, and we did it
>Believe that after death the soul is first being fucked in the ass by the buerorats in the Purgatory instead of immediately go to Hell or Heaven.
Orthos dont believe you go immediately to heaven either. I believe its called toll booths
>Being a cuck and favor a women who gave birth to Jesus instead of Jesus and the holy trinity itself.
How dare you insult the theotokos. we venerate the mother of Christ for being the mother of Christ. She is only special because of Him.
>Kill all beautiful women in europe during the inqusition times and severely damaging yor gene pool forever
Really autistic dude
>Litteraly cannot question any actions of the Pope.
not true. See the post on papal infallability
>Hoard gorillions of shekels in your banks like jews
Vatican bank is mostly focused on financing charity, also have you checked out the patriarch's watch, or his fighter jet, or his dank, dank, dank mercedes?
>Like jew hire a foreign gurd to protect your shekels
The swiss Gaurds came to the aid of the pope as volunteers initially
>Be completely fuckd by the liberals today
Yep we need reform now
Also go back to your frozen shithole. Poka
Fuck off with your conflict creating you sneaky jew scum.
God doesn't create conflict and evil.
Races are for the beauty of difference. Like it is the case with the animal realm, and nature in general
The church in Ethiopia is coptic and therefore heretical. They don't believe in the full humanity of Christ.
Also, no most of the Jews didnt think it was canon
>God doesn't create conflict and evil.
Looooooooooool he does that all the time you think he is a loving god but he btfos you with cancer and aids when you do not follow his commandments
You want proof of the God-Emperors existence?
Do you see any daemons? Or warp rifts?
There you go.
>God himself wrote the bible because he is actually smart
You are a true genius
Its an allegory for the Mass Prots BTFO
Isaiah 45:7
>I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
This is not the same. He used some tribes/nations to punish the hebrews, but originally, it wasn't their purpose.
What makes you believe we're advanced enough to prove that something exists or doesn't exist? A few hundreds years ago people couldn't prove that Earth wasn't flat, does it mean they were right? No, they weren't technologically advanced enough to provide evidence. It may be the same with God now, we can be not intelligent enough to find him. Denying something just because you can't see it is stupid. If someone told me unicorns existed I wouldn't deny it.. I mean how can you know that a long time ago there wasn't any mutated horse with a horn on its head.
>What makes you believe we're advanced enough to prove that something exists or doesn't exist?
Then what are the 4 beast and the 24 elders ?
wrong wording, "evil" here is in the meaning of punishment.