Sup Forumsnons, why the hell Madoka Magica is such a good title?

Sup Forumsnons, why the hell Madoka Magica is such a good title?
Long story short, I have a veird tradition - Every year, somewhere at the end of every Spring season, I'm coming up with a top ten anime titles I've ever seen and just straight ahead rewatch them for like 3 days straight.
And the thing is, since I've watched Madoka, It was always taking at least top 3 of this list.
Yesterday I've been casually rewatching final episodes of this beautiful and great title about magical girls and a strange question popped up in my head - why the hell am I enjoying it so much? I mean, It's just a decent title, isn't it?
The artwork isn't anywhere on a top-tier level, the story sometimes is kinda meh, and I don't even give a fuck about some of the main characters (Mami in particular). But still, It is very enjoyable and brings me a fuck ton of different emotions. And I just don't have any idea why it is so.
What do you guys thing about this title?

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It's alright senpai, you're a pleb. Don't take that as an insult. Just like you may have heard in various media the concept of "light cannot exist without darkness" or "good cannot exist without evil" etc... do not not be disheartened, without pedestrian taste, patrician taste cannot exist. Although you may toil away with your common opinion, know that it is not for naught, for your own shortcomings in opinion as an individual may not seem like much, but combined with that of many others like you, you define the norm, which distinguished individuals with true refined taste may sail above.

I enjoyed the show but it didn't really "click" for me until episode 10, which is when it finally hit me on an emotional level. I've been able to appreciate the rest of it much more on rewatches and it's now one of my favorites. I think the emotional connection is what separates it from other shows. I've watched plenty of shows that I've enjoyed and cared about the story and characters, but the ones that didn't ultimately make that connection I stopped caring about not long afterwards.

>What do you guys thing about this title?
my sister thought it was gay

Wasn't it?

a little bit, but now she thinks I'm gay.

Aren't you?

I'm not

This. The emotional bond I've formed with the main cast is nothing like anything else I've ever watched. Makes me feel like I actually have friends to relate to

>Makes me feel like I actually have friends to relate to

I never actually thought about the emotional bond with characters, but looking at it now, there really is something like that. Like, every time Madoka doesn't know what the fuck happens, for some reason, I feel the same thing (kinda), which is actually really strange, cause, hell, I do know what the fuck is going on.
But why this kind of bond even exists? I mean, characters don't even look and act like real people so much in this title

I always found the relationship between madoka and homura to be a harmful
they both have a sort of pathological selflessness which always ends up hurting each other in the end.

>tomoko has friends now

Did you cry, Sup Forums?

was pretty shocked and was a super intense scene
now this
made me cry

Madoka is so sweet and pure I want to corrupt her.

It took a divergent set of creative traditions and fit them into a cohesive whole. Every element in Madoka has been done before, but that's kind of the point when you involve industry giants like Shinbo, Gen, Ume, Kajiura. You pick them for a project because you know what you're getting.

Madoka resists reductive analysis into any one area, because what made the show work is how well they all mend together into something new. It's like tasting a new dish with all the traditional ingredients. The blend of flavors, not individual salt and peppers, made it novel.

It's a dream team once-in-a-decade original anime. It's a masterpiece. Amazing music, amazing character design, amazing direction, and yes, an amazing story. The story structure is so solid that I can't quite believe Urobuchi wrote it because he's usually sloppy as fuck.

Every single thing in that show feels like it was a deliberate choice and meant something. There are tiny little shots like Mami's unwashed dishes or the framing of Madoka and Kyouko's heart-to-heart that all add details to the characters and stories. Eveything is memorable. There isn't a single wasted episode. Everything drives the plot forward or the characters forward.

yeah, i wouldn't say it's "deep" (it's not shallow either), but it's extremely dense and well-constructed. for a show heavily reliant on twists it's very re-watchable

>I can't quite believe Urobuchi wrote it because he's usually sloppy as fuck.
Got examples of that?
All of his stories are actually pretty good in this area.

Two of my favorite songs are similar.

Even though they're both obviously-amateurish in terms of technical skill and sound, the ideas they express are actually heightened by what traditionally would be called "poor" playing. Basically, it adds to its personality. In my opinion it takes a special kind of genius to pull this off - the Lou Reeds, or Fullkawa Honpos, or in the case of anime, the Akiyuki Shinbos of the world.


I think Homura would like Venus in Furs.

It's the first show memed by Sup Forums to death that I didn't find utter trash. In fact, I found it fucking excellent, and I only watched it late last year.

I guess even Sup Forums is right every now and then.

It's only good for yuri shipping.

Unironically this.

Megucas are only friends and not lesbians.