The country is divided like never before (post CW) and it has basically come down to Republicans (traditional whites) vs Democrats (immigrants, illegals, blacks and radicals)
How do we fix this before it all comes to a head?
The country is divided like never before (post CW) and it has basically come down to Republicans (traditional whites) vs Democrats (immigrants, illegals, blacks and radicals)
How do we fix this before it all comes to a head?
We don't. It comes to a head and it will be war. NATO will get involved and there will be state violence against citizens.
I'm looking forward to Civil War II.
Start stock-piling ammo and food. America will lead the Great White Awakening
I am not. It has to happen for what he believe in but it will be an awful time in history.
So the shitskins want to contribute in pulling our country apart. What else is new? They think they can pull down the master's house with the master's tools, but they're wrong.
Im not a Yank
>The country is divided like never before.
Not really. Please stop trying to convince people of this.
This is what the globalist jews want though, is it not?
Can't we avoid civil war? e.g. win the remaining good and decent populace over to deportation of illegals, immigration reform etc.? We've gotten fat and lazy since getting Trump elected.
37% of whites still voted Hillary... that's a lot of people.
>So the shitskins want to contribute in pulling our country apart. What else is new?
civil war is desirable and necessary if whites want to get their county back
why would they want a civil war? jews use american power to bully "rogue states" into submission, take that away from them and they are in deep shit
t. retard
>NATO will get involved
NATO would be outnumbered and outgunned without America, and the don't have the logistical capacity to meaningfully direct CW2 in any way.
You're a shill or a hermit. The current division and anger among everyday people far exceeds anything we saw in the 60s or any other time post Civil War.
Just tonight, CNN spent all evening talking about niggers, slant eyes and cartoon frogs for god's sake. Their agenda pushing anchors literally had tears in their eyes.
Globalists want nationalist 1776 America dead. There is no guarantee the good guys would win a civil war, that scenario could play out in a million ways.
what other option is there? watch america sink and become another brazil?
let it come to a head
civil war 2 = open season for nigger hunting
how can you not be hyped for this
hardly anyone watches that shit anymore
1 trump tweet that took him 30 seconds to post reaches 100x as many people as a 1 hour cnn broadcast that took all day and tens of thousands of dollars to prepare
and you vastly overestimate how much the average person cares about politics
they're too busy paying the bills and trying to get laid
>what other option is there?
>win the remaining good and decent populace over to deportation of illegals, immigration reform etc.? We've gotten fat and lazy since getting Trump elected.
work harder, i think whites are being mind fucked by media jews into apathy... you country and most of europe included. we are not flexing the muscle we have.
It is fixable, but no one is willing to kill them all. I think it's an easy solution but the problem is the liberal whites would also have to die because they would defend these meek subhumans.
They are going to die whether they care to be honest to admit it. The traitors among us are advocating for a system in which they will be lined up and shot by the pets they fought on behalf of if victory is declared. Those are the types that are in too deep and won't have their minds changed. It's unfortunate but they have made their beds at this point are are only going to double down as the year progresses.
Montana is the last stand
We need Republicans to stop being shitheads and Dems to stop being shitheads. We're being divided along fake political lines when there's no difference between the Jew Trump Republican lines and the Jew Clinton Democrat line. All the same shit.