Where did the tens of millions of dollars in aid go, really?
So what exactly did the Clinton Foundation do in Haiti?
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What do you make of this? No shills please.
cannot find my clinton foundation files, bumping nonetheless
that's a nicely formatted infographic
not to add to it but another curious piece of info is before the podesta group shut down they were hired to work on the PR for the new amber alert system
maybe it's a good thing we're talking about Haiti again
It's a good thing indeed
Mostly funneling the hundreds of millions that came in from morons donating. Giving contracts to their pals in exchange for donations and favors. Lot of those contracts were abandoned too. There is also strong evidence that they dabbled in child sex trafficking, or at least was incredibly invested in protecting someone that was caught in the literal act of trafficking kids.
thank you for those Franco-user, they are need to unravel the truth
I think this may have actually been planned to some extent.
If someone in Trump's team leaked this to the press they would immediately jump on it and report it.
I wonder if some information is going to come out regarding the Clinton foundation and Haiti.
I'm pretty sure that there was trafficking involved, likely including children.
I don't have the pic regarding the current head of amber alert, but I think she was caught trying to smuggle kids out of Haiti.
They built a bunch of factories in a part of Haiti that was not affected by the quakes. Factories owned a profited by American business men who, guess what, backed Hillary in 2016, Shocker.
I can't remember my source unfortunately.
so this may seem like a red pill to swallow
but now that red pills are so superfluious on the internet now
alot of "generic" red pills are starting to surface.
let me put it bluntly.
I can believe that clintons are behind an occult pedo ring.
I can also believe that this could be one big setup to take the Clinton and their ilk out of politics forever.
Nothing like this has ever been talked about until recently when Hilary was gunning for office.
And it wasn't even during the time when she was running against obama in the primaries.
I there's a lot of grudges to be had esp during the clintons polticial career in the 90's and late 80's.
The fact that all this is coming up now.
Even after Trump won the election, makes me think theres something more behind this than just "crusaders of truth trying to uncover deep seated malevolent political corruption". There something more to this.
It also very suprising that while there was one armed dude that showed up to Comet Ping Pong.
No one has made any attempts on the lives of the podestas, the clintons or anyone that is named in the pizza gate shit.
as far as I can see it it either
-outsider uncovers truth
-clinton camp accuses itself for some reason
-clintons enemies accuses clintons for some reason
since the powers that be are all saying that its an honest persuit of truth. Makes be believe its either the clintons accusing themselvers, or clintons enemies accusing them. Mainly becuase the powers that be think the general public are fucking stupid and will believe anything in a "heroic narrative"
I mean jeez, just look at those "emperor trump" memes. Heroes are martrys of the state.
They exported children into their sex/slave/sacrifice rings in the US. They also used (((The Clinton Foundation))) to take 90% of the money that was supposed to be for rebuilding Haiti. On top of that, they made '1 telecom giant' after the earthquake which was owned by a friend of theirs, during clean up...they went and handed out phones run through their telecom company to everyone to get a stranglehold on onee aspect of their society.
>How'z am I doing?
You should start believing that every high sphere of power, whether political, religious (Vatican), from the media/movie/music industry, is involved with child abuse.
Fed niggers mudpies, stole a few kids, hired a handful of ignorant volunteers with tents to act as a front.
Lots of nothing really
Ask the guy where it went
>volunteered in Haiti for 2010 earthquake victims
>Cops found the 54-year-old doctor’s body in the bathroom around 1 p.m. The knife was near his heart, a source said.
all this stuff and very tenuous evidence that amounts to pulling some literary analysis of metaphors and symbols.
Ever since this whole trump train started. I have tried to entertain two concepts of all "propaganda" I come across
"what if this is false? Who gains?"
"what if this is true? who gains?"
as far as I am concerned Truth when in contect of these investigations is in a quantum state of flux with 50% probabililty of it existing and 50% probabililty of it being smoke and mirrors.
I mean theres a 50/50 chance the Abramhamic God we all worship is really satan/the demiurge.
the real red pill is ipecac.
one that prevents you from swallowing or getting poisoned by any other pills.
some take the red pill to join the team, or the winning side.
some take the red pill becuase they want to know the truth.
the ones that want to know the truth, try to be inculcated against all forms of propaganda.
the ones that want to join the team, will often sling a lot of ad hominem, or other informal fallacies just to ensure that no one criticize their side of the game.
Your post is a load of nothing that distracts th3 conversation away from Clinton, Skippy Podesta and Haiti
Go sniff your redpill farts in a different thread
Straight to the CIA niggers
Just know that historically, pizzagate (the ritual torture/raping of innocent children) has been a reality since forever.
You might be familiar with Jewish libel at this point. Pic related is why those blood drinking mongrels got kicked out from everywhere in Europe throughout the centuries
stop responding to all this threads with this drivel
sure the guy didn't post any sources
but it just FEELS true doesn't it?
you guys wish you could oust all the corruption in the world.
but that could just be a narrative they are feeding you to get you to do their dirty work making you believe you are being a hero.
when in fact you just digging the grave deeper.
People will dig and dig and dig.
and we will still ask this qeustion
what hapeened to the millions of dollars of aid in haiti?
what happened to the trillions of dollars of aid from the 9/11 fund?
all this bullshit.
and people are eating it all up..
and its only the truly crazy ones that have any compuction.
the ones who either of their own volition go to a suspected pedo den with a loaded weapon ready to find answers.
or ones that have hte strategic thought to pay some crazy to show up with a gun to throw would be investigators off the trail.
let me ask you this.
once you do uncover the truth.
once you finally get to that 100% definitely no doubt about it, connection between the clinton foundation and illegal human trafficking
what will YOU do about it huh?
better yet what eill make me believe that you won't do anything more than staying stuck to the neon glow of your monitor looking at porn or going down the next rabbit hole of fuck.
Oh, you're just a shill..
Well, thanks for bumping the thread, I guess
>once you finally get to that 100% definitely no doubt about it, connection between the clinton foundation and illegal human trafficking
what will YOU do about it huh?
I already know the truth. It's not my place to 'do anything' other than informing others about it. That's why we have a police force, FBI, DHS etc;
I enjoy my freedom and my life. Therefore, I will not contribute to your thread.
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
>I mean theres a 50/50 chance the Abramhamic God we all worship is really satan/the demiurge.
wew you've been brainwashed by gnostic insanity. Lucifer is the good guy and the Father is a big meanie am I right?
Only Jesus saves mate youtube.com
and you believe everything you see read and hear.
Yeah Jews totally used to sacrifice huamns and drink their blood. even though history is baised towards the victors, and jews have been kicked out of nearly every single country.
I'll just believe whatever my master tells me becuase Im a goodboy and deserve good boy points becuase I love my chicken tendies.
Everything the could to hurt and exploit the Haitian people
The entire “charity” was a criminal operation
and this is why you will always have a master that whips you.
this is why you will never be free.
keep telling yourself you are just putting the word out.
keep telling yourself
and keep telling yourself
and keep telling yourself.
until you die.
and you can tell your kids how you told everyone that jews drank blood and hilary stole tiny black babies from haiti
and you kids will nod and say "yes pa, whatever you say pa."
but hilary's ilk will still be in power.
and you will be forever stupid and weak.
It's not only Jews. Satanists do blood rituals all the time, and since jews are lucifer's chosen ones, makes sense that they are more invested in the matter.
>and you believe everything you see read and hear.
If I did I wouldn't be on this ((neo nazi anti women racist conspirationist antisemitic homophobic)) frog posting website now would I
Sorry FBI/CIA I've done enough to fix my life, to think I'd throw it all away to spur your bullshit little social unrest so you can try to implement martial law and move to a federalized police for is just naive.
>this is why you will always have a master that whips you.
Says the one enslaved by his khazar overlords and satan.
Also, Christ sets you free. You're a slave of your own deceptions
"The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing"
go peddle your shit somewhere else
thanks for your posts, and calling out shills and/or crazy people
im free to post here just as much as you are bucko
you are a slave to ideology
you must look past the dogma to see the human soul
you see nothing but ashes
still on Sup Forums
still thinks his life is fixed
as he shitposts about jews on Sup Forums.
keep telling yourself and telling yourself and telling yourself
>If I did I wouldn't be on this ((neo nazi anti women racist conspirationist antisemitic homophobic)) frog posting website now would I
that depends; are you a neo nazi anti women racist conspirationist antisemitic homophobe?
if you are then you clearly believe everything you see read and hear.
and have fun trying to prove that satanists are all in league with each other and not just a manifestation of their schizophrenia made legitimate by invoking religion in the land of the free.
also have fun proving you aren't and never were a neo nazi anti women racist conspirationist antisemitic homophobe
and once you've grasped that. now hopefully you can understand how confusing all this shit flinging is.
Lulz, my record sure looks a fuck-ton better. You should see it from a few years ago. Compared to then, im a fucking saint!
Thank you for starting this thread.
Look man you think you have it all figured out, because you've been (((enlightened))) by your masters but you are being deceived.
satan is not the good guy. never was never will be. Even Albert Pike noticed the paradox between the prince of darkness being the supposed bringer of light.
Turn to the one who died for you so that you may beat death/ Jesus Christ
You have a lot of learning to do. You will feel foolish.
>You have a lot of learning to do
Please, do teach me.
Hey man, I'm not here to bring justice. I am merely an observer of the law, not the legislator, if people want to stay asleep that is their problem, not mine.
Also you seem to think I care how people label me. Thankfully I'm free from the things of this world, so I don't give a fig if a random sheep believes I'm intolerant/sexist.
I work with a haitian guy. Tells me the clintons and Hillary’s brothers own everything. Hotels, hospitals, factories etc...kept the relief money, literally starving out the population. The guy is really reluctant to talk about it and its really hard to understand alot of what he says.
was this you? be honest now
kidnap children,drug traffic,organ traffic pretty much the most sinister shit immaginable
he has good reason to be scared to talk about shit like that
>Set up foundation in 3rd world country
>own all of them so profits go directly to your foundation and then into your pocket
>monopoly so strong that it completely destroys local businesses
>Doom their economy so they are now entirely dependent on you.
>Low IQ third worlders don't even realize it and thus can't do anything about it
Clinton is a piece of shit.
leading to the more-than-i-can-bare irony of haiti being labeled a shithole.
I like how you need to literally boil everything down to a strawman in order to defeat it.
"Look, look everyone the Truth is acting strangely, and very off color. Every one look ,look how silly he is!!!"
I feel sorry for the weak willed that they must resort to sophistry in order to win an argument.
When the culling comes, I hope you are ready brother.
okay so now I will tell you to shut up. Becuase now I know your words amount to nothing, and can easily be dismessed becuase you are a cuck and soygoy .
If you aren't here to bring justice then you are here to spread lies and propaganda.
I already understand "the satanic paradox"
I am saying I haven't drank anyones kool-aid.
and that when it comes to truth.
the only thing I can be certain of is my own personal truths and values.
I have to constantly remind myself of that , esp. when coming on here.
All this shitflinging Sup Forums and other forums spout exist in my head, in a sort of quantum fluctuation becuase they are neither true or false and yet they are both true and false.
and they are wholly true, and they are wholly false.
In the land of the blind
anons always seem to have two eyes
so they tell others where they need to go
unfortunatly the blind must rely on faith and trust in anons.
but theres anons that spout out stupid ass directions becuase they think its funny, even if the blind person dies.
What I am telling you.
Is that I am the one eyed king
who understand the blind
and can see you clearly with my good eye.
>your words amount to nothing, and can easily be dismessed becuase you are a cuck and soygoy .
wow that's some critical rethoric. Seriously though, you've just rambled about new age BS and didn't give any valuable argument.
Also, you are the good goy doing the work of kikes while I am exposing their wickedness