Are Millennials salvageable?
Are Millennials salvageable?
No. I'm just clinging to comfy scraps of the good generations that are still living.
no im just hoping to escape into the alaskan wilderness once I get enough money for supplies
You bring up a good question. I am noticing more and more that millennials are deathly afraid of getting older. It's not just in things like delaying childbirth or eating brunch but things that really really really are eyebrow raising like how they play video games or are watching all these cartoons and shows Netflix is bringing back from the 80's. They are terrified of old age and being terrified of something you cannot control is not good. I think they are a failure of a gen. Millenials will turn 55, still go to brunch and get drunk on mimosas on a Sunday at 1 pm, still watch Duck Tales and Voltron and play Mario Brothers and they will accomplish nothing. Note this is just for use westerners this doesn't apply to other millenials.
>Blacks and browns in the back
>Honorary white man Ajit Pai is doing the wedding
I see nothing wrong here
No. The ones who are decent(enough), are already settled down, and employed.
All other efforts should be put onto making the next generation question what millennials stand for, and encourage them to rebel against them for the sake of being edgy.
boomers are worse
t. self-loathing millennial
Who needs space for a brain when you have an extra chromosome
I play video games because I have nothing else. Take those away and I won't suddently have a wife or gf. If i'm not needed in the world at least let me live out my days peacefully.
Yes. We are of one mind.
Not without measures that are too unpopular, such as labor camps.
>frodo is the best man
>not the ring bearer
post the actual photo of the girl
>No Captain Sisko
fuckin' racist.
>Marvel artist Scott Johnson
Oh god I didn't even pay attention to that at first
But maybe if you didn't have video games you would be motivated to do something about your lack of gf.
>failure of a gen
MUCH better than boomers though
You tell me
i think theres something in the water/food supply that turns men into THIS. some are more susceptible than others.
Millennials were carefully (((created and curated))) throughout their childhood.
This is their generation.
also, can someone post the GIF version of this, i guess i never saved it
Gen X is the subverted generation.
Millennials are corrupted but salvageable, the evidence is this website.
Gen Z/Post Millennials is the return to sanity.
When I was too poor for internet/video games I just laid in bed sleeping for up to 16 hours a day wishing I was dead.
Jesus Christ
Checked for truth
>that hairline
>that face
Gollum must have escaped from the wedding pic.
not even slightly and it only gets worse from here on
haha this aint too bad just havin fun
can feral niggers PLEASE target this cringy soyboy PLEASE????
Millenials are going to get a Bernie Sanders voted in soon and then shit gets really real.
No we are not.
There is nothing that you can do to stop be from enjoying niche obscure culture nor change my voting habits that lean towards left.
but why is monty python in there?
>boomers are worse
At least they had work ethics, independent and didn't need to cry to some retard who knew jack shit to fix everything. Valued god family and country. Didn't let pedo faggots run rampant all the while calling themselves some bastardized gender. The only generation that saved you single mother raised kids from becoming failures.
There only problem was being born in a generation blessed with endless wealth thinking everyone can achieve it regardless of education.
I just noticed there is not one DC character in that portrait and I find that funny and petty at the same time.
What if your SocDem overlords imported a million Ugandans with Ebola?
Millennial Capeshit Lover detected
Worst artist ever. That shit looks lame as fuck.
what if your roasties all got super-aids
1) how do you know whom I`m voting for
2) I honestly could care less, I think that the migrations will start to slow down in coming decades and if not its my nice`s generational problem.
A Fucking Masterpiece
Read books instead of playing video games
That poor dude never stood a fucking chance with those genetics
no they're the shithole generation
I'm not gonna hate, it's a reasonably cool pic and they're getting married which is more than I have done. My worry, though:
>squat lesbian
>disney princess
>gilmore girl
Their first kid isn't getting a brother or sister, they'll be divorced by then.
I have no idea what this millenial stuff is about.
I dont even know if Im one. Am I Millenial or gen Z? Im born in 1997.
Ive never encountered the shit americans and other Europeans say about the newer generation.
Everyone in my agegroup is already working full time jobs or is in the mililitary. The generation beliw us have just gotten out of school and are doing apprenticeships or some go study.
None of them are spoiled and I have good times with older and younger people. No divide at all.
I have no idea what you people talk about. Sorry for beeing a newfag I guess.
Mililitary. XDD
There's a reason the Swiss have always been neutral recluses.
Your society works.
>this is the ability of a paid marvel artist now
Jesus, look at how poorly drawn it is. What the fuck is wrong with the girls head?
no lol
>Valued god family and country
>I'm not gonna hate, it's a reasonably cool pic
You're still in power btw, most of what you listed are the Boomer's fault. You're all lazy as fuck and corrupted the unions, and sold our futuresbto china.
Enjoy Hell
>Valued god family and country.
Boomers stuck their parents in old folks homes and don't intend to leave anything to their kids.
>Didn't let pedo faggots run rampant
Boomers fucking love faggots and pretend kiddie-fiddlers and faggots are completely exclusive categories.
>all the while calling themselves some bastardized gender.
Boomers were fed by people that knew how to cook and had good childhoods spent exercising in the sun, thus they had much healthier hormonal profiles.
>The only generation that saved you single mother raised kids from becoming failures.
Single mother raised kids? You mean most of us who had boomer parents were raised by single mothers? Those same ones that value family all got divorced?
God I hope so
>I am noticing more and more that millennials are deathly afraid of getting older.
One chick at work who is 25 wants kids and be a grandma, so its not all of them.
what the fuck is wrong with these people? i try NOT to hate people but this shit makes it impossible
and you aren't obliging why?
>Posted by user "Jessicaisanerd"
Sounds like a fun and interesting individual!
You sound like a blast at parties, never mind that would presuppose that you had friends that wanted to be around you
I'd consider you gen Z since you missed out on the best years of the 90s which caused many millennials to become manbabies and turbo sluts.
Worse yet the parents probably paid that dickhead $10000 to "draw" that
I don't think delayed adolescence is a consequence of being afraid of getting older. I don't think millennials have that fear yet because even the oldest ones are still reasonably young, they don't have all the aches and pains setting in. In fact, due to lack of physically strenuous lives they are probably delaying a lot of those aches and pains!
I think delayed adolescence is what happens when you fail to live rites of passage like getting a steady job, getting married, having children.
I think those experiences are what transforms you into an adult, not just getting older.
Hmm, I guess its that.
I guess it also has to do with the value of the nuclear family here.
Idk. Have good day everyone.
Is it just me or is the drawing quality of this image really horrible?
Nah it's shit
Why is nerd culture the modern equivalent to the black death?
Thanks dude.
I always wanted to know. Stuff is just to blurry here.
Generations look all the same just with technological differences.
She's engaged to some German who sounds like some nazi scientist.
He's a cool dude so I won't want to steal her away.
They are useless, corrupt and degenerates as no one before.
I try to avoid them like the plague, specially females.
Too bad Gen Zs are even bigger spergy NEETs than millennials could ever become. These days kids don't even shoot the shit IRL, they hole up in their rooms and have their parents drive them everyplace as they're too much of pussies to learn to drive
Sounds kinda like Dr. Hans Volter from killing floor 2
It doesn't help that, certainly not due to any specific group of people - especially not those of Jewish blood, the entirety of entertainment, music, fiction, and everything else aimed at younger people who grew up as millenials during their entire lives has been dedicated to telling them growing up is the biggest sin they can commit.
Turn on a radio and listen to literally any pop station for 30 seconds once the 30 minutes of commercials end to play 1 song - it'll always be some song about how my friends are growing up and it's made them shit I should never grow up and I'm superior as a person for living free from responsibility and aging because I act like a kid and am so much happier than them for it! There is even literally a song where the chorus is "WE AIN'T EVER GETTIN OLDER".
Can blame whatever you want but there's no way you can pretend being inundated with media telling you that you benefit more and are a better person for not growing up is somehow the millenial's fault.
>being cucked by a Muslim
It's your duty to steal her away you dumb fuck.
The bride and groom aren't even looking remotely in the right fucking places.
Hes white, I met him.
>they're too much of pussies to learn to drive
Could this be something that was done to them? Off the top of my head I can't think of much to support the idea but "they" are going to want to transition us to driverless cars soon, right? Much easier to make people give that up if they don't value it at all.
I was born in 82. I'm half gen X half millennial. Ive raised my 2 girls to be princesses and my 3 boys to be independent thinkers. (made sure I had 5 blonde hair blued kids to outpace the spics and nigs) There is Hope. The Fourth Turning is upon us.
Aren't most of pol millennials? And we're right wing, right? I mean the most right wing generation since WW2 anyway? Thats pretty good right?
These threads just cherry pick the worst SJWs and use them as an example for ALL millennials. So using that standard, genZ will be terrible.
ie. "The only good ones are the good goys paying tax shekles and perpetuating this debt money system and making sure my retirement account is valid"
I feel like I hear more "I don't drive/don't have a license" from people who were born in the late 70s than millenials. Everyone I've ever met who was born in the 80s has driven since they hit 15.
so is he marrying a retard?
Ducktales, voltron and mario are all 80s things, why would milennials even watch/play those?
Ok sorry when I hear German these days I always assume Muslim.
Millennials start at 81/82
Holy shit
All 3 of those remained popular well into the mid 90s.
I am a Gen X user born in 1980 when I was 16 only the retards and gimps didn't study and test to get their driver's licenses. What the Gen Z kids are missing out about driving is the fact you can drive and meet girls and better yet you and your girl can do it in the car, but this point is lost on them since most of them are faggots, bronies or weebs
My sources also cite 1985 for the start of Millennials
But also repeats are a thing. I loved Transformers but that series had finished by the time I was watching TV. They were still making a lot of the original toys, though.
It was the SNES era but some kids still had NES or a Master System for a while.
What source? You never cited any source?
meh. sounds like a bong trying to imitate a german accent.
>SA taught us to defend what is ours
lmao. what?
that "le based gen z" meme needs to die. gen z kids are literally pale niggers. they act like they were fucking niggers. millenials aren't better but at least they aren't full niggers.
t.based gen x
> everyone in the image is ether white or non-human
> are millenials salvageable
> wtf is wrong with the OP
fuck you. islam is a religion not a race. you can be white and believe in allah. dumb lard