Why would you betray us like this? Especially when we're desperately in need more than ever. I thought we were the
best of allies? Wtf.
This is a betrayal, but your memelord leader campaigning to leave the EU and them emigrating to the USA isn't?
>I thought we were the best of allies?
You were always second fiddle.
I hope he doesn't bail on coming to the WEF in Switzerland. I'd like to go see him, but I doubt he will make a public appearance
Why should we deal with people that piss EVERYONE off all within the same year? Your cucked people and politicians have been throwing tantrums of his visit since it was announced. Why should our president waste his time to visit a place that wants him gone anyway lol
Why did WE betray YOU? Are you a gigantic faggot, per usual, Bong? You don't even exist anymore, the father we knew and loved (to sometimes hate) is gone.
I'm not angry, I'm sad. RIP
keep posting those amerimutt memes you faggot now deal with this!
He probably will, tantrums and whining like a little immature child such as the UK and Germany would deter anyone away, a huge lack of professionalism on their parts.
You keep saying you're going to Brexit this time but never do. We don't like hanging with friends that don't keep promises.
>Trump is Hitler, I don't want him to come to my country, we won't have any of our leaders meet him
>Wtf why isn't Trump coming?
Why should the US deal with impoverished Islamic states? Memes aside, if you want deals with the USA, you need to muzzle your dogs like Shadiq Khan.
that thing is hideous and somebody needs to say it
I wouldn't cut the ribbon either
Think of all the lefties and black bloc chimping out, trying up traffic, and attacking cereal cafes.
>Did it so normal people can go about their lives and eat Coco Puffs in peace. A true humanitarian and man of the sane people.
He said he does not want to cut the ribbon and I agree, that embassy looks fucked up shit.
pic related is the German embassy in the UK
Maybe tell your politicians to stop foaming at the mouth every time Trump land in London over something he said in his country. (supposedly). This related.
>Britain is more accepting of returning ISIS fighters then the president of the USA
The absolute state of Britain.
good fuck britian and your 1984 free speech banning cunt of a leader may the muslims burn you to the ground
Trump doesn't like shithole countries.
Trump is the Jew nuke puppet. He was sent by the Jews to destroy the powerful Western alliances between American, Britain, Europe. The Jews believe that by using Trump to destroy America and Europe they can cause the diaspora to end and all the Jews will flee back to Israel. He is a mindless moron under Jew control.
I really like those buildings. Wish we had similar ones here.
Welcome to 1948.
ah fuck it desu, we're a sinking ship and brexit is a total failure and won't happen, having a deal with america will
mean more money for the immigrant leeches too. everyone in europe hates us and the world is laughing at us. it
wont be long until this is an islamic state, i'm just gonna kill myself.
How exactly were you betrayed again? Is there something you're missing out on besides Trump's presence (and having to pay for extra security)? It's not like he's trying to renig on the embassy sale or w/e.
cucked hard
New embassy looks like a bunch of hanging dreidels.
Trump saw that 80% of muttposters are backstabbing brits and sent you to the back of the queue. Well deserved.
Trump is terrified of the loud 2% globalist, citizen of nowhere minority of our population that complains about him. It's actually pretty sad. Most British people think it is important that he comes, especially with Brexit happening. Fuck Remain scum.
>backstabbing brits
>from the country that forced us to dismantle our empire so they could install Jew tyranny around the world
Exactly, the biggest fucking cunts in this country. They hate everything about this land so try and undermine it at every given opportunity.
We had 100,000 grenadiers in India.
>London is a society of love, inclusion and tolerance
>that's why we should BAN this man from coming
I mean do they hear themselves
Do you want race riots? He still hasn't visited the most populated state in this country for the same reason.
maybe next time old chap
>Do you want race riots
Is that even a question?
Because traitors smell my little britbong.
And now You're going to learn What exactly that means.
Eternal Anglo? Not so eternal now.
Get your sand wizards under control
the mayor of your capital and your PM urged him not to visit britain.
why would he come to your shithole island?
at this point you have way surpassed the Italians in being treacherous scums.
>Implying the English has allies
Oy lads, is that some anti-social behaviour you're showing there?
Sorry guys the ratio if idiot Trump toadies is too low there.
>the mayor of your capital and your PM urged him not to visit britain.
One, he's not my mayor. He's a Paki and probably a registered nonce.
Two, Theresa May didn't urge him not to visit.
t. Londoner.
Because British intelligence monitored him during the campaign after Obama DOJs fisa got rejected
Honestly when the fuck are you leaving the EU
you've been such douches to the rest of the world that it's faster to list the countries you HAVEN'T invaded
and you're surprised that nobody likes you?
Over a third of British Imperial forces fighting the colonialists were non-British mercenaries, Germans.
Can't say I'm surprised, inviting a past president and not the current one to a royal wedding and a diplomatic insult, even if it's a shit wedding
You chose brown cock.
Gobble up what you desired.
We are cleaning up house and we don't your shitskins and spineless leaders as "allies".
Whoever Trump sold the ambassador post to should do the opening ceremony. US ambassadors aren't professional diplomats, they haven't been in ages, they are political donors. It is the American way.
That's not what you said on bant last night little girl.
This coming from mutt-land means fuck all.
Trump didn't betray us. We betrayed him.
Our politicians have constantly shit talked him and tried to get him banned from the country. They constantly fought to have his official state visit downgraded in status (and won).
Best thing Trump could have done in this situation is told these same people if that's how they want to be then he wont visit this shithole of a country.
it's a shithole now
Let's get serious.
Our "leaders" constantly piss and whine about Trump and ignore problems here at home.
They'll say Trump's mean and cruel, meanwhile we're "friends" with regimes where we know their own leaders come here from societies where the rights of women are trampled and they abuse their own popluation just to keep them in line. In greater hypocrisy on women, they have their rich come here and abuse prostitutes, all the while touting their clearly empty moral superiority.
Be honest with yourself, can you blame the Americans for seeing this for years and finally deciding "ok, fuck you then".
Fuck off faggot. Trump has been nothing but gracious to you fags and all you do is whinge and bend over backwards for PC. You have cucked your country. Trump will get to you when you show respect.
wtf is that building?
Forget about the mutts, look the other way britfriend. You know who your true friends are.
The entire country is in a mass psychosis over Donald Trump and you expect him to come here and make friends?
We have way too many faggots in this country for that. The alliance needs to be tanked for the sake of the world
Our cucked leaders are just abhorrent. Now every American thinks our country hates them, which in turn makes them hate us right at a time when we are supposed to be turning away from continental affairs. Fucking Remain status quo scum.
>Trump is terrified of the loud 2% globalist, citizen of nowhere minority of our population that complains about him.
Those globalists may be 2% but they're 95% of the ruling class, parliament, government and bureaucracy. He's not afraid of them you retard, he's snubbing them. Damn right too.
And the 98% of brits who aren't globalist kikes are watching big brother and don't care. Why should he help them? Why should he give a fuck when they don't?
>One, he's not my mayor.
No, he's your caliph you faggot. bend the knee or hang him high.
>Two, Theresa May didn't urge him not to visit.
No, she's criticised him on the world stage which is a REALLY stupid thing to do given he's and his country holds the keys to a successful brexit. It's almost like she's deliberately trying to sabotage it or something.
>this is your brain on Sup Forumss cocksleeve
Fuck off Hans. My family died on the eastern front alongside yours. Not one betrayed. Blame the commies in Bologna
Why wouldn't he? Your government fucking hates him and tried to ban him. Your government discarded the majority vote on leaving the EU. Everyone hates you. Even Farage has almost given up on your shitty island.
>No, she's criticised him on the world stage
She told him that tweeting support for a politically toxic right-wing group wasn't a good thing to do. She would have been far more screwed if she hadn't have done so.
>And the 98% of brits who aren't globalist kikes are watching big brother and don't care. Why should he help them? Why should he give a fuck when they don't?
Are we living in a world where June 23rd 2016 didn't happen?
Maybe next time don't have millions of people threatening to kill him the moment he lands on your island. Maybe he'd be more motivated to come that way.
>Now every American thinks our country hates them
pretty sure most Americans think all of Europe hates them and its true
I kinda want Trump to not visit the UK. Think we deserve it due to all the anti trump cucks who always say the 3 buzzwords (xenophobic, racist and homophobic)
Trump has made it abundantly clear he does not support Muslims, so why would he go to a Muslim country?
>forced us to dismantle our empire so they could install Jew tyranny around the world
That was you, tea drinking faggot. You dragged us into it after you got your ass kicked. You sold your empire away because of your butthurt over Germany.
>She would have been far more screwed if she hadn't have done so.
How so?
Shut up halfwit
Ja! Ja! Ja! Kek
Nah boi. I've not met many people anywhere in EU that has a problem with you guys.
Pretty much the only bad shit I ever hear is like..
"Some of them are really loud in public places"
but that's about it and it's rare.
this is for pulling us into WW1, nect we'll get you for you fuckers false flagging pearl harbour getting more of us killed because you guys can't handle your shit.
I want to laugh..
I want to cry..
I think you'll find white pol users here agree with Trump. Also, we don't post those memes.
That sneering bitch should be humiliated on the world stage, and Trump is doing that. He is having a good week.
Wtf is Britain even doing, like to what purpose or aspiration is it moving to? I understand Brexit, but expecting help from US is laughable, Obama privately mocked the special relationship, and Trump doesn't give a shit.
Americans have always looked out for themselves since day 1, they only help you if they can get something out of you that is vital to their long term interests.
Trump should follow on his Jerusalem move by officially recognising the falklands as Argentinan clay in retribution for the UKs little stunt. Could you imagine the butthurt...
>How so?
Headlines from the day after
>PM refuses to condemn Trump's support for far-right group, is a second Shoah imminent?
She was caught between a rock and a hard place. Trump put her in a terrible position and she had to sacrifice, yet again, any goodwill between them that had created since the first visit to the U.S in January last year. It was a needless diplomatic fuck up on the parts of all involved.
Just fucking end europe already.
That's one ugly fucking "embassy".I'd be embarrassed setting foot into that monstrosity.I completely understand why he wouldn't want anything to do with that pile of shit.
>my globalist remainer ex-friend daisy
>she's in a wheelchair due to indeterminate pain.
>smoked copious amounts of weed and other drugs.
>her cat gave birth in the living room once.
>70k in debt.
>fat, short, feminist.
>believed in white guilt.
>all her friends were trans, mentally ill or had crippling depression/autism were failing school, in debt or had left school without finishing.
>watched the election night (trump) with them.
>they put a bet of £10 on hillary to win.
>i had put a bet of £500 on trump.
I won.
Dumb paki.
This is not Britain's doing. This is May's arrogance. Thinking she can lecture others and virtue signal with the left -- who also despise her. She is a hobbling disaster zone.
Trump is a thin skinned coward who cannot stand even the slightest hint that he is not perfect.
England is our greatest historic ally, and Trump is "afraid that he might not be welcome" there. So he cancelled a planned visit.
I don't know how anyone can support this coward.
let me guess... the (((businessmen))) who got the old site for "peanuts" are going to make a fortune on redeveloping it? True?
>modern tories.
>just old tories smiling more and "getting down with their fellow cultural marxists"
I mean, sure, they're doing a bad job, what what do you really expect.
Fuck is this rubbish? He has been repeatedly insulted and he should now come here and thank them for it? YOU are the cuck with that reasoning.
Meanwhile there are ISIS and jihadi videos from Syria that aren't blocked.
Really makes you think.
>UK politicians want to ban Trump
>UK politicians don't want friendship with US they want brexit to stop
>Trump says fuck off
Prepare your anus.
Is the new one really that much off location?
The fuck is that?
If Trump was half the chad I once thought he was, he would rock up at Heathrow, fight his way through the crowds of Pakis and Poles, and shut down London single handedly with a massive fleet of giant American SUVs, pissing off all of the cuck commuters.
>right next to the river.
>right open to naval assault.
Trump is using his military mind here.
Dr Who's latest mind altering bullshit.
cause london is california on steroids
being protested by the british who are seen as smart and suave will make anyone look bad
its bad press he wont want,its for the best but i would love for him to come and meet the queen
On the other hand he can go there by a carrier and park in in front of the embassy.
its right next to soho? all the cucks live there