Conspiracy theory general, all cover-ups welcome

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Did they really die? CNN was the only national news station that covered the event, and we all know every level of the government is corrupt.

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Not sure if redpilled to the bone or bluepilled. Interesting stuff anyway Nord bro, I have looked into flat Earth quite a bit but I was never convinced, what is your best evidence that we are not on a globe?

Kubrick gave a big hint about the moonlanding in the shining

The lack of any provable curvature stands out to me. There is also the can of worms that is nasa. There is official nasa footage of what looks like airbubbles when they are doing their spacewalks. Then there is the Chinese attempt of doing a spacewalk

I wonder sometimes about what length they have they gone to hide the truth about the earth. I've watched to much suspicious footage to believe what the space agencies are claiming.


I don't even know what is real anymore.

This pilot over at Facebook have shared some interesting videos.

Facebook com/pilot.lx

Doesn't prove anything though other than there are pilots who thinks the world is flat.

flat earthers are literally worse than communists.
at least communists believe in math.

whats you moon landing hoax guys opinion on spaceX?

they are obviously making waves the past two years with the rockets, i personally saw one land so i know at least one landed, if it went into space i dunno but it came from pretty fucking high

do you think most of that stuffs fake? i mean theres virgin space flights too, right now you could pay to find out for yourself if you had enough money

I try and stay open minded, I am not an idiot normie who just closes his eyes to whatever goes against what he has been told but has never seen for himself but I still remain skeptical. This is either one of the biggest redpills there is or it is disinfo, at this point I am not even sure. Why would they lie, why would they want us to think the world is spherical if it is another form?

Then again, they lie about everything else so this is not to farfetched if I am honest with myself. Thanks for the posts so far, either way it is very interesting stuff.

>Ellison Onizukas nose shrunk and became rounder, his head and skullshape taller and his earlobes magically attached to the rest of his head

>Christa McAuliffes eyes grew further appart and her nosebridge drastically elongated and her skinfolds when she smiles magically dissapeared

>Judith Resniks nosebridge drastically changed shape and her head became longer

>Michael J. Smith's upper jaw drastically shrank and the shape of his nose became less pointy and more blunt, his eyes became less sunken and his eyebrows shrank in size, changed shape and became wider appart

>Dick Scobees face became rounder and less tall, his forehead started to slope and his ears changed position as did his skinfolds

>Ronald McNairs chinshape changed drastically as did his dentures. his lower lip shrank and his eyes became farther appart and his nosebridge became longer

are you retarded OP?

people age, dont tell me that it isn't at-least a little strange that they look so similar, are the right age apart and HAVE THE SAME FUCKING NAMES

It's flat. Or at the very least 10-20x larger than modern science claims it to be (although it is most likely flat). The idea of space being a vacuum in itself is flawed logic, because high pressure systems and low pressure systems cannot exist separately in the same environment without some sort of sealed barrier between the two.

One of the most frequently used arguments against flat earth is that you can see ships disappear over the horizon when on the sea. However, even this can be explained quite easily. People have done experiments that show that a lens (which our atmosphere acts as) will cause the bottom of objects to disappear as they get further from the viewer. The Earth is flat. What it is? I don't know? What is at the edge? is there even an edge? I don't know.

But it IS most likely flat and they are stealing your money to fund WWII era electromagnetic levitation craft originally discovered by the Germans. This technology was most likely procured by the Americans through Operation Paperclip. These crafts (along with bio-genetically engineered chimera creatures) will be used to fake a false flag 'alien' invasion, wiping out at least 70% of the Earth's human population.

C'mon son, the black guy doesnt even have the same teeth.

Flat earth is legit CIA disinfo. Flat earth has all these points that can "prove it" but fall apart when put together.

People fail to realize just how big the earth is, you have to get pretty far away from the earth to properly see the curvature.

what do you guys think of this video, it shows the curve of the Earth but when the camera switches to inside his pod it is flat, which COULD mean that the camera on the outside has some sort of gopro/fisheye lense

>The idea of space being a vacuum in itself is flawed logic, because high pressure systems and low pressure systems cannot exist separately in the same environment without some sort of sealed barrier between the two.

Nigger, do you know what wind is or how weather works?

also, Comments are disabled for this video.

During this attack, the elites of the world will most likely retreat to the multi-billion dollar DUMB's (Deep Underground Military Bases) that have been built all over the world over the past few decades. This is why a World Government is so important. This type of false flag attack cannot work right now (due to the various ways in which multiple cultures would interpret such an event). They need the entire world to move to atheism in order for this to work properly. You don't want people to interpret such an event as a holy or biblical event.

I may be wrong about this, but this is my going theory. I'm just trying to figure out what is going on (and this line of thinking would line-up with the recent CIA psy-ops about aliens).

its ice particles that are stuck on the outside of the ISS that come loose, reflect light from the sun and look like little flickers of light you imbiciles

People age, correct but their basic features do not drastically change shape. i also havent found 1 single credible proof that the "aged versions" bare the same exact name as the deceaced astronauts. i can easily just fish a picture of the internet of someone that looks like saddam hussaein or Gaddafi claim that he has the same name with some clever photoshopping or with some convincing diagram and claim that they are the same person while in fact they are not

>The idea of space being a vacuum in itself is flawed logic, because high pressure systems and low pressure systems cannot exist separately in the same environment without some sort of sealed barrier between the two.
see also, space isnt a complete vacuum, there are plenty of particles to be found in space

Try and put a little bit of air into a vacuum and see if the pressure doesn't equalize throughout the volume of the vacuum. Perhaps I phrased my initial comment a bit irresponsibly. A high pressure system cannot exist separately from a VACUUM without a sealed barrier. The high pressure will always be distributed evenly among the volume of the vacuum.

This doesn't prove anything other that one camera had a lenses producing a fisheye effect and one that didn't.

and that the video poster was sick of flat earth shitposting

interesting thoughts on the fake invasion, thanks for your input user I've never heard this before.

Yea, it's the camera lens because BALLOONS CANNOT REACH FUCKING SPACE.
They can't even get close, any time someone mentions "space" or "the edge of space" in regards to a balloon launch they're bullshitting to get your attention because "high altitude" doesn't sound as cool.

If there's ONE thing that I know to be TRUE in the world. It's that the ruling class of this world wants/NEEDS us to believe in aliens. I don't know why. But I know they want us to.

I am not saying the Earth is flat, but if it was round then why would people talking about it being flat on a video with 15m views be enough to shut down all discussion, surely they would get BTFO if they are so wrong?

I'll admit their faces look uncannily similar.
but out of 300 million people in the USA it's easy to find someone that looks just like you.

and fuck off with the flat earther bullshit. there's about 12 different ways to independently verify the moon landings, you're just too boneheaded to admit it.

okay bro


Gravity is holding the air to the earth.

That is EXACTLY how EVERY flat-earther (including myself) starts. I used to love space. I wanted to be a theoretical physicist as I looked up to people like Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Brian Cox.

When I first heard of the subject I laughed and said "I can disprove this SO easily." Then I tried to disprove it and I came to the horrifying realization that there is hardly ANY proof to say that the world is actually round other than various math formulas that can also work on a flat earth (diverging shadows experiment and what not).

Because the government is trying to control you.

Is that what you wanted to hear?

Ever noticed that Assange was arrested right after threathening to release diplomatic cables that talked about UFOs?

Check the dates

For reference, the cutoff point between atmosphere and space is generally recognized as 100km, which is called the Karman Line.

Felix Baumgsrtner's "space jump" was from an altitude of 39km. Not even half way to space.

gee it's almost like we can measure flight times from major cities around the globe and verify that the only possible way for this is if the world is a globe...

ignoring the whole rotation of the stars and shit.
Please tell me you're trolling and actually not this batshit retarded.

Hey man, I'm not out here preaching this as gospel. These are simply some of my observations after a bit of research. I'm not afraid of my world view shifting. I just want the truth.

I used to think the same thing, However the accepted gravitational pull on a particle is not enough to usually even fight against air density, that is why smoke rises, and doesn't fall back to the ground.

we can literally point a fucking laser at the moon and get a laser response. that's only possible if we a special mirror up to the moon called a retroflector.
smoke doesn't escape into space you fucktard. adding heat to a gas reduces its pressure (and weight), so the surrounding gas is heavier and falls through the smoke

You realize you can literally just circumnavigate the globe, right? I’ve literally been to Antarctica as well, which is supposedly a ring of ice surrounding the world in flat earth theory.

Now there's no reason to insult. I have admitted in multiple posts that I may be wrong. I'm simply trying to find out the truth. It is very easy to reiterate what other people tell you. It is harder, however, to think for yourself.

Looks like the black guy developed a gap in his teeth. I guess the entire pic is fake then.

You sound fucking delusional.

Nazi UFOs and hollow earth
Cover up and distortion of History

Same, but centered around the Bible
The symbolism of the government

NASA being fake
Have fun getting woke

Yes I will freely admit that, however circumnavigations are done East-bound and West-bound not North/South.

>we can literally point a fucking laser at the moon and get a laser response
That's not really true.
And that also doesn't prove that humans were up there.

Who knows, maybe there was something up there already all the time and now (((they))) use it as proofs.

What’s up with this golf conspiracy theory I have heard nothing about

You’re not thinking for yourself, you’re just spouting parroted conspiracy theory horseshit and not accepting evidence because you want to feel somehow enlightened for ‘figuring it out’.

If I sound delusional than just ignore me. Being coarse and rude just because you disagree does not move a conversation forward, nor does it make people align with your form of thinking.

whether it is in space is irrelevant to the topic though, the focus is the curvature of the Earth in the video and what it could mean.

I have not once in this thread said that I was right. I'm simply stating observations. I don't know why this is so threatening to you.

You can take flights that go through the artic circle you tard.

sure... now give me a map of the earth that flat earthers agree on, and I'll tell you why it's bullshit
>if they can even agree on a map

>hurrr everyone else isn't thinking for themselves
Tell me how you fucking think the earth could be anything but round. What evidence do you have at all?

we have fucking satellites, ever played Kerbal Space Program? Ever learned about gravity?
this is the most retarded argument. it DOES prove we have the technology to get to the fucking moon. IF WE CAN LAND A FUCKING ROBOT ON THE MOON HOW FUCKING MUCH HARDER IS IT TO LAND A PERSON ON THE MOON? NOT FUCKING MUCH

You don't see smoke from a small fire "fall back down" because its dispersed itself into the air at a level you won't see it. You start seeing it "fall back down" after a wildfire when the air is thick with smoke all over. You only see the smoke because its really concentrated.

You smell your fart when you do it because its right next to you, after a few minutes the air spreads around the whole room and goes below a level you can't smell it anymore. It doesn't mean the methane just disappeared.

Ok, let’s sit down here and just go with this. After looking at the posted ‘evidence’ in this thread nothing comes close to convincing or even a real consideration from the flat earth side.

I don't see your point. (I'm being serious, not a dick) if you could elaborate a little bit I would sincerely appreciate it. I like to discuss this stuff, but not with people who just berate others for not thinking like them. If you are talking about the north-pole than I completely agree with you, but that doesn't prove anything.

I've been on a flight that went through the north south boundary...

nice threads, I actually participated in one of those you posted whilst it was living, a couple of days back.

And I’m saying your observations are simply incorrect, at least all the ones you’ve posted.

if the earth is flat there needs to be a fucking edge.
why are there no photographs of the edge?

But not through the antarctic

its because your observations are like this.

>you see a funnel
>you see some grains of rice fall into the cone of the funnel
>you stop looking because its not worth your time
>you look back and see no rice in the funnel
>where did it go? I don't know, think for yourself.
>maybe the government is hiding it from me?

Your observations are half baked and you don't pay attention to the full picture.

It's relevant because balloons can't go high enough for the Earth's curvature to be perceptible.
There is no balloon-flight photo/video that shows the curvature of the Earth. None. Any that appear to show curvature are because of the camera lens used.
Thus using balloon photos as proof of a conspiracy is full fucking retard.

If the earth is flat how can you circumnarigate it both north to south and east to west. Both are possible and have been accomplished in the last. If I can continue in a straight line in one direction and eventually arrive at the same point this is only possible via a sphere.

East to west occurs all the time. North to south happens in artic circle flights and the few times people have traveled over the South Pole.

well, because we are not allowed to go there. look up Operation Fishbowl. I believe it was part of project Lazarus or something.

hope you enjoyed it.

People have traveled over the Antarctic.

You can fly over the south pole. How are you not understanding this? The biggest lack of flights over the south pole is the lack of economic development in the southern hemisphere, and less land masses near the pole.

Who? I have never heard of anyone doing that and I would be very interested to know if they have!

they look eerily simmilar, except for the black one, he looks nothing like that guy and even has gapped teeth

what do you mean, not fucking allowed? there are hordes of explorers that have traveled to every corner of the earth.

WHERE IS THE EDGE? you fucktards never claim where the edge is because you know it doesn't exist.

It's his brother.

There are, it is not the edge as you imagine it, but a giant ice wall

times 8

50,416 feet of missing curvature
>no account for FoV

Do you see how you come from a place of anger and denial whereas I come from a place of genuine curiosity? I have no agenda here. I am simply a person teasing his mind with other perceptions of the world.

If the earth is flat, why can seismic stations pick up a seismic event from the other side of the world much faster than the surface waves would take to reach it?

>it DOES prove we have the technology to get to the fucking moon
No, it doesn't.
Because you can't check that there wasn't something up there ALREADY before.

You simply beLIEve (((them))) telling you something.

First of all, it doesn't prove anything at all.
Also you get almost nothing back. It's not like you use your laser and your laser beam comes back.
Second it's of course way more difficult to send multiple humans up there, but a few protons coming back doesn't even prove that a human made robot was up there.

My main problem is also the so called live footage.
Why would the burgers risk that something goes horribly wrong and the whole world sees it? They would only do so in case they knew that it would all work out, because it was a Hollywood movie for the masses.

>I saw it on TV, so it is real
>I also saw dinosaurs on TV, so they also must be real.

>obviously a major malfunction
Fucking no shit sherlock


>Because you can't check that there wasn't something up there ALREADY before.
so aliens have the technology to place mirrors on the moon, but humans don't OK, you seem like a perfectly sane person

there's actually an exponential element to the equation as well. The equation would actually result in an even larger number. The real equation is 8 inches per (mile ^2)

>what is the van allen belt?

not saying we werent on the moon, but there is legit grounds to doubt we were

No, (((someone))) shows you (((photographcs))) and tells you what it is.

I don't think I'm the one that sounds insane here, man. I'm not the one incoherently spouting insults, inserting words in others mouths.

there are a thousands and he just showed you ONE.
> globetards jew puppets, keep sucking jewzion dicks and follow them like a proud puppet bitch

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You guys think NASA and everyone else who's been to space is involved in some massive coverup. Leave that "genuine curiosity" bullshit out of your posts.

Richard Byrd did the first flight over the South Pole, Lincoln Ellsworth navigated across a large portion of inland Antarctica in a flight.

Also take a look at this:

they want us to think it's spherical bc it's the heliocentric model (we revolve around the sun) vs geocentric (everything revolves around us). geocentric (like in the flat earth model) proposes that we're 'special,' basically, and capable of anything, whereas the globe model implies we're random and tiny, insignificant specks in the universe, and that nothing really matters, bc it was all chance.

flat earth = everyone's 'special'
globe earth = speck in the universe, insignificance, nobody's special

Well you know NASA just threw away all the technology from back then and they simply can't do it again because of that.

Surely back then they thought about the van allen belt and came up with a solution made about of tin foil, but sadly that solution is in a dumpster somewhere. Someone should tell NASA to dumpster-dive.

The accident was fake, the explosion and deaths were real. Why would the government risk *more* witnesses (actors playing the role of parents, students, astronauts, etc) when they could just train and blow up some people to get the same effect?

I totally agree that Richard E. Byrd explored Antarctica. But what he had to say about his expeditions were very vague and interesting.

Ok I am having a hard time believing you’re not trolling at this point. Your ‘curiosity’ is absolutely retarded when there is no evidence for anything you have claimed. You don’t have curiosity. At this point it’s hopeful delusion.

i know all that, but it might as well could be a cover up for using classified technology back then they dont want to disclose. the footage is fake pretty obviously, but a lot of possible reasons could be behind that too

so you're ignoring satellite evidence, despite the fact that fucking anyone can launch a satellite into space and take pictures...


and notice how you ignore evidence by saying its fake, but make no effort to prove that it is fake. You just simply accept it is fake with no further questions.

like it is simply easy to fake terabytes of satellite image data

if your intention is trolling, congratuations, you've succeeded. if not, I wish mercy on you, as your life must be a nightmare being this fucking retarded

>Admiral Richard E Byrd made the announcement today that the United State are required to take protective meassures against the possibillity of an Invasion of the country though hostile aircafts originating from the polar area
>The Admiral said that he didnt want to scare anyone, but the bitter reality is that in case of a new war the United States could be attacks by aircrafts that can fly from pole to pole.
>The Admiral stated the necessity to be in a state of alert and watchful along the whole icebelt which would be the last fortitude against an invasion.
what did he mean by this?

>massive coverup
How many people were in "space"?
Is it more than the actual people who knows stuff about the NSA surveillance?

You do understand that just a few people would be needed to fake it. Tons of people would "work" on it and believe that what they are doing is reality.

Ok and the fact that numerous individuals travel to the South Pole/navigate through Antarctica, often coming back a different path to a different country’s way station doesn’t immediately debunk a flat earth model? What is there to address these facts?

>anyone can launch a satellite into space
top kek

Yes, give me a few millions and also tons of trustworthy technicians, that can build it for me.

>That is EXACTLY how EVERY flat-earther (including myself) starts. I used to love space. I wanted to be a theoretical physicist as I looked up to people like Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Brian Cox.
>When I first heard of the subject I laughed and said "I can disprove this SO easily." Then I tried to disprove it and I came to the horrifying realization that there is hardly ANY proof to say that the world is actually round other than various math formulas that can also work on a flat earth (diverging shadows experiment and what not).