What separates soyboys/bugmen/numales different from nerds and geeks of the past? Are they something entirely new or is the rise in numales really just a rise in nerds?
What separates soyboys/bugmen/numales different from nerds and geeks of the past...
Is wearing glasses a numale or nerd thing? You realize some people just don't see shit without glasses, right?
Geeks or nerds were usually self-contained in the past. You wouldn't just go and claim that you're the nerdiest boy in the school. Also, usually the ultra nerdy or geeky kid in the school was bullied and either had to learn to hide his geekiness/nerdiness or man up.
Now, with social media and pussyfication of society, they don't need to hide anymore and there's noone left to kick their ass anymore, hence their proliferation.
I graduated in 2015 and there was still a lot of bullying, especially towards the nerds. Over the years different stuff nerds liked became "cool" but the nerds were still seen as a bunch of spergs. Was this not the case in europe or america?
Neither Louis nor John Green are soyboy. Louis is blackpilled loves jacking off in public, and John Green loves history which is racist so he must know the score.
it's the case.
anti social autistic neets on this board like to pretend they know about what happens in school
>Neither Louis nor John Green are soyboy. Louis
They all wear the same kinda style, large squarish lenses with/or thick frame
>You realize some people just don't see shit without glasses, right?
No shit cunt, I wear a pair myself
Rabid liberalism
Geeks and nerds had a passion and dedication for something (often science related) that put them out of the crowd, soyboys are just average weak men considering masculinity is something to hard and so try to get approval from women by being outspoken self hating betas.
Of course it doesn't work because they are at best friendzoned by women and hated by real men.
These people can't shut up about politics, while they only have a shallow understanding of the things they are supposed to be fans of. They think for example, that The Last Jedi is good because it's "diverse" and "subverts expectations".
Its the eyes. As far as I know nerds have passion and interest while, soyboy/numale/bugmen/nextstupidname have a soulless, dead eyes. They live to please, not to express themselves in a way they want.
>Are they something entirely new
It's a combination of the big bang theory and soft living conditions. Soyboys should have been the middle class family man backbone of the US but they were corrupted. Nerds are eternal and necessary, normally they're apolitical however politics has invaded their hobbies.
WOaaaaaaahhhhhhhh..... GEEKS look like DAT?
Fuck off cunt, I'm a nerd, these beings aren't nerds, they're pathetic pieces of shit.
this is how you get threads deleted.
I like it when mommy has both sweet and salty milkies
>soystation in the background
How does this happen
Nerds =/= dorks =/= bugmen
Nu-males have no self esteem and engage in constant attention seeking behavior. They attempt to adopt a look of masculinity while having the mindset of a woman.
pls no ban
you deserve it for posting it for the secound time just in this thread, you gigantic faggot
> nerds in the past still made babies
> still were right wing exp "look at rush the band"
> playing pac man and jamming rush = legit
Very feminine. Cares about his looks and is trendy.
Somewhat androgynous. Introverted and prefers the company of other nerds or staying alone.
Masculine. Gives absolutely zero fucks about society or its norms. Obsesses over his hobbies.
now define trap
Nerds of the past were very good at whatever nerdy they were doing.
A male who crossdresses, usually in order to get attention and not because of transvestitism.
male version of an attention whore
Baldness - Male pattern baldness isn't new and typically starts in your late teens to early 20s.
Glasses - There might be something here. Looking at shit the same distance, like a screen, all day can cause your lens to become less flexible, less able to focus to different distances.
Poor chin/jawline - There's the xenoestrogen thing but there are other causes too. Being formula fed, eating too soft food, poor tongue in mouth posture.
Long necks - When your shoulders are hunched forward it elongates the neck.
Forward head posture - Just another symptom of being sedentary and sitting all the time.
Pale, soft skin - Lack of sun exposure, obviously.
Soylent grin - Not 100% sure on this. Apeing how women take photos? Trying to look fun and harmless?
Beards - Helps conceal the poor chin and jaw development.
>What separates soyboys/bugmen/numales different from nerds and geeks of the past?
Nerd/Geek was a psyop to make intelligent males appear as unpopular as possible, as a germline warfare strategy that prevents intelligent americans from breeding, in order to gradually reduce the intelligence of the american populous.
The Nu-male/Bugmen thing is an attempt by the elite to "Counter" the rising influance and popularity of intelligent americans, by portraying their own servitors and minions AS intelligent, by having them wear glasses.
>reddit spacing
can't make this shit up
That's one explanation of the nerd but another is that it was Jews expressing themselves.
Jewish kids are brought up being told not to do stuff like sports and focus on their studies. While upper-class WASP types value exercise.
Movies like Revenge of the Nerds are about Jews being upset that their WASP peers got similar grades to them while also being fit, healthy and attractive to women.
Consider the traits of that old archetype nerd. It's describing a kike.
Good answers lads, often wondered this meself.
Is James Rolfe a le soyboy?
yeah attention thats what all that is
i want retards to leave
He’s a genuine nerd.
Honestly it's pretty funnily explained in 21 jump street.
Geekiness has changed in the last 10 years, and now it's pretty much the cool thing to be. The jocks of the past who used to shit on comic book reading nerds now all piss themselves in excitement for the new Avengers.
Did the geeks and nerds of the past drink as much soy?
Capeshit has always been the bottom tier of comics though.
>be me
>fat but not obese
>like video games
>need glasses, only wear them for work
>sometimes smoke herbal jew
>like guns
>also get laid heaps
I think the soy boys don't get access to pussy, thus they slowly morph into what they used to desire
Marvel movies are an opportunity to get laid, for normies. Girls eat them up.
> They all wear the same kinda style, large squarish lenses with/or thick frame
So what you’re saying is I should get myself some Doug Jones style wireframes or Jeffrey Dahmer prescription aviators to look like a fucking spazz weirdo? Ok.
Nerds and geeks don't set out to be that way, they just pursue what makes them happy and just end up being nerdy.
Soyboys have taken an active choice to be part of the culture and wngineer their personalities and activities to fit. They really do care what other people think of them.
Bugmen are different. They plod along a miserable, average life without ever trying to step out of line or do anything that isn't normal. They've given up their free will.
>Terrible attempts at facial hair
>SJW crybullies
>Still clinging on to irony in post-irony era, thinking it still garners them "cool points"
>le cool ifunny logo
Dahmer was aesthetic as fuck
>set up a fake Tinder profile
>Jeffrey Dahmer is my picture
>my bio says I enjoy going to bars and caring for my grandmother
>set up a fake insta account to link to
>it's hundreds of pictures of taxidermy
>get around 100 matches
>still using le unironically
It's old but it's a good encapsulation of the bug man.
Chin is mostly genetics and weight. A guy with low body fat will have a "sharper" jawline than a fat person. From there genetics determine if you have a little chin or a broad chin. My FIL isn't fat but he has such a weird, almost inverted chin. It isn't so bad on my wife but her sister had to get jaw surgery because it was so out of line.
It's the large body frames on the eyewear they pic, usually due to a distinct lack of appealing physical features
Nerds of old wanted to be Chads... They probably had decent T levels
>>reddit spacing
Oh no, seperating two paragraphs is reddit spacing!!! OH NO!
Hi spencer, or is this reeves?
i like the cut of your jib m80
>Consider the traits of that old archetype nerd. It's describing a kike.
No, it's a sort of social engineering self fufilling prophecy.
Jews want to be the smartest on the planet, so they use their media power to socially engineer the population into killing off their own intelligent people....
And THEN, they try to REPLACE that nations intelligent people, with people who are retarded, and merely APPEAR like the stereotypical "Smart person"
Hence, nu-males and soyboys.
Nerds were actually pretty driven and wanted to achieve things, just in their specific autistic area of expertise and foregoing some other things like physical fitness or not being a fucking sperg in general.
Bugmen are fully immersed in hedonism and distraction culture ever since being a child. That's the problem, not the fact they play with electronics too much and wear shitty glasses.
(((Louis Cuck-King)))
back in my day, we' call these people faggots. not soyboys, not betas and not nerds. these the people who growing up weren't into cars, girls, shop classes, sports, cool bands or even beer. they still collected children's toys well beyond junior high.
they also think michael jackson is a legitimately cool person.
wtf is that?? how is that even possible?
The Jewishness of the whole scene now.