United States

Strongest nation on Earth for 67 years and counting

Highest GDP on Earth

Worth 51% of the global economy

Largest navy in the world

Has military bases on 1/3rd of the Earth

30 years technologically superior to any other opposing nation's military on Earth

Developing a new generation of spaceships

Only country to have been to the Moon

Only country with a private sector actively working in space

Global center of the arts, humanities, education, finance, commerce, business, warfare, technology, industry, culture, politics and communication

Owns the most cities on the World Cities ranking chart

Never lost a war in its 237 year history (Vietnam didn't win; look at them and look at the US now)

Leader of the free world

Don't like us? No problem.

At the end of the day, you are all American people. You follow our elections. You eat our food. You watch our movies and television shows. You wear our clothes. You copy our vernacular. You access American websites. You copy our Constitution and our laws. You read our books, ponder our art, use our weapons, drive our cars. The global economy is based on the US Dollar. Our military maintains bases on your soil. When our President speaks, you listen.

You are ALL American people.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Leech all the benefits from America
>Have none of their disadvantages like getting shot up
Based "Third World" "Americans"

Thank you America for BLACKED.com

Also your entire country is an offshot of ours.


Every country has people like this, even shit-poor ones. It's not that you're a particularly good place, USA, it's just that you use a lot of make-up.

>Leader of the free world

Lol! Thanks for letting me use your foreskin in my facial cream brah:


thank you mr big strong american.

>30 years technologically superior to any other opposing nation's military on Earth

is that true

>muslims who speak ghetto australian
>invented modern america


>Only country with a private sector actively working in space
what is new zealand

You're also an cheap knockoff of Britain. You've even got our flag on your flag like a cuckstamp.

I'm with you except for the part about foreign fags being American. They wish

wont be your flag when the muslims replace yours with a crescent moon

my dick just got hard

Dude you guys have become the most embarrassing example of a former Western behemoth's collapse into decrepitude and irrelevance. You owned half the world and now you're losing your social and legal standing to people from the southern part of the world. Never speak of American culture, prestige, or greatness again, you snaggletoothed embarrassment of a once great empire.

>never won a war
>over 50% non white
>is literally keeping israel alive on artificial life support, giving them trillions upon trillions of dollars anually, for free, just because they're jews.
>american "culture" stopped existing in the 80's right now its been completely taken over by nigger, african savage """"""culture"""""""".
>the most stupid things on planet earth come from USA.
>scientology, mormons, flat earth, etc.
>healthcare doesnt exist, a band-aid in a hospital costs around 199,999,99 dollars

Your country has a total of: 0 reasons to feel smug.

>free world
>ranked 25th in human freedom
More freedom in Iraq fat fuck


does that mean we get to vote and social security, desu?


No lol, Russia and China have 5th gen stealth air superiority fighters too. Our naval game is strong though. Nothing quite like a Gerald Ford class aircraft carrier with a fuck ton of F35's.

Let's talk about jews.

Streuth m7, it oi, you cunt.

You went from the strongest empire on Earth to a muzzie cuck island! Ireland went from a shithole to a first world country, literally worse than the Irish.

Excuse me, is this your country's flag?

>never won a war

What are you smoking?

Blame labour. They're importing them for votes. Literally proven in leaked labour party documents.

You lost one war, the only one you shouldn't have lost.

Meme 35 are not operationals and may never be. And the carrier has problems. The older navy is quite tough, but the latest stuff is garbage. Btw, the navy is already thinking of a 6th gen drone or fighter. Because they are aware the f35 is a joke.

Don’t even need sauce; this is the same thing the dems do in the US. They don’t care how much they fuck our shit up because it will never affect them.

sorry, you won the Revolutionary war.

for the last 60 years you've been paying the Russians to get your fat asses into orbit, everything you had either catastrophicly blew up, or got salvaged.

Good thing you got Musk now, but over half of his employees are Indian, so yeah.....

And you also fucked up another one. Thanks for that.

europoors will stay mad bc they will NEVER be like America. Freedom feels great

And yet you got utterly cucked by """ people""" that were your slaves a few generations ago.
But I guess thats what it means to be an amerimutt

You're welcome.

did you have your loaf of bread for supper yet aleksander?


>eurorichers will stay happy bc they will NEVER be as poor as america. Being a 99,9% white country feels great.

Sorry, the other guys have done nothing at all. The "manlet" is a genius war veteran. You're a little faggot with superiority complex. Kys. Another war we won was against the guys who invaded you, worthless faggot

>You are ALL American people.
i will be once my wife shits out a baby two feet north of the wall :^)

it is true. mfw we also have niggers


America is the first real worldwide Empire, that’s true.

If we had more nations at the same level there would be tons of international military drama. And America is at least less shitty than China, so meh, I am fine with it.

Sadly the Empire and crumbling (Trump is a desperate attempt to slow down the decline) and by the end of the century the US as the center of human culture will be no more.

>Worth 51% of the global economy
American bros we should turn this into a meme

if we get rid of all the spics we'd be 87%+ white just like the US has always been (13% niggers since slavery happened) + there are areas that are 99% white don't act as if your shitty country is anything special. You're polack yet you prob listen to American music and keep up with American politics. Even people your age mimic American culture by listening to music from American and copying our fashion trends. OP is 100% right

yeah, im making a delicious sandwich right this second.

>Another war we won was against the guys who invaded you, worthless faggot

you mean landing some troops on a beach defended by a couple of machine guns, and then pushing back the skeleton german crew that was occupying france?
good joke :D

We should say we triumph even despite being the center of Jewery raping and strangling us


20% of the global economy and DECREASING. Ammed Icca is done for.

literally every single thing that came out from USA since the 80's is complete nigger trash.
Everything up until 1980's i value very high about the USA, after that, is a gigantic pile of degenerate nigger shit.

Jesus, how much of a little faggot do you have to be being Polish and attempting to make fun of Americans? You have to love Russian jizzsm, you have to have whored your mother out to communists

Polish faggot is so upset that he’s polish. I see your 30th rank education doesn’t teach great world history.

Seriously who would benefit the USA more if we got rid of spics? Or if we got rid of niggers?

Its not a triumph - its fucking over everyone coming after you

America Died in the Summer of 2015

Why do you eastern European guys hate the 90s so much? Alot of good stuff came out the 90s too. Even good memes

I’d say he’s more likely happy to be living in a racially homogeneous utopia. Or so most polish posts would have me believe.

What is debt per capita?
$57,300 vs. $119,000
get rektd britbong

Come now, friend. You know Poland is a shithole.

>literally every single thing that came out from USA since the 80's is complete nigger trash.

holy fucking shit you're a retard, this is the last (you) you're getting polack
>the pc you're using
>your phone

>literally every single thing that came out from USA since the 80's is complete nigger trash
i dont disagree with you there

Yeah that's what you think, but you're wrong, because you're a limey bitch boy and we don't give up


I’ve never been but I have my suspicions

>abloo abloo abloo abloo

next time type in english, tyrone.

american education is an oxymoron, and the fact that americans think they actually won any wars in their sad, nigger filled 200 year old history is pretty much proof of that.



We use £ and your argument doesn't improve anyones situation. I know UK is fucked also

How much did you give Ivan for your mother's pussy? probably like 5 dollars because you live in a depressing hellscape, and you have no honor at all attempting to insult people who defend your country and fought for it. Pathetic

You also forget that you have started the most wars. Without you the whole would be at peace. You are like planet's cancer. Also all these arts, technologies and sciences you are talking about, have been transferred from Europe. Without Europe, America was just the native Indians (maybe it would be better that way).

its a million times better than how ameripoor cities look like.

learn to read, tyrone. Culture, not technology.

spics are a bigger problem because they take up too much of our economy, once we do that we can pay low iq niggers and unemployed niggers to leave which would be really easy because they value money over everything. That would probably make us around 97% white. We would have some spics, niggers, and asians remaining but they'd be the upper echelon of their each respected race and would have to have normal level IQ in order to stay

>You also forget that you have started the most wars. Without you the whole would be at peace.
Top kek, European retard education. Europeans started both World Wars and we had to be dragged into them. Turk rape baby


Oh yeah - its all in USD.

On that list, if you rank nations by most debt per capita, you get Luxembourg as no.1. And theres Monaco, Singapore, Malta, Switzerland and HongKong ranking above UK.

WTF? I thought all those countries were genuinely rich?

>you live in a depressing hellscape

yes, i know you do.

>doesn't specify what he means
>muh learn to read tyrone

maybe (you) should learn how to clarify what you're saying you poor fucking polack.

>no you do
5 year old level banter. Sad

Ah the old “American education is so bad hurr hurr” you should probably learn to google.

american jews hired hitler to get rid of european jews, hence WW2.
is this your first day on the internet?

>drive our cars


>12 year old's first conspiracy theory
I bet they actually teach that at Polish universities

You're a cheap offshot of Africa if you want to play this game gayboy

if you read the other posts, dumbo, you would come to an obvious conclusion everybody was talking about culture, not technology.
no need to damage control, tyrone, everybody already knows you're stupid.

>5 year old level banter. Sad.

yes, your 5 year old level banter is pretty sad:

>How much did you give Ivan for your mother's pussy? probably like 5 dollars because you live in a depressing hellscape, and you have no honor at all attempting to insult people who defend your country and fought for it. Pathetic

besides winning the civil war, lol, you literally didnt win anything, unless you count scuttling some mexican ships as a war hahahahahahaha

and i bet they teach you non stop about anne frank, and that jews were the poor victims and dindu nuffin.

oh, wait.....


>he was announced to have made a grade of 5.0, with the best result in the programme

perfect example of polish education a nigger gets #1 place at a top polish uni kek

Low-tier trolling, faggot.


Here here. America is essentially the only country on earth. All of the other "countries" are really Mad Max dystopias of Islamic barbarism and they only exist because we havent cared enough to pave them over for a Wal-Mart parking lot.

Lololol Poland BTFO

>What should I say uhhh muh "turk rapebaby" argument yesyes.

Even in WW your main opponent was Soviet Union and still fked the world. You destroyed two Japanese cities. When are you going to pay for your crimes mixed Jew-African-Asian rapebaby? After the end of WW in order to stop Soviet Union you didn't hesitate destroying or cucking any country (Yugoslavia, Vietnam, other European countries). Just please disappear.



did you even click the link?

america is israel's bitchboy

superpooper 2030??

In a year you're going to use our XRP-coins, bitch.
It's converted to USD.
Debt is jew tax and the countries with low debt per GDP aren't paying the jews double the price for everything.
Debt typically consists of home loans...30 year loans where the house is double priced.

Greedy Hyena, haha.

I remember seeing something about America being downgraded from “first world nation,” to “developing nation.”
I’m having a hard time finding a link or source now though. Anybody have anything?

>taking a shot at Chaos
Mattis is objectively above reproach as a Defense secretary.

>poland is in which country


I thought America was the jews no.1 bitch tho?