Trumspistani/MAGApeed hate thread. Post your photos and OC of cringy conservatards
Trumspistani/MAGApeed hate thread. Post your photos and OC of cringy conservatards
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Good thread. Have a bump, OP.
Is he a fuckin' ISIS member?
Trumppeeds are much worse, you know
This is a classic. He even has the soyboy smile.
Alpha male
The root of all SOY
Another classic.
Amerimutt isn't just a meme folks
There is so much wrong in this fuckin' photo that I can't even start.
Omg cringey! I’m going to vote democrat now
No, vote the shady east coast billionaire he will make all your fantasies come true
Totally. I can’t be associated with people like these, guess I have no choice but to give up everything I’ve ever believed in and start voting democrat.
>Your only choices are Democrat and Trump
>The only way you can make an impact is to vote
Fuck off magaboomers
ah, baby's mad
MAGAboomers are the worst scum
MAGAboomers cant handle truth, they lash out
Trump will never be as popular as obama
>n-no you're mad!
If only you knew how bald things really are.
Magaboomers on suicide watch!
Magapedos assemble
"Entering "sage" (by itself) into the [Options] field while replying will cause the thread not to bump to the top of the page."
helpful tip
No one cares about that nigger
this is what I advise for all you lefty soyboys
This, so, so much.
Tinfoil hat by 2020
Obongo he good presdent yes
too true
>based trips
Ok... I patiently read the thread and analyzed each image. You idiots _still_ can't meme.
Think about it... You posted pictures of what you thought were pathetic people.
But these are the people who are demolishing you in every argument.
You can't meme because you can't discern between facts, opinions, and feels. Good propaganda requires a grasp of truth, and you are rudderless and ill-prepared for survival in the real world where your delusions are not coddled. Your bullying and language control over the past 30 years have hidden the extent of your opposition. But only from YOU. Those of us who knew better and were silent in public have been waiting for this day.
You have lost on all fronts. And I am salt-mining the fuck out of all of you.
>being this delusional
lul. it's already getting bad for your donnie tiny hands. He has at best 32% support, and more and more people are registering Democrat every, single, day. Remember all the diverse candidates that won back in November? transgender mayors of your bigot towns? Yeah, that's the future. Prepare to get blue waved hick.
>being so delusional to confuse reality with dreams
Open your eyes and wake the fuck up
>t.insecure pedefaggot
Get a life. Your guys' schizo President fatty isn't going to save you from your own failings in life. Kill yourself. Nobody will ever love you.
>my president
>implying i ever said i agree with everything trump says or that i am a conservative
why are you sporting the cuck flag?
I voted twice in cali and once in north dakota. Your country is a joke. Trump really is the perfect example of an amerikano. But in the end it doesnt matter who he is, what matters is ((((their)))) plan. The director of the federal reserve and the imf and world bank arent elected. They dont serve a limited terms and are for profit ((((businesses)))) please stop these people. They cant keep getting away with it.