Our country is already Brazil isn't it?

Our country is already Brazil isn't it?

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I live in the Midwest like a smart person, so I wouldn't know.

Hey everybody, it's Northernlion, here with another episode of The Binding of Isaac. Hopefully we'll have a zany run this time around. Have I ever told you guys about my experience at the Deli counter?

its lies and shilling paid for by soros

Ohioan here. Still pretty white here but yeah everyone looks like literal 56% mutts in other states


I was in US 2 times: in Palo Alto and Miami and can say that in Russia 90% of americans will be concidered nearly-non-while, e.g. "churka"s like chechens or azers (pic related).


we supposed to be frens Australia what the fuck



Not yet but keep voting for democrats and just wait another 50 years.



>Palo Alto
One is a Mexican colony and the other is Cuban

slav brainlet


brasilians are a mix of niggers/spanish/portugueses
americans are a mix of every subhuman race in the world. this is why every 10 americans 6 are serial killer rapists
so yes. enjoy your burgers

can confirm

Even more reason to not give up the fight, you were once conquerors, and believe it or not, it's still in your blood

How come highest populated regions are foreign colonies?

What do you think?

shills sliding this


Tesla was a slav you absolute dingus pickledick Rick & Morty fan.

spotted the amerimutt

Cities are popular for illegals and demcrats push their policies into those cities to expand their influence in the state while trying to grow the illegal voting population to displace the influence of the original state population. With this process you can turn a state from hard red to blue in only a generation or two.

So can we judge about US at least by 25% of population? I wasnt in nigerillio states like Michigan/Illinois but I guess they will only increase the percentage.



I want to say I understand your question but I don't, that said think contextually for the states. In the case of Florida most of the white people are in Northern Florida. California is literally a sanctuary state where rabbid beans think that the entire South Western United States belongs to Mexico.

This is a bit old but this link will show you the general numbers per state on illegal populations, for whatever reason they always centralize in cities and push for more welfare and Democrat control.


gonna throw my hand to see what mutt i get


Looks like a dark souls enemy




rolling in the river

>one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews
one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews
>one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews
one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews
>one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews
one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews

i didn't see a black person until i was like 12

fuck off mohammed

Give it 20 years.

So this is muttcore i keep hearing about?



Canada will be more like Brazil than america soon enough.