Hitler was chad asf without the mustache
Hitler was chad asf without the mustache
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Chad with bitch tits.
He looks like a Pepsi now
He was more buff than you will ever be Croats
still looks like a manlet bitch with a tiny, mutilated penis who lost in the most embarrassing way possible and killed himself like a gutless coward
Off yourself mutt
Soyboy mouth gape pity he never got a Nintendo switch
he looks like a 40 year old man child. which he was desu
his mustache is alpha as fuck.
not sure what your point is. he was a chad with a 'stache. soygois would shit themeselves and suicide within 5min on the battlefield of the Great War.
Will Wright?
t. mustache
hahhaha lmao weak ass cracker, I would fucking oneshot him and fuck his eva braun just because.
Stop samefagging shill
Remember he lived in a time where everyone had unlimited access to amphetamines, this is why this won't happen again
>implying he isn't even more of a Chad with his alpha mustache
Hitler most likely shit himself within 5 mins, and he was a courier. Not to diminish his service but wwI was the most horrific experience ever coutenanced by mankind.
ugly bitch boy
how would you know that, islandfag
Where the fuck are all these kike shills coming from?
What a qt and a patootie. You could just imagine him being a modern day gay pornstar.
He was decorated for bravery multiple times and requested to be sent back to the front even after being injured.
Hitler was a runner, which had a very high mortality rate.
>most likely shit himself within 5 mins
Implying you wouldn't.
Take the moustache out of this one.
>Brown hair
Fuck this nigger shitskin. He's not white
oh look, the brain addled, dingo fucking meth head retard doesnt know how to check user id. n8 surprise there hahahaha kys dumb shit.
>what are vpns
All the posts had the exact same format and writing style, pretty obvious what was going on.
krautbros post yfw this is basically the brother of Helmut Schmidt
On it
hahah nigger
Siiick larp faggot.
All Germans were Chads before Jews destroyed our genetic heritage with East-Russian mongloids.
you are just a croat rape baby
add a switch in photoshop for lulz
Man, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him without his mustache
Soy chad that is.
Straight up residentsleeper
>follor your leader
I already did, that's why I'm living in Argentina
he was a chad obsessed meth addicted self hating jew who hated
himself so much that he wanted to eradicate every and anyone that could possibly fall into
his spectrum
>makes deal to deport jews from germany
You know that declassified documents confirm he didn't kill himself right?
stop ruining the narrative
Yeah, it was the only anti-Hitler image I had on-hand.
Anyone who cooperates with WZO gets what they get
You're a retard, you don't even begin to understand basic politics.
Fuck off, cunt. Explain to me how Hitler was a good leader of his people when he cooperated with the Zionists. You're a retard.
How fucking stupid are you? The Haavara agreement was an agreement between Zionist and Nazis to rid Germany of Jews - only they could keep their belongings and wealth and would be transported to Palestine. Oh but wait he made an agreement with Zionists so that makes it bad right? Fucking retad.
Nigga looks like Harry from Kingsmen
Yeah, and the Zionists wanted the war in the first place, dipshit. Where did all of that oil come from? The German people got fucked and a ton of them died. What a great leader, who was able to make the tough decisions.
>hur dur don't make good decisions that in in your nations interest
Who the fuck cares? It was a good move in every single way you retard, you entire argument is
Not once have you criticized the actual essence deal but that it was done with Zionists.
>Where did all of that oil come from?
I now see I am arguing with a retard
is this shopped? he was handsome af.
No, you just don't know what you're talking about. By making a deal with the Zionists, he sacrificed the will of his people, not to mention a bunch of their lives, who trusted the foundation of their nation built on nationalism. He was a fucking ass who capitulated to the kikes and his people paid for it, while he fled. You can seriously fuck yourself, dumb-ass.
He didn't trust the Zionists at all you retard, they had a mutual agreement that got rid of Jews, period. How the fuck are you so stupid to believe this did anything else little lone capitulated to them, while he was actively persecuting them. When he could no longer simply deport them he had them put in camps.
Literally do a 5 minute read you retard.
>little lone capitulated to them
We're done here, faggot. Look at a real leader.
>gen Z
>believe wikipedia as the truth
jesus christ the meme is true
>hurrr hundreds of listed sources and impartial presentation are fake
Let me guess the only real source of information is Breitbart and any other schizo tier articles you read? Also I find it hilarious that you post JFK as he was a great admirer of Hitler. You're just another Amerilard who blindly loves America and therefore Hitler, America's greatest villain is evil by default.
There's actually no evidence he had a mutilated penis. It was a claim made by a commissar who said he performed an autopsy on him which is obviously false since his body was never recovered.
But do you know who has mutilated penis'? Lying,swindling circumcised kikes like you.
His medical report during the war claimed he had normal healthy sexual organs.
Eva Braun confirmed this as well.
(((Eva Braun))) or Eva Braun?
tobey maguire looks like *THAT*?
>the only real source of information is Breitbart and any other schizo tier articles you read
Wrong, and you should try a phonics book sometime, user.
>just another Amerilard who blindly loves America and therefore Hitler, America's greatest villain is evil by default
Wow, you're fucking retarded.
>Label AIPAC, who currently own us, as a foreign agency
>Spy on Israel to make sure they're not kiking around over there
>Send a 4 page Chad letter to Israel telling them to cease possible nuclear production and that they will require an internationally sanctioned investigation
>Back the dollar with silver
>Deliver Chad speech on secret societies and their goals, and refute them
Real leaders are heroes, and therefore, are murdered, you stupid faggot. Hitler was a fucking pussy who sold his people out.
Look like my granddad, except less manly.
>Wrong, and you should try a phonics book sometime, user.
What the fuck do you mean phonic books you retard? You just mean books. You don't have any evidence because you don't read books or actual evidence that sites like Wikipedia supply.
>Wow, you're fucking retarded.
Not an argument, amerilard.
>Real leaders are heroes, and therefore, are murdered, you stupid faggot. Hitler was a fucking pussy who sold his people out
Nice vague statement that doesn't contribute anything to the conversation or counter anything I said.
Hitler grew his moustache to hide the fact he had rampant abnormal nostril hair growth from snorting so many lines of kike ash. He was a real connoisseur imbibing daily of a few grams of the finest ground up powder of virgin Jewish milkmaids. A great man and true pioneer in his field.
Kinda sad really that the Bonglos fought the Germans, I mean look at Hitler here, looks like a real bonglo.
>stupid lolbertarian cuck spergs out while not understanding VPNs
>What the fuck do you mean phonic books you retard?
Why the fuck am I talking to you? If you haven't been tested, I would recommend it.
>Not an argument, amerilard
I will point you to the last few times you have used this as an argument.
>Nice vague statement that doesn't contribute anything to the conversation or counter anything I said
I can't contribute anything to your idiocy. How the fuck is that vague you dumb cunt?
Way to dodge my evidence of what someone who dislikes the Jewish power structure will actually do. All Hitler did was play an imperative part in the plan for WWII, and fulfill the Rothschild plan to move a large population of Jews to Palestine, which was drafted and financed in 1917 with the Balfour Deceleration. Your leader enabled the biggest cancer the modern world faces.
>Label AIPAC, who currently own us, as a foreign agency
>Spy on Israel to make sure they're not kiking around over there
>Send a 4 page Chad letter to Israel telling them to cease possible nuclear production and that they will require an internationally sanctioned investigation
>Back the dollar with silver
>Deliver Chad speech on secret societies and their goals, and refute them
Oh no what a horrible strategical mistake.
Yeah, now they're the only nation that doesn't have to agree to any nuclear treaties and has around 400 of them illegally, which they are fully prepared to use if "betrayed". Ever heard of the Iron Dome? They get away with war crimes, and are effectively committing sanctioned genocide while increasing their power, defense and world influence. Oh, and they're responsible for the largest cancerous ideology to ever exist, Zionism. A bunch of shit-skins are going to stop them, yeah, you sure got me, user.
A bunch of?
A whole army of muslims want to make 70 AD look like nothing.
You do know some of these leaders are compromised and are just ramping them up to get slaughtered, right? Israel wants them out of The Levant area so they can continue their settlement projects and achieve their Jewish homogeneity.
That's shopped.