Be me

>be me
>go to England
>speak Welsh at them
>reply in English
>"bloody foreigners"

pic related: me

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why go to that shit hole

*forgot pic


cymru am byth


Why do the welsh and the kiwis shag sheep?

what else are they gonna sing about?

the took the Wales in New South Wales, serious at the time

What do you expect from those limey cunts? Seriously, they can't even be bothered to integrate with the rest of us. Fuck off back to Denmark I say.

Because people in England pay a premium for the taste of superior spunk from a thick meaty wide Welsh penis in their lamb.

No idea why the Kiwi's do it though.

It's funnier when they tell the story about how we were all talking in English in the pub moments before they came in, but just magically decided to all talk in our first language as soon as they walked in. Obviously, this is because we want to talk about them.

Fucking hillarious that their opinion of themselves is so high they think we would speak their unpoetic moonspeak when there is no reason to do so. I bet they think the same happens if they walk into a wine bar in France or a tea garden in China.

Youre welcome to leave the uk if you want user.
Please, we're tired of propping up your welfare on the off chance we get another tom jones

what fucking wefare its all been stopped

>b-but...mah gibs?
Heh, Wales, the niggers of great britain


Wales is the real powerhouse of the UK

The would rather commit sudoku than staying in the hands.of.a.welshman.

I'm Welsh mate, you'd have to leave before me. Last in, first out, I don't make the rules, Boyo.

Prynhawn da, Cymry.

>be me
>in Bern, speaking swiss german with friends in a pub
>romand (french speaker) comes in
>"bloody foreigners"

LOL Welsh is the original language in England.

Not really. The original language in England was Brittonic. Welsh is just a descendant language of that. Cornish is far more similar to Brittonic than Welsh.

Alri boyos how's it goin?

Fuck off we're full
And stop writing your bloody road signs in freaky deaky dutch for christs sake.
Hows an englishman supposed to navigate your island when everything written in phlegmish?

Fuck off Iolo. Sheep shagging cunt.

Wales is unironically the most based part of the UK.

Cayo Evans literally did nothing wrong! Fe godwn ni eto!

Celts are subhuman.

>nothing wrong
Except the republicuck bit.


>Except the republicuck bit.

Bootlickers please leave. No one wants to hear about how you want to suck Mountbatten mongrel cock.

Why don't you leave you limey cunt?

A welsh king would be better than some gay paki president like our brothers in Ireland. The absolute state.

That's a fair point, I'll accept that.

You two are idiots.
The best system would be the traditional system of Wales before the English messed everything up.
Every time a king dies, his territory is divided equally amongst his sons so they can fight constant treacherous autistic wars against each other, as can their sons and their sons after them.

What is with the Welsh and gavelkind autism? It is probably the main reason that the entirety of lowland Britain got conquered by the Saxons.