Maybe if you stopped treating women as women and start treating them as human beings, there would be no goldiggers...

Maybe if you stopped treating women as women and start treating them as human beings, there would be no goldiggers, whores, feminists or any bad type of women and you would all be happy instead of woman-hating idiots. Yes, there are biological differences between men and women and they should be acknowledged but they should not influence the level of respect you have for other human being.

im hungry

Eat a Whopper

>Implying we treat women in any way.

>Whiteknighting in a korean basketball imageboard

nah im more in the mood for a handmade sandwich

Elements of US government were weaponized against Trump. Spread the word. Women, wake up to aid in fighting the deep state

Sure tranny. Trapping people in a fantasy world has always been the crooks wet dream.

>Maybe if you stopped treating women as women and start treating them as human beings, there would be no goldiggers, whores, feminists or any bad type of women

Maybe if you stopped treating bears as bears and started treating them as human beings, there would be no bear attacks.

> and you would all be happy


>instead of woman-hating idiots.

most of us don't hate women.

>Yes, there are biological differences between men and women and they should be acknowledged but they should not influence the level of respect you have for other human being.

Treating women as humans requires recognizing the good and bad of which they are capable. They aren't saints any more than men are. Men respect women more than women respect men these days.

thats part of the problem. give them a chance user

I demand a full sexual inventory of your past partners and a current certification that shows you are STD free (I will show you mine too) on the first date...

Stay away from the pizza. I've heard bad things.

>implying we hate women
daily false premise thread

>stop treating women as women

>Maybe if you stopped treating bears as bears and started treating them as human beings, there would be no bear attacks.
what kind of logic is that? bears are animals, so you should treat them like animals
>Treating women as humans requires recognizing the good and bad of which they are capable
Yes, and if you actually did that, feminism wouldn't be a thing.

Women are women and men want women, not women pretending to be men.


>start treating them as human beings
What does this even mean? You mean like men?

Do you have any idea how man treat other men? How men like to be treated by other men? For one thing there is non stop banter which women simply can’t handle in my experience.

Women don’t want to be treated like men, they want to be treated like women

You clearly don't understand. I'm not saying women should pretend to be men, but they should behave like humans and men should treat them as humans. Typical women behavior: cheating, manipulating, whoring etc. Typical human behavior : being loyal and honest with people, having sense of morality etc.

>For one thing there is non stop banter which women simply can’t handle in my experience
Exactly. Try and banter a woman a tenth of what you do with your dudes and she'll be eyes wide in disbelief, if not triggered

What does this even mean? You mean like men?
No I said like humans, not like men. Which means: if a woman cheats, steals or kills someone you should treat her like you would treat anyone else regardless of their gender and since there are 2 genders only..yes, like men.

Nobody among men gives a fuck about women's rights, not even those who are faking it to get pussy.
They are just predators.
Women are situated somewhere between children and property in terms of rights and nothing will dissuade me.
Every traditional society sees it the same way.

Yep cause women are always the victums right?

This is the problem. Both whiteknight cuck fedora wearing faggots and ''traditional'' woman- hating wannabe machos treat women as women, but in different ways. You both have perception of what woman should be..for the first group, a woman is a saint that should be treated like queen and worshiped like a godess and for the second group a woman is a property with no right to speak her mind. Great...disgusting.

>having self respect
found your error

You say to treat women like any other person, but since there are only two types of people, men and women, and i cant treat them like women youre asking me to treat all women like men which i wont do because they couldnt handle it and i’d be a social outcast within days.

The problem with feminism is that they want to act like men and be treated like women.

Treat both men and women like humans. Women should also treat men like humans not like men.

I dont know this human you speak of, i know men and i know women, but not humans.

dude same

There will be no middle ground position once the paradigm change occurs.
The right wing, the conservatives, the Christians, the fascist and yes, even the Muslims (in case they win) all agree on this point.
And no, woman will not be asked or have much influence on the outcome. You will just marry or be the property of the winner of this conflict.

>implying that a woman's behavioral problems are because of men.

Women need to be held accountable for their shitty personalities. If one is a bitch, it s her fault. She can choose to change but she doesn't. Don't blame men because you can't develop your own personality.

I'm a woman and women are not human beings, holy fuck OP. Women are vapid catty whores and you know it. WE know it. I wish I'd been born with a dick.

See lad, you just answered your own statement: We can't treat woman like humans because they don't (want to) act as one. They would have to give up all of their "valuable" female privilege and would have to stop getting influenced by (((them))).

I remember one time I went up to my friend and flat out told him his relationship wasn't going to work and that his arms and chest are far too small in the same sentence. If I said that to a woman, she'd be splattered on the concrete in less than a week. Women and men have completely different social dynamics, I completely agree with you.

Then I hope every woman hangs herself before ''the winner'' tries to make her his property.
As far as I know, most christians treat their wives and daughters with respect. You just can't compare them to sandniggers, that would be retarded.

None of that will stop women treating each other like shit, which is the root cause of the problem.

You're a disgrace to your own gender, you attention seeking cunt. I despise women like you who would even bash her own self to get a piece of male attention, disgusting.

>respect women


I can't respect HUMANS like this american cunt. And i never said women should be respected if they don't deserve it, but treated like humans. And you can't respect all humans ofc.

Maybe if women would see me as a human being instead of an pay check with two legs and a dick.

>As far as I know, most christians treat their wives and daughters with respect.
With more respect than Muslims, sure. But you ought to submit to your husband, have children and manage the household, that's directly from the bible. There is a hierarchy.
>Then I hope every woman hangs herself before ''the winner'' tries to make her his property.
I'm not going to encourage anyone to commit suicide, but you've got to understand that there are some people right now and many more in the future who are willing to put our enemies into mass graves if necessary.
We can and will produce everything we require and yes, that includes more women. Doesn't matter if a few among them hang themselves.
No amount of female activism is going to stop either side because it's a question of survival. Both for us and the foreigners trying to take us over.

That's what I forgot to mention. Women should also treat men like humans.

It's funny user because they behave a lot better when you treat them like they're subservient to you. Almost like that's how they're designed

>Maybe if you stopped treating women as women and start treating them as human beings
>treating women as women and start treating them as human beings
so you're saying women aren't human beings?

Respect has to be earned through some extraordinary feat. You don't give it out freely or lightly. The more rights and freedom that women have, the worse they will get. I'll respect women when they can fucking control themselves and abstain from every single impulse they have, which will be never.

nah, literally the other direction
women need to become property again


Having children and managing the household is not about submitting to anyone, but co-existing in family unit. It's a part of daily routine. Also, I don't agree with many thing the bible says, but I was talking about christians in this day and age who don't literally follow every verse of the bible.

Why do you confuse treating someone like human with resepcting someone? I never said that. If a woman murders someone, she should be treated like anyone else and. If she does something good, she shouldn't be worshiped, but treated as everyone else.

It is not an evolutionary advantage to a woman to try to be a man. In fact, it is a punishment for them, only traditionally forced by society at desperate times that there was a huge lack of men in the workforce due to wars or emigration.
There is a Patriarchy, and they are crazy NWO cultists, and they truly hate women because numerology and lolthusianism, so they want to artificially reduce their amount by turning them into men. If they were not absolutely insane, they would realize that we actually have dangerous low amounts of women in western countries, but a life of strong drugs and social isolation have turned them into dangerous retards offended by facts.
The following array of words is to attract Echelon so this message reaches their dumb ears: bomb osama bin laden terrorist white house president subway gas attack tomorrow kerry clinton plane airport drugs ship

Look kid, give it a few more years and this kuck-period of yours will hopefully pass.

>there would be no goldiggers, whores, feminists or any bad type of women

That´s naive, one point i concede tough, treat the women like a princess if you took her virginity, she will do everything for you

cuck-period? I despise cucks, they treat women like women ( always agree to everything they say, tolerate her every shit, making her feel like goddess etc. ). And you Sup Forums, you treat them like property. Both are extremes and you both suck. No woman likes cucks or men from Sup Forums.

Which planet did you come from? You obviously have yet to meet mankind

When women murder men, all the feminist groups laud her as a heroine and coerce law enforcers to give her a pardon, with she most often getting a slap on the wrist. Actual unrepentant murderers.
There have been histories of crazy murderous women getting custody of (and later murdering) their sons, because the feminist kangaroo courts cannot conceive women as other than saints, or custody ever going to a man. When questioned after the murder, those judges always have this retarded look while their brains reconfigure reality until they find an imaginary interpretation that protects their egos from the ideology-crushing event. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.

western women are manly as fuck, they don't deserve anything


Kill thyself my friend

women hate being treated as equals.

go to bed waffle


same with men
who wants to be treated like a cuck

>Women are shit that will divorce in a hot second if it means they keep the money without the guy who earns it
>Maybe the guy should treat women better

That's called victim blaming user.

You bitch, humans are animals. Everyone is worthless, male or female.

>implying that humans are sexless beings

>Croatia lecturing..fuck and off comes to mind

You must develop your body and earn a lot of money, become an Alpha and then you will get as many pussy, as you want. Just don't be a cuckold soyboy and they will prefer YOU then niggers and other shitskins

You are right. Austria is getting more and more based, it seems to me

>same with men

Wrong, men want to be treated like an equal.

Women either want to be treated like an untouchable princess, or a fuck slave.

Feminine beauty is only developed from feminine treatment, women will become balless men if we stop treating them like women

Nobody is victim or everybody is.
No, women will become better people if you make them understand they are as equally responsible for all their actions as all humans should be.
My bf talked to me like he was talking to anyone else, he didn't give me special treatment just because of my gender. And this is what attracts women and you know it.

Yeah I will stop treating women like women and treat them as what they are.

Inferior human beeing that neet to be kept on a leash.

BTFO feminist before you need a safe space.

This. In other words, they're being irresponsible. If women want to be so proud and independent, they'd better be able to pull their own weight in the world.

Treating women like human beings is okay.
Crawling on the floor in front of women however, is not.
The golden rule if you want to get with women is do not care about women. If your entire measurement of self-worth and self esteem is revolving around women, you will neither be happy nor very succesfull with them, as women are far to inconsisten to be the foundation for one of your most important traits.
Just dont fucking care about them. Get an education, work on yourself, make money and treat them like something on the side, not like the center point of your existence.

>roastie makes post demanding respect
>uploads thumbnail

>treat women as I would men, and hold them to the same standards
>treat women as women and give them extra protections
>treat women as superiors and bow down to their every desire.
Femenist paradise.

this thread is cancer and OP is a faggot
>in all fields

Women don't respect men who are nice to them.

>Women don't respect men who are nice to them.

women don't know what respect is.

that's a weird thing to say
"you're relationships not gunna work out............. also your upper body is shit"

Bunch of virgins talking virgin in here, as usual

Listen up faggots. Go outside, talk to waman, be yourself, don't say what you think they want to hear, let them know you're a virgin and that you spend your time on a Philippino anime imageboard. Take it slowly, first establish friendship, don't fap to her image, keep your mind clear of sex. You'll be clearer in seeing in what kind of bubble she lives. The bubbles are the problem. It's your task as a man to pull her back to reality of a family and an extended family

This advice is for whites only. Shitskins, my advice to you: stay single and don't reproduce

move away princess nobody gives a fuck about you and your feelings, I've got job to do

They understand respect like wolves do, you have to assert your dominance to gain their fear/love/respect.

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I’m a Star Wars fan and I go to Columbia. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I can re-route a compressor and I have a higher midichlorian count than you. I voted Clinton. I fuck based black men exclusively. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligint than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your Jedi Master one day, and you'll beg to be my beta padawan.
pic related is me and my man

>Maybe if you stopped treating women as women and start treating them as human beings, there would be no goldiggers, whores, feminists or any bad type of women and you would all be happy instead of woman-hating idiots. Yes, there are biological differences between men and women and they should be acknowledged but they should not influence the level of respect you have for other human being.

If you respected women you would expect the same out of them you expect from men.

I completely agree with you.

>They understand respect

No, they don't

Wrong faggot

paid shill

ok but why fuck niggers

t. virgin

Women are objects who think they are people, you treat them like what they are, they will love you for it.

its bait you fuck

>Women are objects who think they are people, you treat them like what they are, they will love you for it.

how about you fight the fucking war instead of chasing tail?

>females are comperable
Arm wrestle me bitch

You are liar. Post your tits with the number of this thread and date.

>I’m a Star Wars fan and I go to Columbia.
Why do women think that watching Star Wars is some sort of accomplishment?

Chasing tail is fighting the war.

Demographics are destiny.

How many white kids do you have?

This all degeneracy started the moment men started to treat women as anything other than women.

>I can sit through a three hour movie
>See I'm stronk like you