How much time do you spend watching anime a week, anons?
What's your favorite genre?
How much time do you spend watching anime a week, anons?
What's your favorite genre?
depends on the season, if I can I watch 2 episodes a day of anything if there's something interesting
my favorite genre is trash of course
Not sure, I average about 12 shows a season so six ish hours.
Several hours every day the week a season ends otherwise 0
About a hour or two.
Unless i find some interesting Anime and have lots of free time.
Absurd comedy, like SZS or Nichijou.
Usually 3/4 hours
I think I watched about 20 hours once
About 30 mins - a little under 1 1/2 hours watching seasonal stuff, spend the rest of the day watching older stuff and then at about 7:30, I'll spend the rest of the day watching Pripara
My favourite genres are absurdist comedy and idolshit.
Oh shit
Those numbers are in a day
I don't watch anime.
About 5 hours a month.
I want to like anime again.
>What's your favorite genre?
Romance. Romance is the best.
I only watch literature/kino
like 4 hours
I guess I entered the wrong board
use to be like the entire day but then work, college and fucking random women came up.
used to be 12hours minimum
now im lucky to watch a single episode
0 I watch maybe 1 or 2 shows every other year. Mostly read manga, don't even have a favorite genre.
Roughly 34 episodes a day depending on the the different shows pacing.
Roughly 3 different one season run shows a day, or one two season show and one single season show.
This is when I am on the uptake, more or less. Sometimes I will watch less, sometimes only 24 episodes depending if I can find enough interesting stuff.
My day is coming to a close now, I watched Onihei when I woke up and I am closing with 3 Gatsu no Lion
>tfw comfy business investor life
I do nothing all day but watch anime and maybe play some games on the side , sometimes I check the market but thats it.
Anime is for children, manga is for grown adults
I already said I mistook day for week
I'm very busy and I still spend over 20 hours a week on anime, manga and games (more if I can). No favorite genre, every genre has hits and misses.
10-15 hours a week, I think. Dips lower when I actually have things to do on weekends, but generally still stays around 10 hours.
0. Fantasy adventure.
None, I don't watch anime, but a lot of western animations
Shitposting >>>>>>>> Watch anime
Hey, somebody saved my picture.
Usually 5-6 episodes a week back to back, so 2 hours or so?
Wat, I guess I'm like you.
What do you do on your other sparetime?
Around 15-20 hours? I like SOL the most but I watch pretty much everything, it's getting hard to find good SOL now, have to go back to the 80s.
Between 0 and 18 hours, depends if I'm binging
Seasonally I pick less than 5 shows usually
Romantic Comedies, I'm a girl (male)
>I'm a girl (male)
3 episodes a week unless i have some spare free time
>I'm a girl (male)
No one is asking.