Trans women

Anyone find Trans women more attractive then real women? Just something about the excessive feminininity that makes me find then so cute. That and the fact that most of them care more about their appearance and are generally nicer.

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Bro he has a dick

yea no I'm not into dick or lies

Go away random (((person)))

You’re a homosexual


USA is unironically the womb of world degeneracy. Holy fuck.

Most of them look like dudes with serious issues, some are passable, a few are even cute

But I cant plant my seed in their wombs and make babies so whats the point?

Youre one to talk

How to tell oldfags from the newbs: Newbs think traps are gay.

Don't be a newb.

Alright, here's how it goes:
Man who is black + white woman > Nigger + white thot > Any kind of black woman + any kind of white man

Consider the following:
> there are more females of every kind of race than men
> one man + one woman = excessive amounts of women, too many for one man and polygamy is scum degeneracy
> if inferior males mate with the overwhelming majority of the excess of superior females, the following generations will will be of pure superior + mixed superior majority, allowing for race purification over time
> if the minority of superior males breed with inferior women, the opposite will happen and the race will become majority inferior.
>women are really the only ones who care about culture ergo white women will facilitate white while inferior women will undermine or pervert a white man's culture with her own.
Therefore, white men cannot be allowed jungle pussy and must only stick to Aryan flowers.

In addition, black and minority women (including yerro) must be shunned and ousted from the possible mate selection pool. Therefore, only the best possible men of each mongrel race MIGHT have a chance of purifying their genes with the excess of white women

>inb4 all women belong to me! Only I get to decide who gets to fuck what! ME! ME ME!
Kys incel
>inb4 schlomo racemixer
It's GOING to happen. Best manage it to your advantage
>inb4 gaz dem!!!
How did that go for you back in the 40s?
>inb4 white men can breed anything they want!
Again, kys incel
>inb4 b-b-but I don't have a gf
Either try or die. Every white man can become a Chad
>inb4 b-b-but I don't have a hwite gf
Your testicles: get rid of them now
>inb4 pssh, robots and plastic toys/ being a trap faggot is better than being with women
So be it. More stock for mongrel men so don't complain

Tranny, Lowclass favela abandoned by the state, Brazilian Hillary that got elected twice, but then got impeached.


The collaborators will be the first to go

KYS you mentally ill degenerate FAGGOTS.

No faggot, men are nicer than women in general. You fuck women, bond with men.

what are tranny loving degenerates still doing on pol.
We should help dysphoric individuals, not sexualise them/encourage their mental ilness which will result in 40% of them committing suicide


I wonder if all of you went braindead at the same time, or are just copying each other.

>trans "women"
>excessive femininty

Every tranny I have ever meet (as a leaf I've met my fair share) has been an ugly, fat, smelly, disgusting, degenerate. Generally with zero personality outside of their "identity". Honestly they are the types of people you act polite too for as long as you can stomach then run the fuck away before they start creeping on you. Geting hit on by gross men pretending to be women has been THE WORST part of my school life.

Fuck off with the lies you creepy fat freak

based honorary leaf!

>Anyone find Trans women more attractive then real women?
Yes. Homosexuals.

>Anyone find Trans women more attractive then real women?

No, they're factually insane and are likely to kill themselves. If you want to be a faggot, OP, go ahead, but trannies are literally dangerous.



Says the bitch-ass faggot who comes from the Land of Trannies.

Fucking disgusting american neck yourself

If you find trannies more attractive than real women you are a faggot and should be gassed.

>t. Schlomo racemixer

>Anyone find Trans women more attractive then real women?

This one is definitely all woman.
And trannies are bros deep down, which means they're fun to hang out with and know that a guy sometimes just has to get off.

Is that a tranny in pic?

>t. Secular humanist who is bad at resource management and social sabotage

Those are so obviously men in dresses. You simply can't just put on a dress and be a woman. It doesn't work that way.

>trans women

OP you are insane. This isn't a woman and he certainly isn't feminine. He's larping as a woman and dating/admiring them is a complete disservice to your society. You're supporting disorder. You need to seriously evaluate what you are saying.

friendly reminder that tranny lovers are objectively NOT gay
>BACKGROUND:Gynandromorphophilia (GAMP) is sexual interest in gynandromorphs (GAMs; colloquially, shemales). GAMs possess a combination of male and female physical characteristics. Thus, GAMP presents a challenge to conventional understandings of sexual orientation as sexual attraction to the male v. female form. Speculation about GAMP men has included the ideas that they are homosexual, heterosexual, or especially, bisexual.

>METHOD:We compared genital and subjective sexual arousal patterns of GAMP men with those of heterosexual and homosexual men. We also compared these groups on their self-ratings of sexual orientation and sexual interests.

>RESULTS:GAMP men had arousal patterns similar to those of heterosexual men and different from those of homosexual men. However, compared to heterosexual men, GAMP men were relatively more aroused by GAM erotic stimuli than by female erotic stimuli. GAMP men also scored higher than both heterosexual and homosexual men on a measure of autogynephilia.

>CONCLUSIONS:Results provide clear evidence that GAMP men are not homosexual. They also indicate that GAMP men are especially likely to eroticize the idea of being a woman.

If it can't have kids it doesn't matter what it looks like.

Get a hobby if you're thirsty for companionship, non insane men are more fun to hang around with.

sleeping with a trans woman/man is wrong and homosexual. Repent.

>Anyone find Trans women more attractive then real women?
No. You're obviously a faggot for thinking so. Literally.

This will become a serious problem sooner or later. These people are being taken seriously. Why is this just normal to you fucks now? The kids are being conditioned and there are a bunch of ten year old drag queens being swarmed by lunatic, cross-dressing fags. We have a situation on our hands where we could have a fraction of a generation with the mentality of a Jeffery Dahmer type.

>does anybody find men more attractive then women

OP is a faggot.


Just imagine when your boy comes home and says that his girlfriend can't have kids. And that's not even the most traumatic part.
Or imagine being one of these kids and finding out who this person you're attracted to really is. Gen Z is going to be fucked up.

>men are better than women at everything, even being a women.

Some of Gen Z are actually pretty promising. I have a little niece who's smart and fucking hilarious, but gets bullied by one of these little freaks with abusive parents. You literally cannot do anything, because they're such a new, protected class.

>Why is this just normal to you fucks now?

>Has penis
>Excessive femininity

What the shit did I just read?

It all comes down to how much are they willing to spend on their transformation. The difference between a tranny that has spent 20,000 USD vs the tranny who spent 50,000 USD is obvious.

They're so hot


That's seriously how you rationalize your mental state? lol

same individual (male)

it's all smoke and mirrors, and a fuckton of surgery

Fuck. No.
They either are packing a penis or some fucked up axe wound between their legs that sloughs out hair and puss.
Other than that the only reason they could possibly be "more attractive" is because they are basically living statues. The ones that are rich as fuck anyway... they implant a silicon in there ass hips and breasts.
Your better off spending the 2 grand to get a sex doll. Because that is basically what a tranny is. A mentally ill man who implanted a sex doll in his body. If you just buy a sex doll and fuck that you dont end up fucking a woubded penis or a mans asswhole(likely loaded with hair and shitty dingle berries).
Im telling you man dont fall for the tranny bullshit. There just a product of fucked up feminist propaganda. They are moody unstable fucked up people. You will get HIV from them. The only reason people fuck traps is because when you scroll through all the porn and see the chicks with dicks porn it fucks with your head subliminally. Thats the liberal lgbt agenda trying to fuck with you subliminally and get straight guys into traps. Porn is powerful. You need to either stsy away from porn or screen out the dumb fucking trap fetish porn. Theres nothing great about a trap. The traps in the porn videos have been worked on for hours on end to look like a real woman with a dick plus the implants. Once they are used up and older there true colors will shoe when there laying in there piss and shit in a dark alley with a needle in their arm. You wont want to fuck them then im sure because without being dolled up by the porn industry thats all they are, just fucked up shitty damaged men.
Real woman-yes
Sex bot- yes
Trap-HELL fucking no!

Trannies are hot, amirite guys?




Anyone going along with this Tavistock Institute, Transhumanism kikery has contributed to a crisis of the human condition.

"real women" these days are disfigured cunts who look manlier than most men, it's not surprising

I don't want them to be hurt, because they're obviously damaged people, but this has to stop.

fuck off Princessproto

OP here. Does anyone drive a truck here. In about to take my AIR brake and General knowledge test. Is it hard. Also is trucking that hard to get into I an only 20 and have 2 moving violations.

Ever wonder what its like when a tranny like this ages?? I doubt they age well. If they manage to make it past age 30 without suicide their hormonal therapy will likely cause heart attack or stroke close to age 40. And if there lucky enougj to avoid that yet there going to have to make surgical modifications every 5 or ten years due to theit body aging in a manly way. When they get to 70+ they are going to look really fucked up.

Well, it's not much worse than being beaten by a muzzy or a nigger to death.

>youre working while some ugly autistic man trying to be a woman is talking selfies

when are the nukes coming?

Kill yourself disgusting sodomite abomination

Ayy it's Greekbro who hates trannies!
Don't forget to spam this thread too!


Thanks i will monitor it. If it doesn't 404 I will start spamming
