fuck off we are full,norway!!!
we dont want you!!
to all the immigrants of KINGS countries i just one word for you
fuck off we are full,norway!!!
we dont want you!!
to all the immigrants of KINGS countries i just one word for you
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Why the fuck would we move to a inferior country?
You may learn how to spell correctly, for starters.
Why would I need that? When Norwegian is a superior language.
good,we want KINGS immigrants from south america and africa,not you
Many of your words are borrowed from our language.
Why would norwegians leave their country in the first place?
Mainly to rape and pillage... its the traditional way. Collect some taxes and workers to our farms.
Its bad here now. A shame we cant come. I needed some hope. Dont forget us when the russians come.
SONS OF NORWAY. We have been in the US a VERY long time. The Viking Sun is rising. We shall reclaim our Land. The US is Rightful Nord Clay.
23% incometax
Free healthcare
Great benefits if getting sick or unemployed
5 weeks paid holiday
5000 dollar paycheck every month
Practically doing nothing....
8 hours workday 5 days a week
norway is the richest country in europe .. :D
stay there and fix your country
This is a bad situation. Too much attention.
Your time has passed.
>mfw that's what our representatives believe
Its now very important that we show a united front and say that we do not want to go the United Mutts of merica.
Please come to America, Norway. We need your nordcock to make beautiful white American babies.
No more immigrants from shithole countries!
leave norway to shitskins come to the states occupy an empty state like montana or one of the dakotas
Who would want a bunch of homosexuals who rape small children in their own countries anyway? The norwegian degenerates must be genocided.
Have we not done that aleeady? 5 million Norwegian-americans there already.
>our language
New norwegian is closer to norse than danish
Some of the counter-backlash to Trump is true. Why would someone from Norway move to the US anyway? Their reasoning is wrong, though. They think it's because "le drumpf is so racist!" but really Norwegians don't want to move to a country full of niggers and beaners.
Fuck off
Nords are welcome here any time.
it's not enough a lot of states are underpopulated they're like 98% white and sub 1 million population also the landscape is pretty beautiful in most of those states. Montana is a great example youtu.be
Silence, behold your very flag and accept you were born to be a multikulti society.
I don't see why not as long as you move to somewhere that's white.
>Lower taxes
>Probably far more jobs
>Free speech
why would anyone move from Norway to America? iv lived in both places, the standard of living is much better in Norway
you can come,portugal
come home BLACK KING!!
I have 2 guns... most of my friends have guns
We have free speech as long as you agree with the leadership.
The Norwegian accent is the best. youtube.com
Bokmål has evolved quite a bit away from what was in essence a danified norwegian. Needs to be noted that its not, and never was, a norwegianised danish.
Nynorsk is a combination of dozens of different dialects with norse writing standards. Confusing it with danish show a lack of understanding.
Both written system are similar however because they reflect how norwegians speak. Same language, different standards. It shows that after 400 years of union, denmark didnt leave as much as an imprint as they would like to think. As a nynorsk user, its laughable to call it danish.
Yes, subject yourselves to your betters
i wouldn't mind living there looks beautiful
English is most retarded language desu.
Man fuck nynorsk