So this movie is actually true.
Why does Sup Forums lie to me about black people and civic nationalism?
Non-whites can assimilate into western culture and make massive contributions to society if given the chance.
So this movie is actually true.
Why does Sup Forums lie to me about black people and civic nationalism?
Non-whites can assimilate into western culture and make massive contributions to society if given the chance.
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They can, but only 1/1000th of the Negro population would ever be intelligent enough to be capable to begin with.
>movies are true
haha, yes goy. and in australia the wildlife is actually very well-acclimatised to humans and is almost never bothersome.
>taking movies to be primary sources of information
Producer: Peter Chernin
Hidden Figures
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
War for the Planet of the Apes
No, I was very skeptical so I looked into the actual people and it turns out it's actually real.
It was exaggerated.
They took an interesting story and went full blow rainman x3 to push an agenda.
Katherine G Johnson was a math genius but she did not just walk in there and BTFO the entire NASA team. It was always a team effort but they could not resist butchering the narrative to push a SJW agenda.
And shieeeeeet
If black women actually looked like this, negros wouldn't try to fuck white women all the time.
Also white guys would try to fuck them more.
It's possible. Not all blacks are stupid. But even if we bring over 1 smart black, the probability is that their children will be niggers and their grandchildren will be niggers.
He just couldn't stop making movies about apes
It was contrived bullshit. Like saying king Arthur films are based on a real story.
NASA should have used Black people as astronauts too, that way they wouldn't have wasted money on a return trip.
I mean black women did look like back in they day when urban blacks could have a dignified social caste....Jews pushing "rap/ghetto" culture from the 70s on guaranteed the extinction of the civilized negro
The fact that they made a movie out of this to paint those women as geniuses really proves how undeducated people are on history of technology. They were number crunchers, working on pic related. Operating mechanical calculators was a low-level office job that any idiot could get, and it did not require of you to have any command of mathematics besides the elementary four operation people master when they are fucking seven. You might just as well claim that assembly line workers are genius engineers.
the people involved existed even
well done OP
American didn't even go to the moon
nevermind a bunch of she boons.