Why does it stir the human spirit so much? I can't listen to Jerusalem, Rule Britannia or God Save the Queen without wanting to weep. I don't know whether this is because of sheer pride or the fact that our beautiful country is slow dying and we are near helpless to prevent it.
The power of National Anthems
Other urls found in this thread:
>w-we are h-helpless
>i cry when i hear muh anthem
Faggit soytoy
>t. mehmet
You're just mad that your people never reached such greatness
disgusting holland, when men start to sing and cry you better run and hide cuntface
God Save the Queen
I really dislike God Save The Queen. It's a fucking dirge. That and it sounds dreadful when our national teams half arse it.
This ones good.
Is that because you're a republican? I agree that our football teams tend to butcher it, rugby fans and players tend to show more patriotism imo
i have great respect for anthems but dude is this a fucking woman larping as an officer?
they play it first in maori, its fucking gay
I feel nauseous when I hear any of those because I understand the context in which they were created in.
If you actually bothered to open any book on history you'd realize the British Empire was the most cruel and genocidal in history. Literally even worse than the Nazis in our treatment of people of color worldwide. Britain was founded on the murder and exploitation of foreign peoples and that is all those songs represent.
I'm ashamed to be British and you should be to.
Now get lost asshole.
>name a better Olympics
Neither officers in the RN or army dress like that now. I suspect it has something to do with the fact she's performing "Rule Britannia" in front of thousands of people and wants to look the part. It's not that serious.
T. ahmed
You're still hooked up to the old mind control program. Turn it in for the new one and get with the times gramps.
i am ashamed that you are britsh, move to cuckada fag.
Here's your (You)
She is larping as 19th century Nelson
Yep it's fucking terrible.
I'm embarrassed when it's compared to other countries.
Jerusalem would be far better but there's probably too much God in it for today's 'diverse' society. I'd settle for Rule Britannia.
>and that is all those songs represent.
How is Jesus walking in England got anything to do with genocide
>How is Jesus walking in England
There'd be third coming if the second coming was in England.
>Rule Britannia
That is far more jingoistic than Jerusalem lol
desu the flag thing is clever
It was prob during the missing years in the Bible tbqfh
idk why but I find this woman absolutely fucking unbelievably attractive.
God I just want to make children with her.
Why that ultra short hair makes her look like a dyke
well I guess I need to lurk more then with t.b.h. being changed automatically
I know. I fucking love it.
>people actually believe this
No, it's because it's a tuneless load of shit. Just hum it and it sounds like a tune you'd play at a funeral.
Educate yourself
British Empire
British Empire in Colour
End of Empire
The Fall of The British Empire
Empire How Britain Made the Modern World
BBC Empire
Chad tier America the Beautiful should be the United States National Anthem. Not the beta virgin star spangled banner.
Why is England from 500 AD until the 18th century never mentioned in relation to the empire?
No one has a chance in hell of understanding of the political formation of the British Empire without understanding, especially, 17th century England but everything before that too.
This isn't just a theory either, theres a genuine lack of information out there in regards to the Empire.
Because that is the History of England the History of the Empire is an entirely different political entity
I mean, maybe the 5th century is pushing it but I can think of 5 events post-Athelstan that should be mentioned.
Throw in the English civil war, Cromwell, the overthrow of King James and the BoR 1689. That's just four events from the 17th century that should be mentioned in relation to the British Empire.
The Empire never actually impacted on The British isles themselves and was not constitutionally bound and sacred like the French it was really just Commerce and security pushing it
John Robert Seeley put it as "We seem, as it were, to have conquered and peopled half the world in a fit of absence of mind"
But events in England directly impacted the Empire and its formation. The political system of the UK was set in stone by the time the British Empire was anything more than a small trading colony.
But the fact it the Empire was not some grand plan and national ideal in fact it was usally just business men like the East India company who won the continent for profit and only got taken over by the crown when the rebellion happened and the same with everything else. The fact is Britain could have never had the Empire and still remained as prosperous and power as before
I'm not disputing that but going from something that resembles absolute monarchism (though not quite) to turning the monarch into a glorified figurehead that can't even pass Royal Assent in the space of a century is quite a giant step.
It's also significant because if decisions that were left up to parliament had of been decided by a monarch, certain aspects of British history would look massively different.
How can a shitty anthem like this make you cry? What the fuck?
Only anthem worth listenting and I'm not even ruski or communist.
>degenerate puppet
>absolute monarch
wew lad
I don't see how because Chartered Companies were established under a absolute monarchy for the settlement of Virginia, while under parliamentary system Companies like the British South Africa company gained private funds to take Rhodesia, the fact is that overall it would have happened anyway due to the fact the empire existed for commercial reasons and that was why it was done
the fall of the british empire was probably the worst event in history.
God Save the Queen/King is a terrible anthem. Should be Jerusalem or I Vow To Thee.
Only for Native peoples and for trade, otherwise Britain saved a lot of money by winding it down
You fucking traitor.
I'm immeasurably proud of what we have done as a people.
We made the world a better place. If shitskins didn't want to get rolled over they should have been better.
In what way was I referencing Cromwell? First of all, Cromwell held more authority than any king or queen in English history had since prior to Magna Carta and the Provisions of Oxford but I was talking about the monarch after the Restoration and after the overthrow of King James.
They had to agree to the Bill of Rights 1689 and later the Act of Settlement 1701 which diminished the power of the English monarchy into the British monarchy. By the time of Victoria, Royal Assent was so ceremonial that it was signed by ministers and passed by parliament without the monarch doing so much as interfering.
If you don't know this, maybe the monarchy isn't a topic you should delve into. Start at the Glorious Revolution though. The last real king of England was in 1689.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that 17th century English politics can't be ruled out by those studying the British Empire, and yet it is. There's a total lack of information on it in regards to the Empire. Seperate area of study or not, the Empire being an intentional institute or not, 17th century England made the conditions for the British Empire a reality.
The monarch was already useless by the end of the 17th century. This is what I'm commenting on. The fact no fucker wants to discuss this, and yet Queen Victoria gets a ceremonially title of 'Empress' so that means something, right?
This. It's nice having all that red on the map, but it costed us more than it benefited us.
>and yet Queen Victoria gets a ceremonially title of 'Empress' so that means something, right?
not really it was a made up title that Disraeli bestowed in her
I don't think they are the ones that are gonna get rolled over lad, sucks for your cuck nation
Exactly. By the time of Disraeli, the PM held an infinite amount of authority in comparison to the monarch - who by Victoria's time, like I said, couldn't even pass approval for law.
> but it costed us more than it benefited us.
off course it was, the only reason to have territory would be to make sure it stayed open to free trade and investment just like how latin american was dominated by british capital and trade without ever being owned
I'm still not quite understanding what you are getting at ?
Now imagine if we had formed an alliance with Hitler and the Japanese against the Jews and inferior races. The killcount would be in the billions.
>I'm not even a communist
Now I'm just ranting because I hate the fact the monarchy are absolutely nothing any more, but all my original point was that 17th century England, and even events before that, shouldn't be ignored in the study of the British Empire.
Russian anthem is the best.
Canada's *real* anthem
Fuck roaches but their shitty empire had a nice anthem
>but all my original point was that 17th century England, and even events before that, shouldn't be ignored in the study of the British Empire.
and would sharply differ with you here, the empire was created by the demand from merchants wanting their holdings protected now merchants would stayed the same whether of not the monarch was absolute like the Tsar, meaning that it would have happened anyway
fuck off retarded pakistani's
you beta's complaining about the fall of le white race have been shitting up this board forever
why don't you focuss on something productive instead of behaving like crying children 24/7
you say you are proud yet my pride allows me to actually listen to my anthem w/o needing a tissue to sniff into as i cry like an autistic faggit about delusions regarding the so called future Sup Forums has thought out for me and muh race / yurop
stupid fucking beta cuck faggits
Best anthems:
Germany (during nazi era)
Also the anthem of the UK should be "Rule Britannia" . It is better than "God save the queen" imo
I wish I was either British or American. But I'm a goddamn leaf
>not available in your country
What the FUCK?
Leafs are British people with American accents.
you dutch never had an empire though
>The absolute state of Germanistan
Oh poor Schwaben...
>British Empire was the most cruel and genocidal in history
And I would do it all again.
maybe in the 40s but they are so Americanized and integrated now you would not be able to tell much of difference now
the reality is there is nothing on the american continent that can be regarded as anglo-saxon except for Utah
I was speaking more along ethnic lines.
Utah has racial anglos however by religion and outlook they are far removed, all thats left are a few of the old Episcopalian familes in New England
God Save The Queen is a shit anthem.
It's extremely uncatchy and i doubt even 10% of the population knows the words.
Same with The Star-Spangled Banner.
Not a commie but this will always be a top tier song.
Need some Zadok in this bitch
too be honest they received a lot of german and other europeans migrating their also. if you want a country that is still racial British it is NZ, we got no other migrants from europe here except a few hundred germans, the religion is still based of the British isles here also
Handel was truly a great Englishman
>Posting the Champions League theme
Deano much.
Great post
>muh futbow'
ikr, rugby is superior. Club football is just tribal retardation filled with African players and continental European managers.
God Save the Queen? You mean My Country 'Tis of Thee? youtu.be
If you dont support a real English team like Nottingham Forest then you are treasonous scum.
New national anthem: youtube.com
Star Spangled Banner? You mean To Anacreon in Heaven?
Damn right, rugby is the real men's game
because your honorables turned it to a political tool. football was proper per late 90s.
Unironically brings a tear to my eye lad.
This is awful
based presbyterians
Lulz our empire made more money than yours for 3 centuries despite having less people and land bongo
No I mean a real empire.
God this is what a Great America looks like