>Americans are whi---
Americans are whi---
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Tidepocalypse has begun, repent sinners!
Tide pods are great but they really dry your mouth out. Best to have a big cup of old grease with you when you munch on them!
Can't even believe these guys are world police.
>Ice Cream
'murican way of life, i guess.
The funniest shit about this forced meme is that Ugandan sonic hedgehog shit got forced at the exact same time, and was picked up by 9gag...
aww poor tides pods meme, we hardly knew you.
>not making your icecream tastier by infusing it with extra animal fat
>thats a real tweet
fucking humanity is retarded burn it all
Here in the states, especially the southern states, we like to dunk our ice cream cones in oil so they're nice and greasy when we eat them. You can also get oil drizzled over your sundae or cup of ice cream. It's really popular and most ice cream shops go through gallons of oil a day.
This isn't true. Fuck off I'm not falling for your memes
It actually tastes pretty good
>he never eaten a deep fried waffle cone
lmao pleb
grease pit
coulda happened to anybody, a very sad story
what the fuck
>not oiling your ice cream
Why even live?
>not that easy to tell the difference
Is the target audience babies?
>based pewds causes amerimutt genocide by encouraging them to eat tide pods
truly /ourguy/
>implying that natural selection is a bad thing
Fuck this place you’re all fat and dumb
The forbidden fruit! The elites are trying to keep us from meeting our true potential!
making poisonous shit look like candy is next level eugenics
Is eating tide pods a viable method for suicide
They both have signs that classic Sup Forumstards started and spread them, and realistically both were successful. Tide pods was a plot to kill people in classic Sup Forums fashion: by the victims' own stupidity. Ugandan Knuckles was just utter participatory retardation designed to confuse denizens of another chat site (VRchat) and to ruin their experience by being obnoxious.
Pewdiepie knows what he's doing when he picks the cancer to show off on his vlog.
This makes me feel better about the coming extermination of humanity at the hands of AI. Maybe I'll even fight on the side of the robots.
No U! This country is based on freedom. Freedom to eat delicious candy tide pods.
Didn't they have a shit ton of psa's when tide pods first came out, why are we going through this... I need to get out of this country, "I liek de le maymays!" Then they imitate it, it's monkey see monkey do, even the whites are turning into fucking niggers, the 56% face meme deserves to exist because of shitty memes like this.
That's because reality is far away from your fantasy.
>it's the weekend
>Enjoying firing my fully automatic AR into my freedom grease pit
>eat my way out
they're better than you poo
ice cream shops also sell food like fries and chicken fingers dumb bong
Making candy look like poisonous shit is the first step.
Oldfag here tide pods are based
It came from the guy who made how every Chainsmokers song is written
You forgot
>find out I swallowed a few bullets on my way out
>the hospital bills give me a 10 million debt
>walk out of the hospital carrying my freedom AR
>police show up
>fail Simon says
>get shot
Murricans are so fucking fat that they'll just swallow whole their food and not taste literal soap preventing them from eating them
Bruster's also sells a shit load of greasy ass Nathan's hot dogs, hence the grease pits
T. Girlfriend worked at Bruster's in high school
>Simon says.
Put your hands up, where I can see them, behind your head, turn around, get on the floor.
>very minor meme about teens eating pods hits the media
>meme gets distorted
>suddenly thrown out of wack by the media
Time to get my popcorn
PewdiePie spent like 5 minutes on pods
kim needs to glass JewSA as fast as possible
>Doctors begging people to stop doing things that get them work
yeah fucking right.
I'm convinced some of these memes are synthetically promoted
Natural selection is a beautiful thing.
wtf why are people eating tide pods?
It's a result of our celebrity culture and need for acceptance. The propaganda is real over here.
It's more to get the attention of parents on Twitter that children are really fucking bad at telling the difference between candy and shit that's poisonous to them.
Lel let them eat soap
Unsupervised no doubt