aaaaaah yessss.. the caucasian female, turly a blessed specimen. this is what youbare fighting for Sup Forums. never forget this
Aaaaaah yessss.. the caucasian female, turly a blessed specimen. this is what youbare fighting for Sup Forums...
All women are shit and white women are the best of the shit pile.
19th amendment was a big fucking mistake
>All women are shit
A sub-group of the caucasian female known as the liberal
That chick gagging herself
fpbp and /thread.
Glow vomit...I've never thought of that
the virgin poster
Wrong, kiddo.
Based Amerimutt, you maybe 56% white but you are 100% right.
not politics
slide thread
fuck of kike
then why do so many of you marry east-asians then?
Because they are gay and racist.
White women are actually trash. Sorry not sorry
t. autist manlet
heb je een blauwtje opgelopen gister avond?
hou je kanker bek roostje
als dat geen ja is dan weet ik het ook niet meer
>fighting for a roastie
You're a fucking retarded little Dutch boy aren't you?
Fuck bitches.
I fight for the little 10 year old boys who have to grow up in this shithole of a planet run by jews.
Do it for the kids tulip faggot.
fuck off pedo
More like Jewish.
aaaw is mun kleine smeerbeertje een beewtje boossiewoosie, was ze net iets uit je league?
volgende x beter moppie ;^)
kunnen jullie niet mijn aas draad ruineren aub
Artificial wombs will make women obsolete.