Why do women hate men?
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Imagine being so shit at everything you do that you have to invent a pseudostudy to boost yoor morality
>warlike tribalist nation marches into your territory
>pillage villages and kill crops
>see women, men, children
>kill the men and children, rape the women
Science says women are the best survivors
What they're looking for is "resilient" but fuck me right?
Because evolution conditioned women to be the most manipulative and controlling types. After all, a women didn't have to be smart or strong to hunt wild animals or be a team player for the bigger game. She had to be sly and conniving to work her way up to the top social class so she could acquire the alpha male to be her mate.
Except this is by evolutionary standards a decent survival strategy.
The men and children may have died, but the women still spreads her genes.
the study is probably ok, the title of this article is just clickbait and OP fell for it
>Famine situation
>Men ensure women and children have a larger share of food
>Women have the highest survival rate because men have less food and children are much weaker
They love men they all want dick to stick up they're pussy, ass or to suck it. Most want babies too its natural for women to want to cook and take care of they're young
Yeah I forgot to point out that the women spreads her genes by a woman fucking her with a strap-on.
Obviously, but Sup Forums gets its new by just looking at headlines. They're too clever for falling for (((reading)))
Just white women. Find an Asian qt.
Oh no the boat is sinking! Women and children are first to evacuate
>all the men die saving women and children
Ha! Men are weak, and womyn are stronk!!
Daily reminder than women need to be submitted to men in order to thrive
>Plague is killing medieval village
>Men still go to work and many contract the plague
>Women stay home so they have no risk of catching it
>Wemen cen serverve creses bettar!!!
Women live in a protective bubble.
Man this is one of those "Women were the main victims of war, because they had their husbands, fathers and sons die in them? right?
why are women do insecure they constantly need to come up with reasons why they are better?
penis envy
google it, pretty interesting stuff
True, the only thing that can survive after a nuclear disaster are cockroaches and fat women.
You're a fucking retard
If a women spreads her legs for a conquerer, her genes are passed on.
The most loyal of women who refuse to do so died out because they never spread their loyal genes.
Women live longer because the men are hardwired to give them the last of the food... GJ science.
Lel this.
>opens legs to invader
>better at surviving
Its a damn shame that the women that were too honorable and would kill themselves, rather than fall into enemy hands have, well, killed themselves, and died out.
This is a feels bad because women are bread to cheat by this logic.
Not if you make yourself the greatest conqueror, user.
Yeah, conquer whites and women that give in to my larger dick or whatever.
It's annoying.
Did just that. Naturally there's some "feminist criticism" in the wikipedia article.
> Feminists development theorists instead believe that the clitoris, not the vagina, is the mature center of female sexuality because it allows a construction of mature female sexuality independent of the penis.
>the clit is technically an undeveloped glans
>feminist education
because women are traitors by nature. thats why men had to sacrifice their lives for thousands of years just to prevent their race from going extinct.
they don't know the world "resilient" user
even if they did, they're only interested in communicating to women that they are strong survivors
never ceases to amaze me how pathetic roasties are
>be living in soviet union
>can barely support family
>sometimes go whole weeks without food just so that my wife, son, daughter, and grandmother can eat
>die from famine
>wife has to whore herself out just to continue to keep family alive
>isn't enough, my son Slovenik willingly gives his food to grandmother every night there isn't enough
>he dies too
>mfw women are stronger than men
Cockroaches are stronger than humans, says SCIENCE.
>men sacrifice themselves and give extra rations and protections to women
>women: we wuz strong
I guess empathy is a weakness in a time of crisis.
With that kind of logic, Ukrainians are the strongest humans. Didnt even stop at cannibalism to survive in 1933.
they're right you know, and they're better swimmers too.
Remember the Titanic?
Almost all the survivors were women!
I think you might be fucking retarded. If women spreads her legs to men that conquers weaker men, and are at the mercy of those men, those conquerors genes are passed on whether they rape foreigners or their own women.
anyone that can pull out 7lbs of flesh from their pussy winnar
>New research looked at death rates across famines and epidemics and women nearly always lived longer
> Therefore women are stronger then men
Maybe it's because people value women more in these situations since women are needed for the future survival of the community.
>women are needed for the future survival of the community
This is becoming debatable.
Do you mean artificial embryos
they were already spreading their genes, it was the alpha male conquerors that went out and made their genes pass on
dumbfuck, kys idiot.
we're talking about the past not future
It's almost as if mankind decided that "save the children and women first" was a solid survival strategy and has kept at it for millenia to the point people dont even question anymore. That article really helped me snap back those synapses into place.
> Men sacrificing everything, even their own well being to ensure their children and women survives
>women are stronger than men
OK, intergender UFC when?
Women nearly always lived longer because women didn't have to lob the dead in a mass grave during for example the Black Death.
That's not "biologically stronger", that's the privilege of being a woman in 1300 AD.
Not sure if this is fact, read it years ago. As long distance runs increase ( 40 miler) the gap between men and women closes. fat reserves maybe ?
Roasties are all closet lesbians
Sounds like a factoid
This, women are and always have been spared from the really hard work in society.
> inb4 muh babies super hard raising a child wah
Bitch you go into the coal mine then
No, I mean females are capable of producing 20-30 kids over their useful lifespan. They're necessary, but possibly too dangerously retarded to be treated as people.
>devout christian
I saw the same shit wrapped in a different package the other day "women are better athletes then men, new study says" how retarded are these people?
So what you are telling me is that women are in fact the privileged ones. The more you know I guess
You are both idiots. When the conqueror comes it doesn’t matter if she had a husband already and was spreading her genes.
When the conqueror comes she either dies or spreads her legs. The ones who stayed loyal to their husbands and in groups died and their genes with them. Retards
The worst part about the studie it's based on is that it asks you to ignore some the data it contains so that the conclusion actually makes sense
link: pnas.org
>her genes matter
>genes of conquerors, a majority are men, are dismissed and irrelevant
>dis is why her genes survive, not the genes of conquerors in the hundreds, therefore women best survivors
literally you, fucking retard
Luckily, nobody is stupid enough to actually believe the article.
Do you somehow think that only one parent gives the genes to the child? Do you not understand it also takes a woman to make a child? Does your little mutt brain think I believe this stupid article?
Are you braindead? Can you count? Did you pay your debts? I'll even take this to burger education: Take three separate women and one man who conquers their men. Each woman pops three kids for him, giving him nine kids with his genes. Each women naturally have three kids with her genes. The alpha male's genes surpass the number of genes survived by the women. 9 > 3 Retard
The simple truth.
Many Chinese women did this during the boxer rebellion.
Women hate everyone, especially each other.
>Why do women hate men?
The same reason most men on Sup Forums and /r9k/ hate women. They had some bad experiences with asshole exes and ex husbands who pre-emptively cheated on them, treated them like shit or straight up stopped loving them.
You're the dumbest fucking retard on Sup Forums
Your genes are 50% Mother and 50% Father.
To be fair, she's talking about giving power to niggers, so it's reasonable
Men sacrifice themselves for women -> women live longer -> lol men r u even tryin?!?
Probably because the men put the well being of care of the wife/kids over himself
Except Sup Forumsacks never had those experiences with women in the first place. Feminists might have been betrayed at some point in their lives, but beta men were betrayed the moment they were born.
Just browse some of the woman-hating threads that appear on Sup Forums every now and then. A lot of men here really were betrayed in their past.
they hate white men
They have to compete with males in the workplace since they are emancipated and expected to be independent.
They actually can't compete without handicaps and do everything in their power to cripple males in the process.
Women hate Men because they wish THEY were born Men. Pretty simple.
Inferiors naturally hate superiors. It's the way of the world.
You really are a confirmed autismo. 9 children have one father's genes. 9 children have 3 different mother's genes. The genes that survived the most are that one father's. Which is it faggot? Which is the best surviving strategy for passing on genes? Fucking domestic women and foreign women in hordes or having a family with no real army where your women just dies or gives in? You're one to talking fucking retard.
The inversion of the reasons you faggots hate women
Lol this. Women seem to be, in their brainwashed "liberated" phase, destroyers of the community/civil relationships. EVERYTHING these days is who is the toughest man, 24/7 competition, a regression of us as humans back into a more primative state. They're too self absorbed to realize that their actions constantly pursuing their pleasures of the flesh, have detrimental consequences for all of society, far past the proliferation of single motherhood and HPV
>men value women so highly they'll die for them
"lol silly boys, girls are just tough"
Because they're jelly.
Imagine being a psycho attitude woman, but with the physical force of a kitten. They must be mad as hell. All they can do is screech for a man to do it for them.
If women had the strength of men, they'd be getting arrested with every triggering.
>Men put their lifes on line to protect women
>Die in the process
>Some bitch makes a paper stating that this means WOMEN ARE STRONGER
I'm amazed at how stupid you are, you must be trolling at this point.
The children end up having
A. Conqueror genes
B. Disloyal women genes
C. Loyal women genes
Still go extinct
Is a conqueror a loyal woman?
> Fucking domestic women and foreign women in hordes or having a family with no real army where your women just dies or gives in? You're one to talking fucking retard.
What are you even arguing at this point?
The genes that remain are alpha male conqueror genes and disloyal women genes.
The loyal woman doesn't exist because these types of genes die out whenever the tribe gets conquered.
By leeching food from the males... Women are emotional parasites, who use their stank pussies to lure everything.
This. The things women say to and about each other make Sup Forums look chivalrous. They see other women as threats instead of comrades.
Other women told them to. Also jealous bitches.
>women live longer
>women survive crises because muh women and children first
Hmm such a profound study
You brought up a woman spreading genes as a decent survival strategy as if it was some kind of revelation. Then went full retard by saying loyal woman, by extension having a husband presumably a kid, never spread their genes, when they did in fact. It's just that they are assumed dead by a conqueror. It was their kids that never spread their genes.
They don't hate men, at least not primarily.
They hate themselves, which makes them think that any man who doesn't view them a worthless little shit is obviously an idiot who deserves nothing but disdain.
In addition, every insane suggestion like this
>Women are stronger!
>Women are better drivers!
>Women are smarter!
>Women are better than men at (literally anything)!
is a test, pure and simple. If you're stupid enough to believe it, you're pathetic and nobody will want to have your babies.
It makes sense if you think about it. If you had to put that much effort into creating and giving birth to the baby, and then carrying the baby around for years, you'd want to make sure you were getting the highest quality DNA. Men seem to have forgotten this and now women are losing their minds because there's no worthwhile sperm on offer, just an endless sea of pyjama boys and degenerates.
The end game of current female voting is probably to put all the world's men in a fight, see who has the will to survive.
Women will become irrelevant once artificial womb technology gets sufficiently advanced.