I'm starting Uni this year and I will have to move to the leftist Hellhole that is Zürich, how can I pass these years? :/
How to get through Uni?
What are you studying?
This is very important before any advice can be given. Don't listen to the haters, Uni can be fun as hell if you apply yourself and do something worthwile. It's also a good way to get laid.
Why is Zürich a hellhole? Asking sincerely. Every relative/friend that has visited had nothing but praise.
It’s not that big of a deal just get drunk and have a good one do what you gotta do to pass.
Despite uni being overrun by lefties there is still plenty of right leaning students
wow she is so beautiful
Humanmedizin (Medicine) working on becoming a GP like my Dad.
SP/AL thats why :/
Finish Uni by any means. Don't drop out of it. The reason why it's filled with Marxist dumbasses is because there are no right-wingers to replace them.
Blend yourself in with the the crowd for starters. Just ignore the politics.
But every so often, drop stuble hints. You'll slowly start finding others who're similar to yourself (hate leftist shit holes).
That's what i did and found a bunch of commie-hating, borderline racist lads as my group of friends, in an Art College of all places.
No, she isn't.
Kill yourself sodomite
Medicine is a good profession, OP. Invest your time to study good and become a good doctor.
Dunno about Switzerland, but here Med unis have a reputation of being VERY demanding in terms of studying and VERY crazy about partying and casual sex. Both are good for you while you're young.
If you're not socially retarded you're going to be good.
>keep smiling
>always pretend to be the dumbest man in the room
>say whatever you want to get a rise out of people
Being surrounded by liberals really can be fun if you can play it cool when they're rioting around you
just keep your head down and get through it, it's not worth it to make a fuss
Don't let liberals get into your head. Confront jewish professors in public discussions. Don't confront liberal students, it's pointless. You're going to make a reputation of a firm guy with an independent position, it's going to work in your favor in terms of getting a gf.
I went through uni after being in the Army for 4 years.
I just ended up going to the gym and fucking a lot.
What are you studying, poor soul?
>studying for a real proffesion
Not seeing a problem here. Did murrican college memes scare you or what?
Well as far as I know medicine is crawling with pussy these days, so at least it wont be a sausage fest good for you. Respectable career and well paid, go for it.
It's the same here. Med students are the most attractive, the sluttiest and the most hardworking. I guess all the hardcore studying fucks with their brain and they turn into degenerate monsters in their spare time.
This. Also these chicks are easy. Should have gone into medicine as well.
id suck her dick /pol im sorry. do i need to leave now?
They need to relax. And they also have access to laboratories with pure ethanol.
you don't i'm in the first semester aswell and already want to kill myself
traps are gay
The whole brainwash thing is over exaggerated.
Yea you'll have 1 or two cookoos here and there but you won't suddenly be drooling under CIA mind control like people seem to believe here.
b-but id never be attracted to a male body. this is not fair ..
jews are to blame im sure of it
Ain’t nothing to it
Goddamn kikes made me do it
>russian priorities
dont be annoyed by the leftist bias, it goes away in the later years. At least here in Sweden the shilling gets less intense with the years, just never show you power level like an autist.
t. studying in one of the most ccucked fields in swedistan
I know they've abused you and touched you in bad places kraut..I know it's not your fault
I feel like Med school is slowly killing me. It's fun during the semester but exam period is fucking hell. Right now I'm locked up inside learning these stupid microbes that I'll never actually come into contact with in the field unless I go to some shithole. I've stopped working out and haven't seen a girl in a month. Can't wait for school to start again
> havn’t seen a girl in a month
Try mech. Engineering
Intellectual guerilla. Obviously attacking your enemy head-on where it is stronger (academic figures of authority) is stupid, so try to slowly plant the right seeds among other students, allowing them to reach the right conclusions by themselves (once a critical mass of openly reactionary/conservative students is reached you'll have herd behavior at your side, and the job suddenly becomes incredibly easy). I'll go through my third year now (only leftists there at first), and now we are already planning to flood the campus with nationalist posters, have set up an open group for reactionary discussions and basically just have lots of fun laughing at leftist teachers TOGETHER, thus undermining their authority and making the fight even, down to the arguments (which by this point, you'll have mastered already). These authorities are also really not used to having their worldviews questioned, you would be surprised by how easy it is to demolish them at fair conditions.
And lose all the years he spent in med school?
Don't give up, these general biology knowledge will eventually pay up
Thanks for the support, luckily this is one of my last purely theoretical subjects. It's going to be more practical from now on.
do you guys even vote for rightist parties? isn't all of sweden cucked and brainwashed by leftist propaganda? are there enough natsoc and fascists supporters in swedistan?
> shithole
That's a full on dude, My Friend.
who's this girl?
Blaire White
Ummm... sauce pls?
Find yourself nice out door hobby.
Why even go to a uni in the first place?
That is a man
viel spass du homo
> Find a club outside of university
> Make sure that that club is; Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or Boxing (or something equivalent with hard sparring consisting of 80% of the class)
>Train 5 times a week; either the sport, or strength around it, or cardio (also read starting strength, see /fit/)
> Read the Greeks (see /lit/)
> Don't waste away on counterstrike
> Avoid plebby students as much as possible
does this mean that i'm a nigger faggot now?
muh dick