I don’t like new Taylor! I thought you were different I thought you where based. But now I guess you’re just a roastie
Tay tay gets blacked
>Has dated virtually every male celebrity
>Not a roastie
Sup Forums will defend this
white women want to see the white race flourish as well. Deep down, they know it's given them everything, that's why they'll never once think of leaving unless they're certifiably insane. The ways a white man sees his ethnocommunity flourish is VERY different from how women do it.
Women are not good at war; that's a man's way to fight the mongrel scourge. Instead, women fight on a different front: culture. More specifically, the family unit.
Men fight on the battlefield. Women fight in the bedroom
You almost exclusively hear women say "it'll bring better genes". Man can't comprehend that because reproduction isn't a man's primary function, armed conflict and industry competition is. For women, they intend to raise their kids according to a white lifestyle, but subconsciously they do it to acquire the savages' desire as to keep them from spreading MORE barbarians.
>inb4 so fuck white men huh?
No. To the contrary: fuck non-white women. In every race, there are more women than men; this is nature's way of compensating for a female's limited number of eggs. Seeing as humans are meant to be monogamous, that means the excessive amount of females means a higher capacity to breed and dilute overall. You hate other men and compete by engaging in armed conflict with them. Women hate other women and compete through sex, attraction, and expression. This is also why women excel as spies, assassins, and saboteurs; they're mistresses of subterfuge. Even in Islam, men MUST convert to Islam to marry a Muslim woman, but not the other way around. That's not coincidence, that's social sabotage. Nigger women, gook women, mudslime women, huehue women, sub-human abo women must go extinct and they will... With white women.
Tl;dr we must all fight the best way we can. Men, take up arms. Women, spread those legs. We'll keep fighting, and together, we'll win.
moar pics like dis pls
s a t a n i c
>Taylor Swift
>Ed Sheeran
By Christ, this is the most vomit inducing combination I've seen in years. Complete fucking aids.
No slide for you
fuck celebrities and tay tay is a fat fuck now
this thread is cancer
>in all fields
The same thing happened with Lana Del Rey (the Weeknd)
but user, they all end up getting black
there is no such thing at a 1488 white qt
hite women were MADE to sexually serve black men.
Look into her eyes. That submissive gaze indicates that this woman is receptive to the dominant African male. She will no doubt be ovulating, ready to accept his seed.
Get in there fggts.
>Tay tay gets blacked
that is ridiculously hot
would give anything to eat that pussy afterwards
we need more of this
>covering your Swedish flag with a meme one
End game.
End of white genetics. End of whites.
ikr the hottest thing in the world is when I hold my wife's hand while she's being fucked by our big black bull
it's darwinian
better sex makes it inevitable
>meme flag
No, Ahmed, you don't count as black. Stop pushing it
Sup Forums BTFO
she hasn't that ass lol
Is it so hard to trim and clean your nails before a shoot? Fuck
Tay no tayy
Oh my godd she thicc.
Based Ed Shereean fucked Taylor
Dancing around like a nigger.
>Lives in a shithole
>Has the literal intelligence of 11 year old
>Lives in America
>Has the literal intelligence of 14 year old
>Lives on welfare and plays chimp gangster
You britcucks are certainly sad. At least we keep our niggers well in check. Almost all self-respecting white women can't stand niggers. Sorry to destroy your blacked.com fantasy, bbc faggot.
He said, while being the literal home of blacked.com
Well fat tay is no longer a proper whitney
Get the rope
Hahahaha better sex, what bullshit. Let me inform you of a little secret you already know - black men on average don't have these huge donkey cocks. Statistically, blacks and whites have the same average penis size. There are some black guys with huge cocks, and there are some white guys with huge cocks.
Women know this too, which is so funny that literally all you stupid niggers have is to rely on this false stereotype.
Let me let you in on another secret - most women can't handle more than 7 or MAYBE 8 inches and getting their cervix pounded fucking hurts and is uncomfortable. I'm a 6.5" white guy and I can't pound my wife from certain positions or it hurts. I know guys with 8-9 inchers and they can't even use all of them most of the time when they have sex. You also have a harder time getting fully erect and proper blood flow so your boners are semi-soft.
BLM you're a faggot, just start taking it in the ass already. Stop living a lie.
at least he's a mets fan
>See post by OP "Taytay gets blacked"
>Watch video expecting her getting touchy with a black guy
>It's just some nigger doing raps
Meh. White genetics are secure my friend. Don't worry about it, worry about the degeneracy slipping through because the good people are caught up in the wrong fight. The future is bringing the good people in the right fight which is the end game, always and forever.