F*** White Nationalism
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They don’t concern you. Be on your way mutt.
Because you might have empathy for others who will have children?
They should never and have never been applicable to my life!
It doesn't
you just got to let people be who they are, stop hating white people.
I don’t.
I didn’t...until I discovered the Daily Stormer and Vandal Void.
I really don't know
All i know is that your left tit is hanging on the capslock key again
People like Andrew Anglin are why the white race is so hated!!!
If there was no one making videos about their hatred of non-whites, mixed whites, and even brown-eyed whites, there wouldn’t be such vitriol for the white race and all it represents!
If I’d never heard of white sharia, maybe I wouldn’t hate the likes of Eli Harman so much!
Whites have only hate to expect when that’s what they spew.
The one and only true way to prove you aren't racist is to move into a black nieghborhood.
Just imagine
>being able to tell your friends that you are so progressive and tolerant you live amongst the downtrodden
>the praise and admiration bestowed upon you by your liberal friends for your effort
>gagillions of likes and upboats on yoir social media
>the badge of honor you can display for proving racists wrong as you stroll down your street at midnight
Do it OP. Prove those Sup Forums Russian Nazi White Supremacists hackers who stole the election from Hilkary wrong!!
>one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews
one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews
>one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews
one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews
>one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews
one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews
This board is past KIKE propaganda , it's a rising star of its own for the rest of mankind (whites ).
Richard Spencer is a horrible person, so I hope no woman ever marries him and gives him a child.
Nathan Damigo is another blond devil!
Why were you trying to find things to be offended about? Just go about your fucking day
Not sure I remember how I found that shit.
I wasn’t really that offended until I read the white sharia crap.
I don’t mind seeing pictures of Hitler, but when someone advocates for women to be put in cages, that’s when I start hating their guts!!!
they don't, you aren't one of us. lay down and die mutt
I'm not natsoc, user
bitches are annoying though
what's the most controversial thing you believe?
This but unironically.
That despite the rumors, Hitler’s dick was nice and big!!!
I'm not a WN but I've never understood the left's destructive desire to eat their goose with golden eggs.
I thought you were a real person because no troll could be this bad
stick your head back in the sand, haircut
>in all fields
WN is basically stupid in general, if you look at the history of white countries attempting to get along.
The only context in which it makes sense is in America where everybody speaks English and there are masses of non-whites to make the intra-white differences seem small in comparison.
they don't you Barron wench. kys
You’re not white
1% of Sup Forums gives a fuck about the 14 words shit.
>falling for the white nationalist meme
they shouldn't bro
we non-whites should stand together and side with the jews for strategic purposes
I agree!!!
Not the alt-right.
Why should I go for a guy who worships a failed ideology when the vast majority of the world isn’t white and can get away with hating white men???
>Why were you trying to find things to be offended about?
That's a dumb thing to say in defense of a hate group.
Why should I care about the beliefs of idiots who willingly tattoo swastikas on their bodies, knowing full well the Nazis lost 73 years ago and that they’re banned in those countries today?
You want to be part of the IN group
But you won't be - they have you fooled.
You are blue pilled and keep swallowing the lie
you're incapable of real thought or real debate, you don't even know what you believe in
gtfo faggot
keep the enemies closer
lurk more please like 2 months or more before talking about natonial socialist like they are skinheads. Prot-tip real natsoc are not racists. Fascists can be racists though
>shill thread
Fuck off shill, let it die nu-pol
They shouldn't. As your future does not concern me.
WN men are DISGUSTING!!!!!!!
Black men are far superior!
I hope he never sees his kids again!!!
That's fine for you to believe as a non white. Your not white. Your opinions have no bearing on our collective interests.
What a pig!
lol aww
exactly the opposite
hitler was more racist than mussolini, franco and pinochet
mate stop they are just trolls. Le them die and report them
Slide thread.
Report and sage.
Sure mate now back to your jewish books
Why do you want to destroy society? You dont feel the way you do out of love, but out of pity for the downtrodden and anger at the system.
Why not be genuinely good?
I simply don’t care about society.
What goes on after I die (I’m 34) concerns me no more than what happened before I existed.
>in all fields
well well let's not go so far shall we
t. picrelated
Good thing that I've accidentally shilled le 50% face illegal brazilian immigrant to USA into the Far-right so now he doesn't want to have children, and have been shilling a local kike into becoming a full tranny, quite successfully too.
I don't want to destroy society
I just prioritize my interest beyond others, and don't try to guilt trip me cause that's what white nationalism is
>mixed white
just say shitskin next time
haha, wow, nice psychological warfare skills if true
why would she degrade herself with negative racial epithets?
I agree that "mixed white" makes no sense though, one drop rule. she should just say "mixed race" or "non-white"
>Good thing that I've accidentally shilled le 50% face illegal brazilian immigrant to USA into the Far-right so now he doesn't want to have children, and have been shilling a local kike into becoming a full tranny, quite successfully too
lmao, we /kikes/ now
You came from a shithole didn’t you?
If it weren’t for assholes like him the world could live in peace and harmony!
I was so glad when the daily stormer got taken down last August.
Wow huh
Oh shit!!!
not really, africans, asians and mexicans are the ones who really tend to lack empathy you know?
don't believe me? read this thread pic related
>half white
>half of your genetics are related to the europeans, those who have invented multiple creations and have achieved things that were once thought of as impossible, from flying all the way to landing on the moon
>instead of being proud of this, you see it as something that's disgusting and awful
You fucking retard. You're just as bad as the white cucks who self immolate themselves in the name of multiculturalism.
I know this is a troll post but the fact that this is the mentality of most half whites is disgusting.
And Evil Eli Harman.
who is he?
No, thats what multiculti is. Convincing you out of relentless shame and pity conditioning, that self destruction is a net positive.
Isidore Heath Campbell Hitler
So your motives are entirely self serving. Got it.
that's just because people who are proud of being near 100% white think of half whites as abominations of nature worse than niggers
so the logic goes if whites think I'm horrible, being part white must be bad cause they're full white and they're huge assholes
oh my god the madman changed his last name to hitler, why do American Neo Nazis take it to another level?
in a way, yes. multicult is obviously in self interest of the jews.
BUT white nationalism is also shameless shilling for the jews. any attempt to give it an altruist slant toward nonwhites is obvious deception, and you whites are terrible at hiding it unlike jews.
if you actually cared about all people you would try to find a way to fix the world, not irrationally hate all black people/jews/mutts and just wish to build a wall around africa and let them torture each other to death
he named his son adolf hitler lmao
sorry, meant to say white nationalism is shilling for whites
Got arrested for ordering him a cake.
That's the issue they have.
They could perfectly push for ethnostates but they have to stop pushing for white ethnostates outside the traditional white territories in order to make it normie acceptable first.
jesus christ
Lost a daughter named Eva Braun too.
Was taken away at hospital.
Cried on TV about it.
nah, it'll never be normie acceptable
look at the hate israel gets even by leftists, even jews can't get away with it without it being perfectly obvious it's a selfish move
Should be sterilized
Can you have milk?
Yeah, I think my current political ideology is literally White Zionism, though for normies I'm just another "greatest ally" conservative.
nah, they should give him back his kids and get him out of jail
the government has no business stealing children for ideological reasons
full-blown narcissist cunt detected
I think it will, native americans have ethnostates in USA and Canada, the Sammi in scandinavia and our autonomous mapuche communities, those are hallmark card acceptable.
There's no reason to not expand that into white territory with all the information we have on genetical distribution.
When you name your child a BAD WORD, that’s child abuse!!!
Hitler is not allowed as a middle name!
Oh shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!