I saw another falangist thread but it was already archived when I arrived. Here's another one.
Post your falangist pictures and thoughts.
I saw another falangist thread but it was already archived when I arrived. Here's another one.
Post your falangist pictures and thoughts.
Other urls found in this thread:
what would have been a Spain under his commands?
Falange is for retards, carlism is better
I must say, that even I'm grateful to him for saving Spain from the red trash, I feel like there could been some better leader.
Arriba hermanos!
Well carlism is absolutly dead as a movement this days
Pfff any true falangist would appreceate Franco, he killed the movement
That's part of antispanish propaganda known as "La leyenda negra antiespañola". It's most fake, my brave spanish ancestors made them the most rich territories of the world.
Official antheem of the thread
and for new tastes
Well it's true but the national band couldn't stand division like in the popular front. That would been death for us
but at least they're intelligent, while Falangists were always about form, aesthetics and shouting, which is why this was a movement for loud retards
The tercios anthem and the "aspa de borgoña" (the red cross) makes me a boner
Tio que soy Español jaja solo estoy en corea, ya me se lo de la leyenda negra y la antipropaganda tanto de ingleses como holandeses
Dude I think you don't know enough about falange. If you say postwar falange it may be some true in that, but prewar it was a very intelectual movement. I recomend you to look some of Jose Antonio, Ramiro Ledesma or Onesimo Redondo.
Bueno bueno y como iba yo a saberlo? jajajajaa
I know he should have joined the Axis
You guys are alright. We Northern europeans are very much dependent on you guys. One thing I hate about nordicists, they don't understand our survival is dependent on our alliance with the meds. If the meds ally themselves with North Africa and the Muslims the North is doomed. In the Medieval ages we realized this early on so we tried to incorporate as much of Southern Europe into European culture as possible by sending you some royals.
Yes it's true, he sended the blue division tho, they were heroes and what they did in krasni Bor it's astonishing.
Well my country literally formed fighting against muslims so we're not allying ourselves with them. Also meds create Europe with the roman empire, so i don't really see how you're going to integrate us in "europe culture".
Well you have your own European culture we pale skins aren't made for Southern Europe. Hitler also never even had interest in ruling over the Balkans and was furious when Mussolini invaded Greece. It is well known among national socialists that Germanics need a harsh climate to thrive in so our goal has always been to the Urals and not the warm south
Well that's because Hitler was the chancellor of Germany, not Europe. He wanted his lebbensraum for his german volk, nothing to do with the rest of Europe. Also if you come here to some place like Galicia, they are so pale too because there is a cold clima. This image of the brown spanish is a meme, there are warm zones with more tan people and cold ones.
I wish they killed more fascist priests.
If I am correct; Falangism and Strasserism are a strongly socialist and anti capitalist version of Nazism. I’m ok with it, as long as Communism is not endorsed.
That’s the one thing hitler did horribly wrong, not encouraging pan european brotherhood and relations. Himmler is to blame and I hope himmler is rotting in hell. Europeans are brothers locked in arms to fight to preserve Europe and her many children, the Spanish, the anglos, the Nordic, the Germans, the Slavs, and the medeteranians are all european children and their blood flows through her. We need to unite to save our homelands and create ethno states for Europe's many ethnicities.
Well i don't think it's like strasserism, it's 3rd position too. Even tho they did give importance to sindicates, they were strong defenders of private property and against class fight. They just wanted to intervene the economy and corporations that do not serve Spain interest.
I think it would be good a European Fascist Union or something like that, but i'm not rennouncing to being spanish. I see my country as a glorius milenary legacy that we must protect, and diluding it with other countrys is something i do not want.
Go fuck yourself meme flagger
As Any nazi or fascist would. Ultimate goal of a fascist economy is to prevent outside influence from foreign and corporate interests on the state and people. I support you Spanish user, and cheers to beating the Soviet backed rebels in 43.
Start reading Mosley’s work. Mosley visioned a Europe with a council of ethno states represented by unified races of all of Europe. I am a Mosley fascist and have forever agreed to promoting his version of fascism vs Mussolini’s. One party state representatives elected to a european council that were elected by their own racial natives.
Thank you leafbro, one more battle to be proud of.
I must admit I haven't seen much of him. Any recomendations?
eso o estas usando una VPN y sabes español :^)
cruz de borgoña FTFW
Definitely start with Fascism, 100 questions asked, 100 questions answered.
cuando te das cuenta que estamos jodidos LoLazo X D todo gracias a los politicos ineptos
I'm reading it, thanks user!
>Falangism is a strongly socialist and anti capitalist version of Nazism
No not really.
Falangism is a syndicalist fascism. It is against capitalism but it's also against socialism.
It might seem socialist because its politics revolve a lot around protecting the proletariat but it's very strong on defending the companies and entrepeneurs as well.
It uses a vertical system where entrepeneurs and workers of each industry are bonded to the same branch rather than creating two horizontal distributions putting companies over the proletariat. It's not an autarchy but each branch has self-governance capabilities.
I don't think I'm fluid enough with my english to elaborate much on this but think of Mosley's ideal regime: totalitarian Goverment with democratic parlament where each collective participates as a whole.
Of course the movement got hijacked years ago by Franco and changed dramatically. We have like 6 Falanges now in Spain? I don't remember.
Awesome, anything to help an ally. European blood is what makes us brothers.
Pero jodidisimos eh, lo mejor que tenemos en el congreso es VOX y parece que solo tendrán 1 escaño...
Thank you for the more detailed definition, and yes agreed. I do however disagree with totalitarianism being involved in mosley’s Interpertation of fascism. Authoritarianism is definitely present though and Mosley was very supportive of direct election of the one party representative who would be held to account by the people directly.
I want to get into Falangism, what should I start reading?
cada vez que me meto en un hilo de esto y veo que todavía quedamos por españa me entra una añoranza por los viejos tiempos, cuando no habia tanto maricón y degenerado y me apena ver el estado de españa a dia de hoy cuando vas por madrid centro ver una puta bancarta que pone refugees welcome me asquea, ya bastante tenemos con los putos moros que hay aquí y quieren traer mas aun de siria y ver como cada vez hay mas putos rojos lavandoles la cabeza a los adolescentes y jovenes ,el estado de la familia real a día de hoy da pena y mas aun da saber como era todo pocos años atras, esta no es la españa por la que la gente luchó, con los putos catalanes queriendo independizarse tambien, que paso con el españa una, españa grande y españa libre? cuando a dia de hoy somos esencialmente las putitas de merkel... y que a pesar de ello me sienta orgulloso de vivir y estar en estas tierras, pues al final y al cabo se que no soy el único que desea que este pais recupere su vieja gloria
Start with "textos revolucionarios", a book of jose antonio
Oh that's new to me then. I had no idea.
I thought totalitarism was a good idea for Mosley since he's royalty, his family alredy held a lot of support from the people and it ensures the preservation of the values and Goverment. Thanks for the clarification.
Is falangism as a alive as fascism in Italia ? After the few footage that i saw of fascists reunions in Italia, I was surprised that there were so many people still supporting it!
Totalmente amigo, es asqueroso el estado de nuesto país hoy en dia. Ir por la calle aqui en Barcelona y no parar de ver trapos independentistas y moros por todos lados...
Lo gracioso es que aqui en valencia en respuesta a la mierda independentista la gente ha empezado a colgar las banderas de españa en los balcones en plan esto es españa. me alegra ver aunque sea un minimo de patriotismo y amor por lo que representa esa bandera, nuestro pais y nuestra cultura.
As a Galician I can confirm
It is alive, but it's minoritary like I suppose it happens in Italy too. I think that many people can be redpilled here with the right propaganda.
Link related: youtube.com
Does falangalism/fascism currently have a chance in Spain?
If they are the first to do this in Europe, I will probably move. Just as my Spanish ancestor before me, who came here to aid the Catholics against Protestant filth.
Falangism is long dead.
We have far right organizations but they're more neo-nazis than falangist.
There's the MSR (Movimiento Social Republicano) that was used to be the spanish delegation of Blood and Honour (neo-nazi british group) that also owns Grupo Hogar whhich is an activist organization that branches out in different groups. They are like Britain First and help spanish homeless with shelter and food but they get their supplies burnt by Antifa (yes, they burn their food "either for everybody or for nobody") and they also trash their shelters. Hispania Verde also belongs to this group and they plant trees, help endangered species, etc.
Yes, Mosley while still supporting the monarchs never was going to install absolute monarchy. I believe in a sense the royals have a place in British culture, however Mosley wanted more or so to encourage the royal family but ultimately prevent power from ever coming back to the royals as it was before WW1.
Sorry to blackpill you but for now it doesn't. We've had too this jew collective brainwashing and even many of right wings don't even like Franco's regime and think it was bad.
Es gracioso ver este post lleno de autistas virgenes haciendo LARP.
Si de verdad supierais algo de España y amarais este pais sabriais distinguir que Franco no era mas que un inutil manipulado por los judios.
Si siguieramos en esos tiempos seriais los primeros en ser fusilados por inutiles
Lol shooting at a statue. You leftists are tough guys!
From a third person's perspective it certainly looks that way. Franco is still fresh in the older generations and among the most conservative, you see whole families giving the roman salute and it is not as big of a taboo as in Spain. The problem is that since Franco died there has being a lot of contrarianism against him and thus the whole right, like a pendulum. In the case of Spain this pendulum is on the left after spending its time on the right.
>tl;dr: it is dying but it is still there
>Pic. Falangist party members march towards the tomb of José Antonio Primo de Rivera (2007).
>Does falangalism/fascism currently have a chance in Spain?
No way. The Falange is divided, fighting each other. The only groups that have some relevancy (Vox being the most famous with one seat in the Parliament) has been alredy outed as a zionist plant but most of the info gets wiped away quickly.
The few hopes we had to promulgate fascism or right wing ideas have been jailed, exiled or jailed in their exiled (like Pedro Varela).
Atención, un menor de edad ha entrado a la thread, repito, un menor de edad ha entrado a la thread
Franco should have invaded England in WWII, that would have helped ensure the liberation of Russia sooner and prevented the mutts from having an operating base.
como es que tienes wifi en el inem?
En el INEM siempre hay wifi muyayo.
Tienen ordenadores allí con internet para la gente que busca curro y esas cosas.
No te metas en el emule ni nada d'eso que igual te echan pero sí que puedes navegar y tal.
Hmm, that's too bad. It's gonna take a long while before we get a good, strong, right-wing party here as well. I wish you all the best, and arriba españa
dejando de lado el LARP... lo unico que hizo bueno fue echar a los comunistas, fue un gobernante pesimo y la version descafeinada de hitler
Falangism believes in "vertical sindicalism". This organization gathers workers and owners of industries and capital, and makes them work together to get better conditions for workers and succes for the business. Obviously, always under decent ethics and fighting for the general interest of the nation. It works for the working class, but in a different way of strasserism.
With the union of Falange (of Jose Antonio) and JONS (also national sindicalists, Ramiro Ledesma and Onésimo Redondo), the last ones added a lot of Catholicism to the mix.
Jose Antonio was an exceptional man with a unique vision of history and hispanism. He learned about the fascism in Europe, and adapted it to the spanish singularity with great succes and ideas decades ahead of his times.
He was the best option to rule Spain, and Franco was a necessary evil for Falangism in Spain with the war going on. After Jose Antonio's death, Manuel Hedilla was the true heir of the movement. But the catholic and monarchy sectors were against him.
A día de hoy la verdad es que esencialmente si, y tampoco es que sirviese de mucho porque anda que no veo yo putos rojos y liberales de mierda por todos lados, pero independientemente de ello, era lo que españa necesitaba , por decir cualquiera puede decir joder ojala haber tenido a Hitler, pero de nuevo, mira también el estado en el que esta alemania a día de hoy...
Even a history lesson, you are impressing me Spanish anons and giving me knowledge I did not have, thank you.
Yo no soy pro-Franco.
>Eliminó el edicto de Granada (dejando entrar a moros y judíos de nuevo a España)
>Provocó hambrunas y pobreza con la autarquía
>Provocó decenas de miles de muertes de ciudadanos inocentes con el fiasco metílico
>Nos vendió a los yankees para total acabando sin ver un duro del Plan Marshall
Aún así dicen que con Franco se vivía mejor y puede que sea verdad (vivienda barata, impuestos bajos, calidad de vida en los últimos años del régimen, etc).
Pero recuerda que Primo era el fundador de la Falange y a quien admiran los falangistas, no a Franco.
Si, totalmente, no ha tenido mas valor para el futuro que dejar a una elite podrida en el poder, necesitamos verdaderos patriotas
I read about VOX wanting to get rid of autonomias and many ayuntamientos, and all their politicians
how true is that?
Best wishes to you and your country as well. Let's hope we can go back to the right course. Houzee!
Se vivia mejor que durante la guerra, eso seguro.
Yo tambien estoy de acuerdo contigo, el falangismo hubiera sido una mejor opción.
Como siempre, desde epocas imperiales hemos sido una nación muy fuerte con pesimos gobernantes...y asi seguira ya que mira que nos depara el futuro
Arriba Espana
It is true, they don't want 17 parlaments, but sincerely I don't think they can do that because it requires a change in the constitution and parlamentary majority.
Where exactly does the term Falangist come from?
>Franquistas and Communist took away the ultimate syndicalist fight
It was supposed to be red and black vs red and black.
La Falange (as in Phalanx) Española.
It was a political movement created by Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, son of the dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera.
From Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera it's founder and son of the dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera. It means a phalanx, like the greek or roman soldiers, it symbolizes union.
Pic related.
It's basically just a political party's name
Thanks guys
No admitimos derrotistas ni nihilistas en nuestras filas.
Desde la batalla de Covadonga a la de Krasni Bor los guerreros españoles han dado sobradas muestras de bravura y valentía en las condiciones más adversas.
Si no cambia usted inmediatamente de actitud será usted expulsado de su companía y no podrá decir usted que forma parte de los Gloriosos Tercios Españoles con la desgracia y deshonra que ello conlleva.
Moral alta camarada.
Bien dicho, no hay soldado más gallardo que el español.
xd tios que haceis que no andais en forocoches xD
Los memeflaggers sois escoria.
Posting this from a thread from the other day. about the culture of Spain
A syndicalist union devoid of class conflict and foreign leeches. Oh what could have been. We'll miss you, Primo de Rivera...
You're just scared of going F/A/S/T. Imagine what Poland could be with the ONR-Falanga.
I put every day falange posters in my town
>pic related
S...señor si señor!
A mi la legión!
I am a voluntary in a retirement house for poor old people, also religious.
when they tell me their lives they allways tell me how life was hard after the war, but it was much better than with the comunists.
One of the elders i talk with told me that her family fled to the national side of spain when they started seeing churches burning down.
Because it is my senior year mandatory project, i go with some mothers from my HS, and in one moment one of the mother's phone rang with the Cara al sol, but because it's a full right-wing school we all laughed and played it cool
the absolute madman.
Are you from MADRIZ?
Vives de la gloria de unos antepasados ya muertos porque no tienes absolutamente nada de lo que sentirte orgulloso personalmente. Tú y todos los fachas de este hilo, una manada de betas o bien vírgenes o bien puteros que jamás han hecho nada por sí mismos.
Seguid llorando, sois historia.
No, I'm from Valencia
Nuestra patria está tan enferma que ninguna medicina habida y por haber puede curarla, lo único que puede curarla es un cirujano de hierro.
Our fatherland is so sick that no medicine to ever be created can heal her, the only thing that can heal her is an iron surgeon.
Falangists were opportunistic scum. They sent the young kids to fight while they stayed home and extorted families for food and money, then took the good state jobs they weren't even qualified for. There were a few good ones like my great grandfather, who fought at Teruel. But when he returned and saw that those shitbags were out for themselves he wised up.