What is the appeal of yuri?
What is the appeal of yuri?
You answered your own question
Give me sauce
Yuri is so boring, there needs to be a dick to make it exciting.
read the filename.jpg
Two girls
It says najuku_joshi_Vol2-132.jpg Now what?
There aren't any dicks in most harems.
I just don't get it either. They need some dick to fix them and not continue this disgusting relationship that is an affront to god.
You search for it yourself. Are you so use to little baby spoonfeeds that you can't do anything yourself, invalid.
but how? the internet is a pretty big place.
What about what appears to be yuri but it's just a trap fucking a girl?
Tbh yuri is inferior to futa on futa in every way possible but you wouldn't be able to make a non-hentai futa anime/manga so we've got to stick with what we can get.
Fuck off, futafag. Your ilk have the truest worst taste and you're a faggot.
>Traps fucking Tomboys
Only way Traps are acceptable.
>calling people faggots in a thread dedicated to japanese depictions of homosexual relationships
you mean REAL yuri? or the post yuruyuri shit trash?
he didn't call him a dyke.
>futa on futa
No, literally, I have participated in a gay orgy with a rugby team in the locker room and that is the gayest shit I've ever heard of. You're literally taking the epitome of femininity and turning it into a dude, where the focus is on the most manly part of the dude, the dick. Traps are nowhere near as gay since the focus is on the girl parts, the dick just being an extra attachment, like an appendix. Futa takes women, slaps on a ridiculous looking dick, emasculates the dick by removing the balls and STILL makes the shaft now a main character, where all eyes are drawn to it. Futafags are so gay, and have such an inferiority complex, they felt the need to take yuri, turn it gayer than is possible for normal yaoi, but only after they remove any threat the far larger dicks pose to them, and then try to claim that it's totally straight because it's a girl. No, it's an abomination.
No disgusting penii.
That is because you are a faggot.
Appreciate female bodies without dicks around. Other than that I dunno.
Nice pasta there friend, mind if I save it?
Thanks for telling the truth
I like girls, Yuri is just more girls who are sometimes naked.
Anything else is just bonus.
>Futa is gayer than trap
As a trap fag I'm just going to let you know that that's wrong.
They're both fucking gay and only for homos.
1 girl = cute
2 girls = twice as cute
At least we all agree yuri dorks are the worst thing to happen to yuri since bait got popular.
what's wrong with Yuru Yuri?
Yuirbait is awful cause it is in everything. If they kept yuri to yurishit then I wouldn't care but it is in everything I like lately.
Homosexuality isn't right
Because gay girls are just heartwarming. Nothing fills me with joy more than seeing two pairs of soft feminine lips pressing against each other with burning passion.
Who knows.
People keep saying this, that Yuri fans are the worst fanbase, blah, blah, blah. But in reality yuri series usually have pretty good communities on Sup Forums. And when I think of the worst community on Sup Forums, I think of stuff like Jojo Naruto or Monster Musume which have nothing to do with yuri.
Futa is better for fapping, but yuri is cuter.
The best futas have balls.
Yuri bait is when something looks like it's going to be yuri but in the end it turn both girls are straight, like what KyoAni did with the Hibike adaptation.
What you're referring to is probably yuri fanservice, which is yuri just for the sake of getting a bit of extra attention from a different niche but lacks of any substance. This is very common nowadays.
The Naruto community is actually good. I'm not even kidding.
That has to do with waifufags fighting over who is the best girl in a shit series and shonenfags are and always have been retards. The problem with yuri is more than it really just isn't for everyone yet these fucks put it in everything to try and lure in yurifags to buy their shit.
11/10 doujin
>The Naruto community is actually good. I'm not even kidding.
You must be new to Sup Forums cause Naruto use to be shit on here before the shocking betrayal.
/u/ is the one that is cancer tier, not the yuri fanbase on Sup Forums per se. The /u/ crossboarders, thought, are kill them with fire tier.
Groups based on being edgy and hating on popular things are what is worse on Sup Forums, if you let people discussing Boruto or whatever on their thread they won't be a bother to anyone, but then there are also people who only go to threads of things they don't like to try to convince other people why what they like is shit and why they're wrong for liking it.
Same thing with yuri, most people on Sup Forums like things like loli, incest and yuri, but the people that is really insufferable are the ones that go out of their way to express their hate on a specific genre or subject just because.
Nice boogeyman you have there.
Exceptions aside, most manga about 'lesbian romance' are boring in my opinion. That's most likely because plot isn't exactly what the audience cares about.
I love seeing two or more girls making love right in front of you before you bang them all together.
Unless it's Futa.
But ony if they don't have balls.
Because if you like balls on your futa, you're super gay.
/u/ is actually often a better place to discuss anime than Sup Forums, the shitposting ratio compared to Sup Forums is probably less than 1 to 10, since shitposting actually gets deleted by mods in slow boards. If you think the threads in /u/ about Sup Forums or 3d shit are cancer you can just ignore them.
>futa on futa
You might as well ask for yaoi, faggot.
Is it futa or strapon? Imagesearch does nothing with crops so I'm gonna try and find via tags.
40+ page strapon yuri doujin starring Maki and Honkers and it's translated
I'm sorry that you can't appreciate the joy of two girls filling up and impregnating each other's womb with their massive ladycocks.
I think that one is
[Inuzuka Clinic (Inuzuka Bowl)] The Dog's Desire and the Reality of Discipline (Love Live!)
You should check it either way, it's pretty good.
Holy fuck, this is fantastic.
If you're a guy, it's the straightest stuff to fap too.
/u/ is supposed to be a porn board but now it's 50% discussion, 20%bitching and 20% infodump for Sup Forums because its slow. The porn threads may as well not exist.
I'm not into dicks, sorry for not being a faggot enough.
/u/ is board about yuri that allows adult content, but that doesn't make it a board exclusively about porn or about image dumping, it's pretty much Sup Forums but about yuri and with a bit more of porn.
I'm not a flaming faggot like you, user.
Eh, I'd rather just have a girl that is enjoying herself solo.
Yet are fine with having a dude do it. Guess you need to have a man's body to get off when it comes to dicks.
Why are burgers so concerned about their sexuality?
Because we are a christian nation.
I don't have a problem with futa as long as the girl has balls and only one set of genitals. Also she must be flat chested. It's pretty hot then. Otherwise, not my thing.
really?? copy until the second _ and paste in google fuck i hope this is b8
I'm Jewish though.
there is not appeal if there is no suffering
Yuri is healthy thing for heterosexual male to enjoy. It have 2 girls making love/sex without any other guy involved (whatching other guy is doing is gay/bi or cuckhold thing).
Somebody post the /fit/ copy pasta on how the guy got cucked by a girl.
It't hot, soft and easy to self insert to. What's not to like? I like het as much as the next guy but if the only argument is "Needs more dick" then they are people who's either massively gay or have such bad imagination that they can't enjoy the purest form of love
It's hard to describe what exactly makes yuri appealing, partly because it's a broad collection of works which often do very different things.
I personally just really like the idea of relationships that people enter into because they want to rather than because there's some outside pressure to. Lots of shoujo and romcoms have the whole 'growing up' aspect to becoming romantically involved that implies they're going through the motions for the sake of being normal and for personal growth, and while those aren't necessarily bad things, I think they cheapen the romance focus. I don't generally encounter that particular variety of social context stuff as much in yuri and I appreciate it a lot for that. For some reason, there's also a lot of yuri fanwork stuff that deals with characters already being in a loving, active relationship, which is also pretty rad. I'd be happy to see straight stuff that did this as well, but it's harder to find and less common.
Also it's way too hard to find good straight smut that involves a heavy focus on kissing, foreplay, fingering or cunnilingus. There are tags for these things but they're misused more often than not. It's easier to just look for yuri when I'm looking for something that focuses specifically on non-penetrative stuff.
>Also it's way too hard to find good straight smut that involves a heavy focus on kissing, foreplay, fingering or cunnilingus.
This is true and it's a fucking travesty.
Because I'm the dude who fucks. It's like faggots like you have never heard of self-insertion.
I don't understand this. I find it terribly disgusting just like all homosexuality.
So you're literally gay then.
Perhaps because you were born in a third world country
They're still girls
4 boobs, 0 dicks
I find homosexuality wrong but I still see lesbians as sexy, way more than girl and guy doing it.
Lack of man ass
Self-insertion is for the most pathetic of losers. Yuri is still shit though.
About double amount of bitches.
Why is it that whenever the subject of yuri comes up, there's dozens of people scrambling to do cock calculus and explain how it's objectively more or less gay to like?
Like holy fuck that shit doesn't matter.
>Have no features of girls whatsoever
>Still girls
Checks out
It's the purest form of love, the only way it can be more pure is if it's time traveling loli selfcest yuri
I use to see it as cute to a degree but these days as I've gotten older I find it terribly abhorrent. Perhaps it is because it is all about sex sex sex and less about cute.
>asked girlfriend for treesome
You brought it on yourself.
The "practice" thing should've been a red flag to him.
It's time to come out of the closet user
She had a y chromosome
there is no dick in any.
>y chromosome
This. You fags try so hard to rationalize it, it feels like you're scared of something.
Is selfcest(girl) gay?
>a fag calling someone else a loser
Why won't you just admit that you love dicks?
I'm not that user who you replied to originally. I just think self insertion is a very pathetic thing.