What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Goebbels?

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Goebbels?

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Fuckin genious

rural and suburban retard

Best Chancellor of Germany, even if it was only for like 2 days

I strive to be like him in many ways

He was there to laugh at Hitler's jokes.

literally based white man. May he allegedly gas jews in heaven.


he came back as stephen miller

Didnt he find out he was a jew or something?

You want to fly to england?

not a person anyone should want to be like honestly

Looked a bit glum

what? he was limping but that's about it
amerimutt education

Definitely /ourguy/. Incredibly smart and charismatic, and an amazing speaker. One of my favorite nazis.

The idea that he killed his wife kids and himself is a fucking kike lie

> you will never share a cold one with your boy goebbels ?why? live?

Definitely my favourite after Hitler of course

You can just tell that Goebbels was the most anti semetic out of all of them

Aggressive manlet

For lack of a better word "based"

Himmler was arguably more anti-semitic, although both were moreso than Hitler.


Do you want TOTAL WAR?


He looks like he's been wearing the one ring of power for too long

Highly intelligent, typical Sup Forumsack
Knew exactly how to do things in order to get the people interest
He was the Brain behind Hitler
Himmler was the pagan meme magic guy, who was deeply into magic, and spiritual stuff, and Hitler was the man with the vision and the charisma
3 perfect People, who came together, and basically changed the world world
I have high respect for all three of them

He literally did nothing wrong.

Mostly right

His theories on narrative are the basis for what we do and modern propaganda warfare.

marketing genius, he sold the war to millions

Hitler should of placed more stock in him after the Reich was in power. He was advocating for total war a few years before they got around to implementing it. He was loyal as hell to the fuhrer until the war started when they grew distant. His propoganda was probably the biggest factor for continuing public acquiescence to the war.

Personality wise, he would not of been a fun man to be around. Completely insecure about his physicality and you all know what men who carry that trait are like. But as a minister he was one of the best.


a pretty cool guy
also wasnt he a total robot before joining the NSDAP?

this. Hitler was intelligent and all, but Goebbels was the brain of the NSDAP.

good man.

My personal pick for the ideal successor of the fuhrer, a loyal, genius fanatic

he seemed like such a bro..I wish he was my bro
> or my uncle or something

He's like a cool uncle

Hansome boy. Great hairline. Commanding presence.