You literally can't leave a woman alone for a day without cheating on you with someone else these days
Why have women become so disloyal and adulterous these days?
Why are women so disloyal?
Other urls found in this thread:
Men lowered their standards. Women lowered their standards. Its from curropted media
Women raised their standards massively compared to just 10 years ago
Yea fucking someone else while your partner is overseas has literally been around since medieval times
How have women ever raised their standards. It's been persistently downhill since WW2 ended.
damn what a sickening cunt, even posing with the child while betraying her husband
i hope that shit is just some photoshopped cuck fantasy
We live in a more liberal society, this are the consequences, of teaching kids to be tolerant and free, instead of opressed and demanding.
Its not hard to figure out. Men like it.
>falling for bait
you guys are idiots
Why should she have to suffer for her husband's poor judgment? He decided to be a cuck when he enlisted.
I'm still here, user
Spartan culture basically said if you go to war and your wife is horny she doesn't have to stick around.
All of your degenerate porn reinforces their ideas of sexual freedom allowing them to prioritize sex over loyalty...
i know, you were the first one
Monogamy in general makes no sense from an evolutionary perspective does it? I mean as a guy you should want to impregnate the maximum amount of chicks. As a girl you want the most dominant male to impregnate you and then have some dependable guy raise the kids.
Where's the incentive towards monogamy there?
>why do women X
You know why. they are genderniggers that's why
We've enabled them, we gave them the tech to do it and created the culture that made it seem acceptable. Even by giving attention to the drama it causes.
I think he means the standards people hold themselves up to. Moral standards are lacking in the population.
Having a stable civilization and controlling animalistic urges. Lurk more retard.
>keeps bumping the thread
>ha you idiots!
>baby daddy is busy getting killed for the Jews
Can't blame her, redpilled af.
womens standards have been declining since 1066 tbqh
Because whitey doesn't deliver. My friend scored a 7.5/10 being a 6.0/10 troll because he got rid of two of his useless hobbys and is now constantly fucking and caring to the soon-to-be waifu. Next stop Aruba in march.
Waifu in pic could have had nice skype party with husband. Husband is an idiot.
We didn't evolve according to civilization though, civilization is like strait-jacketing the natural urges we have. Obviously this is desirable but we shouldn't lie about the fact that it goes against our natures.
> Women raised their standards massively compared to just 10 years ago
Only if you refer to the standard that a potential male mate must fulfill in order not to get betrayed with a probability of >50% per year. Or in short: a woman's "entitlement" is what increased, not her standard.
> ignores the female disloyalty problem in favor of attacking a "bait"
Civilization is extremely over-rated.
Lurk more.
>Why are women so disloyal
I'll tell you a secret here, user. When women are not -literally- beaten into submission, they become disloyal. When they are beaten, they may leave or sue you, but they will NEVER be disloyal.
It is an empirical fact you won't find ''researches'' for. Ask grandpas, ask pas, ask people around. You'll see what changed and what that change brought. Where I'm from, infidelity skyrocketed the same time women got liberated and the ''real men don't hit women'' psyop passed.
Have fun being cheated on, makes you feel like a real man I bet. Least you didn't raise a hand, ever.
Media has poisoned them into thinking being a slut is ok, women are natural followers and as a follower being targeted as weird is the worse thing that can happen to you, the media used this and made being a slut and losing your value the new normal, therefore women follow this path
its an Antifa-Post to demoralize american soldiers. It's a fake Tinderprofil
>Monogamy in general makes no sense from an evolutionary perspective does it?
Actually it makes 100% perfect sense because it maximizes child rearing and insuring future generations of offspring are better equipped to survive and adapt. Evidence of our early ancestors showed they pretty much hung out with their families, mostly. Everyone knew who's kid was who because they looked alike. Monogamy was is definitely our natural state.
What do you make of the stats that throughout all of human history and prehistory like 80% of women reproduce but only 40% of men?
There's also the fact that humans are somewhat sexually dysmorphic, which is usually an indication of harem-type mating. Hyper-monogamous species are typically very similar across the sexes.
Women were never to blame because like you say, they are followers.
The men are the ones that got poisoned. The men are the ones who are to blame for allowing all of this to happen. Just like the men lost (or won) the wars that brought us here.
do you see what people in luxembourg use tinder? i'd really like to see some,
She is not excused, but being a military fag is no way to keep a woman these days. And fuck you to anyone who says you're guarding freedom. No, you work for Israel.
deutschbro is correct
>muh it's fake
right because these things don't really happen, no sir! I'll buy you a 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' set too, my friend has one.
You mean white women right?? I mean all races of women have their whores but white ones are by far the worst ones.
>sexually dysmorphic
making up words to argue in Sup Forums vs not knowing how to properly write what you meant. Which one is it?
The incentive is that all men get access to pussy and access to create a family, thus putting their sexual energy to work. Monogamy is the primary reason the West became what it has, and when it ends, the West will end, and it'll be a quick ride into barbarism.
Women being disloyal sluts is literally a good thing, because it means it's easier to get laid. And getting laid is the whole point.
>let's leave 50%+ of the male population lacking family and frustrated because they have no offspring
>what's the worst that can happen?!!
The only people making such arguments are children or against children so they will never understand the heir/bloodline mentality. It's a lost cause.
i know, i was talking about evolution, ie. our actual instincts
Sorry I meant dimorphic.
If you had as many sexual options as the average female you understand. Its easy to be moral and against cheating when you don't have a lot of options, which the majority of men don't. A 6/10 woman is like the equivalent of a 9/10 male. Just how the world works kiddo. If you had young hotties begging for your cock daily you would eventually cheat.
Youre a degenerate and I'm ashamed to share a nationality with you. Also you're wrong, women tend to be loyal. Virginal losers on Sup Forums just never experience it.
>You're a degenerate
Wow, you really hurt my feefees now. Meanwhile I get laid all the time, while you are still waiting for your fairytale princess that doesn't exist, especially in our country.
I'll help you also understand the 'stats' you mentioned. Throughout human history, men have been the primary instruments of WAR, and war is -you guessed it- rampant throughout human history, with maybe the exception of our current period.
During times long lost, men did not have the luxury of going to war after they had families. In many situations, armies consisted of many teenagers (wtf give proof: check sieges of constantinople among thousands of more examples). Does it surprise you that teenagers have so much energy? Well, once upon a time they put that to good use. Many of those teenagers died so obviously they never reproduced.
Women on the other hand stayed behind, in some occasions were raped by the winners, in most occasions however unless they had some physical issue they bear children so that the children can fight the next war. Or advance their race. 80% making also absolute sense.
The difference in those percentages does not disprove monogamy or its design/purpose/w.e
this is a western white woman problem not a woman problem
>tfw qt jap gf
There was a whole facebook group with women doing this kind of shit, even if the pic is fake it means nothing.
"Make Them Famous for Military Exes" and "Mommy wars"
i don't know man, there are a lot of keepers here if you keep yourself 40+km away from oslo/bergen
How exactly do you get 40% of men impregnating 80% of women if there isn't some kind of pseudo-harem going on. Whether the men die in warfare or are just passed over seems irrelevant to me.
Cheating on a marine while he's deployed... It's like she wants to be the murder part of a murder suicide.
Rich coming from Pajeet-in-the-loo
thats just your shitty opinion , worthless and dirty like your country
shut up
Fucking army dudes fighting kike wars asking why their women be cheating. Lol! Fucking kike pawn manlets.
Going off to fight kike wars instead of fulfilling your woman's needs and raising your family...
I think you're trying to justify you moral leeway but all it takes to keep yourself from cheating is convictions.
Sorry I had to look up your stats. I can't follow your theories or your %s. All I know is that families and 'monogamous' societies are timed all the way back to Minoan Crete era. They serve a purpose and they are a natural instinct. I assume in cave man clan times, where there was plethora of women, a man would have to impregnate multiple ones to keep the numbers pumping. There are cultures for that even to this date.
>cherrypicking meme thots on tender
>literally all women
Falling for (((their))) schemes. Women are made to think all men cheat and vice versa. It’s just a ploy to make white men and women distrust each other and remain single and unhappy without offspring.
It is, until you no longer have one and just feeding yourself becomes an everyday battle.
Link I found says
>But the results also showed geographical differences
which is quite indicative of RACISM and therefore dismissed. HA
yeah I imagine it's a sort of ESS between women being sluts or monogamous and men being players or monogamous. Whatever the exact percentage it's obvious that we're not totally monogamous, but we're not an actual harem species either.
Also the way you're talking it's like you're saying men would fuck excess women for the benefit of the tribe or something. that's not how evolution works
A family is no guarantee of monogamy either, cuckolding is observed in loads of species
SS-Africans are obviously more promiscuous, or r-selected or whatever. But as far as I know there are no humans where the males and females are virtually identical
Though Feminists disapprove of men (especially white men), some feel that they have the right to engage in bad male behavior.
>not all women
You too, Brutus? The infidelity percentages are already over 50% and rising, which makes it majority therefore not cherrypicking at all. It is a very real problem.
Not to mention the % of people who did it and didn't disclose it for whatever reason.
Be me at work
>work with a bunch of middle age woman
>all have partners
>make sexual jokes with me all day
>call me handsome
>flirts with me
>would drop their partners if a made a lead
Shame they are all average or just under
Bitches want to have that cake and eat it all. Society has been conditioned to a point where this behavior is not only encouraged bit accepted (to a degree).
If you haven't been betrayed by a woman-you will, eventually. Learn the warning signs and be prepared to walk the moment those red flags appear
>loads of species
I don't really study other species so I can't comment, mainly because I consider comparing humans with other animals a huge fallacy. But suit yourself.
Also, consider this. A woman can bear one (or two) child in 9 months. A man can make way more than 100 children in 9 months. Women 'have' to wait a few more months after birth. Man can keep making children.
So let me ask you what you consider to be 'natural', what is 'evolutionary' and what is 'sociocultural'. To have all 100 of the men kill each other to figure out who is the alpha that will fuck the other 100 women? Just the 50 of men? Or pair all with 1? Incest and it's negatives, anyone?
Bottom line, it takes way more strength for a man to resist his impregnate 100 chicks instinct than for the woman to get impregnated by multiple dudes.
>also for the oldfags, women get way too horny when pregnant. damn
this this a thousand times
Ever wonder how pretty much all mainstream doctrines of AT LEAST the last 100 years have as end result men and women treating each other as adversaries? White men and women have complimentary roles, not opposite. Taking this to its logical conclusion, other family members such as children could also be included in that comparison, since up until the industrial revolution the family was a nucleus no one questioned, it was strong because of traditions, not because it was a viable economic model such as in the 50s. What gradually happened is every family member got a life of their own, slowly building rifts in the family structure. Do not confuse that with being a slave to the group, that is a tactic quite often used by anti traditionalists
>be prepared to walk
Why must this shit be the solution? Tell me
>I consider comparing humans with other animals a huge fallacy
Are you religious? I'm not following how you could think this otherwise
As to your reasoning there 'resisting the impulse to impregnate' is pure moralizing, it has nothing to do with what will work in evolution. The incentive for men to have multiple partners is obvious. The incentive for a woman to be impregnated by a high status male even if he wont look after the kids is also obvious.
Your scenario seems like a reductio ad absurdum, which is why I mentioned the ESS concept earlier
Pro or against?
Are you asking me if I want my government to institute a eugenic program? I don't care. In some vague way the idea of the Ubermensch is interesting, but Im not very hung up on it.
What does this have to do with our discussion?
How do you know the statistics you're looking at are even valid? How do you know (((they))) aren't producing them? After doing a quick search, depending on the article, infidelity rates for both men and women can be from 12%-70%.
Now, I'm not saying that infidelity isn't a big issue. I am saying that the media plays a huge part in why it's becoming more acceptable. I just really hate these "All women are sluts. What's the point?" threads. It seems like a demoralization tactic more than anything.
I feel like it's a diversion most of the time. There's criticism of female behaviour encouraged by the state (Responbility, and accountability often aren't solidifed in women, because they're basically treated like children as much as minorities)
What's funny is that feminists don't highlight this, they focus on the patriarchy and shit which doesn't even exist in our culture anymore. As of now, they're seen as children by the people literally advocating for more progression.
The real oppression is from the people who constantly tell you that you are a victim of something and need to be vulnerable and lacking in strength and courage.
I feel the issues go hand in hand. The people telling women that if a male coworker absentmindedly places his hand on your shoulder, it sexual assault and he should be fired, are the same people telling women they should go fuck Jamal and friends and their husbands have no right to be mad.
I 100% agree that modern feminism is a problem. If someone sexually assaults me, I don't need twitter and fucking Oprah to ruin their life. Learn to use mace and stand up for yourself. It's funny how they want you to believe women can do anything a man can, but when someone whips his dick out, it's a life crippling event. The biggest problem with modern feminism is how much positive media attention it gets. It's normalizing this lack of accountability. I just hope we're on the edge of the pendulum swing.