Monarchy of the netherlands

>Wife from argentina
>not white

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Monarchy > Republic

Whiter than you, Hendrijk

looks so comfy, makes a halfbreed sad.



Fat kids and balloon head husband I agree, but she looks white to me. You're probably half nigger anyway, why are you even pretending to be a race purist?

>>Wife from argentina
>>not white

I like them but I don't understand why they get free welfare money when they run successful businesses

Does Japan have an Emperor!?

Ethnic argies are full blown mutt tier. Clearly she is more ethnic yuro than spicc

So one drop rule only applies when it suits you?

Shut the fuck up Nethermutt

Tyrone, white people are talking. Go back to fucking the wife of good goy American soldiers fighting Israel's wars

>Her father threw communists out of planes
>His father... well...

And you go back to pretending to be a Catholic country when in reality only 11% of your country is. Filthy degenerates


His grandfather, my apologies for my poor knowledge.

>Thinking catholics are real Christians

kys shithole faggot

>Catholic country
Top kek American education

Alexia best princess

I'd love to go to the Neds to smoke some green

are you retarded, son?

>The news of the crown prince Willem-Alexander's relationship and eventual marriage plans to Máxima Zorreguieta caused controversy in the Netherlands. Máxima's father had been the Minister of Agriculture during the regime of former Argentine President Videla, a military dictator who ruled Argentina from 1976 to 1981 and who was responsible for many atrocities against civilians (An estimated 10,000–30,000 people were kidnapped and murdered during this and subsequent military regimes before democracy was restored to Argentina in 1983). However Jorge Zorreguieta had resigned one year before the end of the Videla regime and claimed that, as a civilian, he was unaware of the Dirty War while he was a cabinet minister
>The "Dirty War" (Spanish: Guerra Sucia [amongst the Argentine right]) or Civic-Military Dictatorship of Argentina (Spanish: Dictadura cívico-militar Argentina), was the name used by the Argentine Military Government for a period of state terrorism in Argentina[8] from roughly 1974[9][10] to 1983 (some sources date the beginning to 1969), during which military and security forces and right-wing death squads in the form of the Argentine Anticommunist Alliance (Triple A)[11][12] hunted down and killed left-wing guerrillas,[13][14] political dissidents, and anyone believed to be associated with socialism.[15][16][17][18] About 30,000 people disappeared, many of which were impossible to be formally reported due to the nature of state terrorism.
>military and security forces and right-wing death squads in the form of the Argentine Anticommunist Alliance (Triple A)[11][12] hunted down and killed left-wing guerrillas,[13][14] political dissidents, and anyone believed to be associated with socialism.

>The Netherlands are pretending they're a Catholic country

Ffs ask your school money back, we literally fought an eight decades long war to do the exact opposite

>The Netherlands

my sides

It is. There are more Catholics than Protestants

Hey brainlet ameritard, see

You should have fought longer, there have been more Catholics than Protestants in the Netherlands during your entire lifetime

So you consider yourself a Protestant country when you have more Catholics than Protestants and have since after WW2?

You retards are so dense LMFAO

The other side of the family, Prince Bernhard, used $700.000 of the WWF's funds to hire former SAS mercenaries to find and kill poachers and South African nationalists in African wildlife reserves.

Some say he only did it because he wanted to be the only one to hunt there.


Kick out those baguette krauts. Second Dutch republic when?

I wasn't going to say anything bad until the other guy started it, don't get butthurt fedora

There wasn't t 30000, instead was roughly 8000 killed, but they were commie scum so it was justice.
Lefties said 30000 because euroniggers set that number in order to recognize a genocide

Bs, that's because 1. there are multiple protestant denominations and 2. because all of them tend to take your name off the list of congregation members if you never show up whilst the Catholic Church sees you as a member in perpetuity unless you get excommunicated or if you excommunicate yourself, so the numbers are skewed. Catholic Church attendance is nowhere near the reported number whilst this ratio is much less inaccurate for protestants

I'm Catholic myself btw, there's like 10 people on a busy sunday mass. They merged the 2 local churches in december because nobody ever shows up


I had no idea Argentina was so based, thought it was only Chile.

>look fat
That's because they are.

t. Jorge Rafael Videla

Hahaha, i'm from a "catholic" family.
It's a running joke around here. "van de ploaties"
(just in it for the pictures)
Oh, we can still do things exactly the way we always did and you fuck off. I don't even have to read the fucking thing? I don't have to work on Sunday? Shit padre, we cool.
>dutch Catholic

Japan is also a monarchy, and I bet that a couple of those African shitholes too.

This. And in the Netherlands it's normal that your religion is registered at birth, taken from your parents' religion. Most people either don't know this, or never bother to take it out. That's why there are far more people registered as religious than there really are. I'd say between 10% and 20% are actually religious of any kind.

I guess that makes since, so that means in reality way less than 11% of the population is Catholic?

When did the Netherlands start believing in "humanism, agnosticism, atheism or individual spirituality" instead of Catholicism or at least Protestantism? Has it been this bad for decades?

Why are so many dutch monarchs women?

Did she leave her papist religion?

>Every Protestant country is a degenerate shithole
You can bet your sweet ass she never will

Largest religious group in the Netherlands is Catholics.
Get rekt heretics

>not white
Parents of Maxima Zorreguieta, pic related

Although I despise the monarchy, you're wrong

en realidad fueron 3.000
el mason antiblanco anticristiano judeofilo raul alfonsin (además de ser parte del ERP) infló los numeros con el nunca mas, se documentaron casos cometidos por los mismos montoneros, además de gente que murió desaparecida por la triple a o que se fugó, también aparecen como muertos. el nunca mas es otroa judiada
no hay que olvidarse que el golpe fue financiado por la juderia nortemericana y solo desaparecían los perejiles (como con la triple a, mientras firmenich podía ir a marchas y sacarse fotos como si nada), ademas de perseguir a los nacionalsocialistas y allanar/intervenir editoriales independientes

>The Netherlands

They would be white hispanics if they lived in America and you would call them 56%ers

you sure it isn't islam?

>Whiter than you Muhammed, the post

I'm Catholic and Gay. I only go to church to suck priest dick.

Actually it is "humanism, agnosticism, atheism or individual spirituality"

>she never will
Source or get out.

I'm going to need a source for your comment about Christian countries as well, because you papists are notoriously dishonest weasels.

Pic. related is from the country where the Vatican monarch comes from.


Also, Maxima made a statement in 2007 that the Dutch identity does not exist.
She should retract this publicly and immediately to avoid the rope.

Why does European Royalty feel the need to marry sheboons and non-europeans? Have a continent full of women and other Royal families they could marry. Why?
Did inbreeding cause them to be retarded or something?

Not yet. But if more and moreoriginally christian people consider themselves to be non-religious Islam will be the largest.

Those arent religions

reminder that the gaijin shogun(pic related) saved the emperor

Might be good for a priest every now and then.

middle ones a half downy


Just look at the list of Protestant countries, they are all the countries that get made fun of.

American Protestants are the only reason Zionism is a thing for Republicans to pander about.

Some Catholics suck too though.

>Máxima is one of the few members of royal families anywhere in the world to be an open supporter of gay rights, and was the first member of a royal family to attend an LGBT rights conference, having attended a conference concerned with LGBT rights on 5 March 2008.[24][25]

She is a proud Catholic

>your sweet ass
user., being a sodomite means you get sent to Hell for ever. Also, being a papist is a damnable offense.

Pic. related: it's easy to see through papist degeneracy.

She is European

Does it really matter? I mean your country will be a blend of african , muslim , chinck and whatever color your former colony is .

So she is a jew?


It started in the 1960s and went downhill very fast. Before that we used to be one of the most deeply religious countries in the world, to the point where US soldiers were instructed not to make jokes with Dutch citizens in 1944-45 because they were so serious and stern. We even had this thing where everything used to be divided by religion. A small town would have a soccer club, doctor's office, tennis club, school etc for every denomination because people flat out refused to mix with those of other faiths and actively withheld their children from doing it too

The old mindset is still alive and well in our Bible belt. I went to school in the outskirts of the Bible belt so I know a lot of people from those villages. It's like stepping into another dimension. Impeccable streets, people standing in church because all the pews are full, work ethic like nothing you've seen before and an amazing sense of community. They don't take kindly in Catholics though

If you look at the comment above yours I have just addressed that many Catholics are LGBT supporters, still better than supporting outright Zionism IMO like the Protestants do (they are definitely more Protestants that are Zionists than Catholics are LGBT supporters

He looks like Trump.
He doesn't look like average cuck.

Argentinians are very white it's disturbing.

They even have white cops, something unthinkable in my country.

But your point is true. And it is a not-joyous pain in the ass to be removed from their lists.

esti prost

whiter than the JewSA

>very white
Go kill yourself

chick on the right is prime 100% certified fuckmeat. would rim her ass and pussy and fucj her then cuddle

4/10 of the top 10 are Muslim Nations that succeeded because of Oil.
Those nations are:
1. Qatar
4. Brunei
5. Kuwait
8. United Arab Emirates

>the whole article is scornful of dutch history
This is your country on papists, everyone. Be ye warned.

Supreme Court of the United States is majority papists and notoriously legislated sodomite marriage coast-to-coast recently.

The exposed papist attempts to lie to cover up the sins of his co-religious but it's easy to see through him. Why is this poster even in my country to begin with? Look at the make-up of this high court.

Back row, 2 papists, a Christian and a Talmudicist.
Front row, 2 Talmudicists and 3 papists

How do you like the makeup of your (degenerate) deep state, Christian America?

Every now and then? The sexually active priests are not the exception among the clergy I used to know. And most of them masturbate to the most bizarre things. How do I know? My brother left the seminary because of that.

>Did inbreeding cause them to be retarded or something?

you know, when you make it this easy for us it ain't fun anymore.

>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!

97% white?? That's whiter than The Netherlands.

Hmm, maybe we should consider argentina as the basis for the first white ethnostate


Your king is really that good ? I mean i know in UK there is demand to put an end to the monarchy .

*tips Fedora*

It's weird for me dude, i didn't even had divorce until a few years ago.

My ancestors settled here before America was a country, why are you in my country?

Everybody in Argentina considers themselves white.

Same goes for communist Norway.
If they didn't have oil and gas, they'd just be shit poor alcoholics.

There are plenty of unmixed whites in places like Argentina and Brazil. You guys are really fucking obnoxious about this and it shows a lot of your ignorance about the world outside of the country in which you live. South America has a history of white immigration and colonialism the same as the USA does. Just from taking one look at her, you can SEE she's white. If she has like 0.8% New World admixture, who the fuck cares. She looks indistinguishable from a mainland European.

>Everybody in Argentina considers themselves white.
Just like in America.


>If she has like 0.8% New World admixture, who the fuck cares. She looks indistinguishable from a mainland European.
It's probably more like 5-10%, and you people sure fucking care when they are Americans with a little Amerindian genes. Even though the Americans are often 90% Anglo and the Argentinians are often 90% Spanish or Italian

>implying taking a stand against sodomy is uncool
Actually, user., there's a reason why sodomites are known as "flamers"...

>the papist continues lying as he gets called out on his degenerate lifestyle
Papist, please go (to a third-world, Roman Catholic cesspool).

Pic. related: papist "patriotism"

Just like in Britain, even though you are a quarter Jewish scum.