I assume we can all agree on this

I assume we can all agree on this.

Quite. But I wouldn't put Portugal on such a high league. Sure, it had a vast territory but aside from that I fail to see how it had any significant influence in culture, science or anything else for that matter. It would make more sense to put it alongside the Netherlands and Austria in my opinion.

Not huffing my own farts here but i think there is a strong case for my country being blue

To add to this, belgium should be the same colour as us, since most of our history is shared

>Russian Crimea

I'd argue that Israel should be blue
Its currently shaping world (((culture))) to how it wants

I assume we can all agree on that this is spam and not politics

The upper half of cyprus has to be green

Well, it made Brazil.
Give expl. pls.

If Portugal is blue we should be as well. We weren’t far behind them at their peak but completely left them in the dust since.

Especially if germany is blue too, we should definately be blue


>Puting czechs above poles
>Poland not above a yellow field (What is the polish-lithuanian commonwealth? What are the winged Husars?)


>what is the complete irrelevance of this shithole besides 100 years in the medieval
go home marek and stay gone

t. Toiletteputzer

>go home marek

>be german
>go to tent
>watch as nigger fucks your girlfriend


Mongol pride worldwide

>What are the winged Husars?
What are the cavalry archers?

>be me
>east german
>watching westcucks fill our country with niggers
>watching them get raped
>see marek steal my car
>get angry
>see random light brown person on street
>is Italian
>beat him dead anyway

Switzerland has had quite an influence scientifically I believe also I'd have Portugal move down a league as while they did have a massive colonial empire they haven't played as much of a role in defining arts, technology or played as much role in major European wars and certainly aren't more influential than the Netherlands (still greatest ally though). Also for Tesla alone and then historically being a major impact I'd argue Serbia are a slight cut above their neighbours.

Oh also Ireland in Orange purely for their massive shaping of settler nations and impact on British history as well as their music, poetry and the fact medieval monks in Ireland did preserve many important writings as well as proselytise a great deal and were of overwhelming importance as such to defining Christendom.