Stop using Chrome

Stop using Chrome.

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Use one of the top tier of pic related and feel closer to Varg "Forest Manfest" Vikernes

Internet explorer master race reporting.


Google tracks everything you do and sells you for targeted ads. You are a product and get nothing in return for the value you're generating. You're basically working for free

>You're basically working for free
I do that here too. I'm too deep on the botnet cock. Even if I drop it, my roomie wouldn't and they'd clone Wi-Fi data anyway through phone.

The SJW Firefox browser is not a good alternative. And neither is Internet explorer.

See based frog I use Brave myself

It is never too late to do anything you can to cast off the shackles of the Silicon Jew

I use firefox with security extensions. I tried some others (Brave/Vivaldi), they just suck SOOOOO much and experts claim that they really aren't any more secure.


I tried that piece of shit. Sometimes it randomly hide the X on the tab so I can't even close the tab.

Now what?

I don't have a great pc and i found that i would lag more in games when i had a podcast playing on firefox in the background. As well as getting blue-screens from firefox. Chrome seems to play videos a lot faster for me, where as sometimes it would get stuck buffering on firefox.

Waterfox on desktop, Brave on mobile.
I used to use Firefox on mobile, but a fairly recent update turned it to complete shit. Absolutely drains the battery beyond belief, and slow as a 2CV even without addons.

my browser is shilling for bitcoin. not sure how i feel about this

Opera can do everything Chrome does

It's way too late buddy. The time to do it was 5 years ago. They're too ingratiated now.

What's wrong with Firefox?

Opera is fast and really light-weight, and at least they only sell your data to chinks and not to the jews

I used Chromium for 2.5 years, buggiest piece of shit (coded by wh*toids), switched to Chrome (coded by Google(tm) Team Pajeet) literally best experience ever.

I use chromium with adnauseam extension
>I-is this allowed varg?

>He uses VPNs and obscure web browsers
>He doesn't browse Sup Forums and shitpost on social medias using his real IP address and the browser of one of the most powerful company in North America
It sounds like you're scared of something, user.
Fucking pussy.

are you doing something illegal? if you not why you care?

They've gone SJW, and the performance is starting to show it.

They may have retarded political opinions, but is there any problem with the browser itself?

Posting from my google phone, using google operating system and google chrome browser. Check mah dubbs

You should care because you are generating revenue through your browsing habits and earning nothing in return. Only a cuck would work for free

when i say something ilegally, i'm saying like stalking/bullying childrens, trafficking CP, or selling weapons.

I'm already in too deep

Yes because of diversity hires.
It seems hiring for race/religion/colour/sexual identy and not merit affects performance again.
Ive gone back to using chrome for the time being after giving up on firefox.

And I explained why you should care even if you aren't doing anything illegal
You must resist. Any step forward will help. Fight back against the anti-white anti-men advertising machine

For a start, they've ditched the plugin system and adopted a similar system to what Google uses.
Secondly, they still can't pull off 60hz video livestreams and it's becoming annoying to switch between browsers.

That's why I pick cars instead of signs, desu

Stopped using Chrome. Deleted all my xtra google and YT accounts. Shut off all history. No syncing. Switched to Duckduckgo.
Picked up firefox, switched on all website tracking protection. Only turn it off when needed.

Looking for an alternate email service so I can lastly delete my main gmail.

You block me if i use brave¡¡¡

>email service is what I enjoyed to use.

People in this thread actually uses a browser with built in ads

I didn't notice shit, but it surely is because I have a very basic use of my browser
Thanks for the answers

I don't give a shit if Google is watching me, I only do shit I wouldn't want any company or government to see on Tor anyways

never used it, shitty browser.

I use protonmail but I actually don't know of a Certified Uncucked™ email service if anyone can shill me on one

Why should I change my browser?
I use FireFox, but why are you guys so scared, what is happening?

>Picked up firefox
You make Soros happy. Good goy.

>he doesn't have an airgapped q6600 rig

Browsers have become complex bloated pieces of shit.

Do you know where you are, you literally are on an fbi watchlist just from posting in this cesspool, the browser you use means nothing

i dont buy anything so they are wasting their money

Same, anyone who wants to dox me at this point is late to the party. All of my friends, family, and neighbors already know I'm a right wing dick hahaha!

Tried it, was a little browser heavy.

Might give proton a shot next.

Who is going to test their websites against all those browsers.

>that pic



First time I got a virus in a long time was using that browser, I think it's bait.

>You must resist

This is why I really hate Sup Forums. You have all of these fucking hollow benign moves that you sell as "resistance." Obviously you should switch from Chrome to something less Jewish, but that is hardly "fighting back against the anti-white anti-man" agenda.

>Just use DuckDuckGo and retweet banal platitudes to 200 followers on Twitter who already agree with you! That will stop the cabal that works day and night using its limitless financial pool to defeat us! Little moves! One of these days! Slow and steady!

Nothing that is done here is activism. You can drop some fliers on your campus, but they still own Hollywood and the fucking BANKS. "You have the entire United States legal system in your pocket? Heh, I hope you don't mind if I upload a four hour slideshow with music from the Matrix and pictures of lizards onto YouTube. Anything to get the word out!"

You should switch if you don't want to be a tool for Google, but switching isn't some kind of valiant act of courage that hurts them in any way in the long run.

>placebo autism tier
>chromium and beta firefox builds
The actual autism is the first 4 tiers. Guarantee anyone who uses those is a neckbeard that never leaves his house.

Opera is not that bad.

>Third worlder.
>"Accidentally" supports George Soros.
Keep your thread in your thread (does not understand what kind of thread is that thread anyway.

I'm married, fuck off
>sunglasses and drive

I don't care about privacy, I am already on a military watchlist. This is purely capitalist

I don't see UC Browser on that list so I'll just continue using that

>George Soros

was I helping him for years and I didn't noticed?

>he wasn't on Hillary's disposition matrix

>this butthurt over phrasing
I don't know what you're on about for the last 2/3 of your post I just want people to stop using Chrome. You said it yourself

yeah bro use firefox

Yes I agree with you, I'm just frustrated that people here think we can totally subvert a cabal that owns all media, banking, the legal system, and the military by trolling liberal's videos on YouTube and installing adblock.

But anyway you're right, getting out from under Google's domain is probably a good idea either way

MS Edge is based, anons. You should try it out, it's really redpilled.

Dunno, this was a Sup Forums list of browsers from August 2017. I should find its update.

Not impossible.

What does that have to do with anything? Genuinely asking.

It is a large hill to climb but anons like the one I replied to have been so beat down nby (((them))) that they won't even take a first step. How do bring these anons into the fold?

You can't, people have accepted getting jewed and surveilled as a cost of living

>Jack Hinson.jpg
He was a civil war sniper who killed hundreds of union soldiers and spent the whole war on the run and by the end they had several entire regiments just for hunting him down. Though they never caught him before the war ended.

I'm the one you replied to. It all just seems so benign when they have so much control. They mold culture as if it was literal clay in their hands, and meanwhile all we can do is the little things. We can switch browsers and get this VPN and that plugin, but it doesn't weaken their hold over anything in the bigger picture. It is all so tiresome.

Don't be such a defeatist bitch. They are terrified of us posting here with a VPN and if we used adblock.

>targeted ads
what year is this?
i haven't seen an ad since 2005

How is my boy Opera at? one of the most popular in the area where I live

There is a difference between being a defeatist and being realistic. They're terrified of us posting the same old shit here over and over to a combination of shills, fags from Reddit, and people who already agree with us? They're terrified of that while they're sitting in their literal strongholds?

I found a bunch of tracking software accidentally in my chrome folders. I started a right wing youtube cahnnel and noticed my youtube wasn't letting me log in or check my notifications. Something fishy. My other sports related youtube account worked fine. Looked in chrome folder and found all kinds of newly installed tracking files and bit files. Deleted the whole thing and went back to IE also deleted google earth. Fuck these jews they are clearly politically motivated to fuck with my political channel and not my sports one

Fire flies in the north here


I've lived in Texas, Illinois, and Florida and I've only ever seen it called "lighting bug."

Even a coward can be brave behind a wall.
Of course they are terrified or else they'd not bot or pay shills like yourself to try to demoralize this place constantly. Unadulterated Free Speech with no media bias is their biggest threat. It could end them at any moment and they know it.

Here in the Northwest too. I think that image is entirely bs.

i got nothing to hide but i dont want jews knowing wtf i do or dont do, what i listen to, read, write, etc

Buys nothing
Browses Sup Forums on an internet connection and an internet ready device

It's a joke map with night jew as the punchline you goons

Exactly. It's a non-argument. I cannot stand when people say that.

People still use Chrome? It fucking devours ram like there's no tomorrow, plus all the spy shit

So use wat? Soros' mozzila? LUL

Chromium 4lyf

at least Firefox is freedom respecting. You can turn telemetry off or just get Waterfox

How else will I can my leather

>It could end them at any moment and they know it.

This is what I mean. How could it be the end of them at any moment? What action does the awareness that this place offers inspire?

>It fucking devours ram like there's no tomorrow

What can I use that doesn't eat up my RAM?


I use brave and Vivaldi mostly

Puh-lease. Google and Mozilla are in bed together. Don't get me wrong...I use Firefox...but don't lie to yourself. Both are wildly leftist...and neither is really any better.