People would long to have the privilege to visit such sights and beauty like those in African nations
Trump's statement is a lie
Why there's so many videos of niggers casting themselves or each other in flames? Haven't they already understood the use of fire, after tens of thousands of years? Or are they aiming to expose the white underneath?
Oh! look!
It's President Obongo's Cousin!
B-but WE WUZ
what the FUCK IS THIS
Is this a magic trick gone wrong?
This disgusted me more than every other "gore" video in thisthread.
dam those girls must have been really annoying to deserve that
when a nigga so thicc he deserves the bricc
None of them seem to be able to do the escape from flaming tyre trick successfully.
Why are there multiple burning specifically inside the tires? Is there a reason for it which makes it hard to escape or wtf is the purpose?
Shitholes hold all 55 top spots for highest murder rates. Shitholers, I mean niggers are natural born murderers.
thank you im stealing this.
Y'all need Jesus.
This is the greatest day of my life.
what happens?
Can you see it?
I see it.
y not just end them
guy with machette or something is hacking a girl, then another girl throws a brick at him so he goes after her and hacks her up a bit
what is the context of this situation?
A lot of these webms are probably their punishment system. Instead of jail you get burned. Dunno why they use a tyre tho.
its a really weak flame that goes for days
i rather watch gore
Not for days bur probably for hours.
so you can't roll the flames out
Niggers had never invented the wheel or tamed fire until the white man came and showed them both.
Of course teach niggers how to wheel and fire and instead of building railways or industry they only use it as a clever new way to torture and murder each other.
Lucky for them that niggers are unaware of sharping stones.
Trumpy just gave a BIG pass to those TBTF banks for fraud and theft, including the one he owes 300 mill to, yet everyone is blabbing about a comment he didn't make.
If niggers cock are so strong and big how come they don't use them to fight?
This is now a nigger hate thread
Fucking why.
Niggers Pajeets etc they are all just same.
You think Indians are sane?
What is this from?
a duck. It is just a duck. not a human. Shoot it like a duck.
>African nations
Pick one and stay in school
Dolphins have the smartz though.
Takeshi's castle, final boss, wizard mode.
>People are coming from shithole countries
Absolutely true. Why would they be leaving in such great numbers if they weren't shitholes.
>The People they are sending arent their best
Only true in the case of refugees and illegal immigrants. Immigrants from shitholes like India(literally shit in the street I'm allowed to call it a shithole) generally want to better their lives and for that reason alone they are better than the apathetic masses that surround them.
The cherry on top of that is that many are acquiring work visas etc. so they are actually coming here to do something and be skilled at it in many cases. But by accepting these people, we are actually removing the upper crust from the other country, hamstringing their ability to better their lives in their own country (and making their own country less of a shithole as a result).
This is helping no one except for the single immigrant. America does not benefit from this immigrant. His country of origin does not benefit. Only the individual benefits. The most humanitarian thing to do is to force the best of them to stay where they are and make everyone's lives better not just their own.
The rubber melts and sticks, bubbye flesh, hello 3rd+ degree burns, goodnight sweet kang
Give a monkey a camera and they'll kill each other just to take video and pics of themselves acting like, well, wild monkeys.
rabbi calm down, go paint some swastikas on your synagogue
this is genius, we must spread this