>people want to Terraform Mars
>can't even Terraform Australia
Is Mars a meme?
>people want to Terraform Mars
>can't even Terraform Australia
Is Mars a meme?
but aboriginals did terraform it. it used to be a lush forest until they literally burned it to the ground after consuming everything they could in any given spot. racist
i heard this place once had tons of trees and forests but the abbos tore them down, is that true?
source for this? I've often wondered what caused the environmental damage to Australia
Australia and mars require different methods. There is a lot of liquid water on earth plus and atmosphere we can breath. That wont be on mars.
firestick method or something.
Might be true in some areas but for the majority of it the climate makes it completely uninhabitable.
We can terraform Australia, but then you'll just have a massive influx of poor asian fags
We as a race need to separate ourselves from the rest of the species and the only way to do that is to make ourselves unreachable.
because it was burned down. the climate changes once theres no vegetation left. stop being a racist
The climate in all inner continental regions is terrible., e.g. Mongolia, Siberia, Saharan desert, Kalahari desert.
abos din du nuffin
Easy, just make some canals. Use the stuff you dig up to make tons of Palm Island resorts.
mars Is a meme.
They actually could canal to inner Australia and fill in a natural lakebed with water creating a much different climate there. But they won't
It's how they hunt. I forget what it's called. Look it up, bush burn hunting aboriginese
Terraform means transforming a planet. You can't terraform one continent without fucking up the rest of the planet. OP is a faggot.
true maybe nuke the fuck out of it that might work
Terraform any planet and there will likely still be arid bits. Terraforming is a general adjustment to a planets environment to make it human habitable or more Earth like. Arid regions arise usually from local environmental factors in some conflux to generally cause there to be a lack of water. Through effort irrigation can recoup some of this land for agricultural use but unless we become capable of installing large scale lakes and rivers and can micromanage the aircurrents and furthermore justify the expenses of doing any of that then most arid lands will remain so untill the climate naturally shifts to change them.
>how to make crocodiles the dominant species in australia.jpeg
If we did that, we'd no longer be full. Fuck off, cunt.
Yup. Earth is all we have.
We did that already. Didn't help
Nah if you were gonna make inland canals to encourage a precipitation cycle you'd also wanna use the Earth father to build artificial mountains but yes the greening of Australia is something mankind should work towards this century.
firestick farming
*earth gathered
Except they probably wouldn't even know how to cultivate land, so more like
How would that work? If anything that'll make it worse.
straya cunt!
We can't even get to Mars you fucking retard, get redpilled, Earth is flat
>believing Mars exists in the first place
Crocodile-Emu hybrid that spits herpes.
terraforming just gives them an excuse to bring in more niggers
Midwest United States prarie. You know. Where we grow all the food.
Mars is a better place to live than Australia.
no, australia's climate is the way it is BECAUSE of aborignal hunting techniques
the earth is a pyramid people, the us gov is fake and never existed. monkeys are the actual humans and we are fish. SHOW PICTURES OF YOUR BOBS AND VAGENES BIUTIFULS
We almost lost it with the dust bowl
Terraforming ain't easy.
They could, but its about control. If you made all that Arid area liviable then they would loose control.
Mar will be a total inclosed system.
Total control.
In before spacing faggots muh edit
That was our fault though. Non natural.
That's a big duct
Then why do it?
we can't terraform Australia because all the spiders and kangaroos and koalas would die
The solution is simple. The warm East Australian Wind current aligns with the East Australian Ocean current. Put a giant low-orbit sun umbrella over the desert. The warm moist air will descend as precipitate.
>We don't do it because it is hard
>We don't do it because it's easy, either. Maybe someone else will do it for me.
Something like that.
you can't turn mars into earth 2.0
the ozone layer will get ripped away all the time.
no we we're just trying to kill something.
Yes, you're right OP. Before we even think about terraforming Mars, we have to figure out how to terraform our own deserts first.
Terraform my ass
Why do we have to do this
A magnetosphere is what is necessary for a planet to be habitable. The core of mars isn't producing one. Until we can create artificial magneto spheres even a moon colony is a fools errand.
we need off this rock first, we need to find how other planets work, if their organisms are edible by us, if there is other sentience. We need to know how it works where we want to go before we show up with plans that work on our not planet but for whatever reason life developed differently there and our crops would never grow and theirs is toxic to us
Elon will build one you big silly...
Do you even know how difficult and costly that would be that's why "they won't". Also, It would all be salt water
Australia got nuked in the previous golden age, when the Annunaki's sons warred among themselves. So did Africa and the South Western USA. It will take a million billion years and then those areas will be able to be green again.
I have the perfect and only real conceivable design to get us to planets far, space time, from us.
> build ten interstellar nursery ships
> launch one to the same destination every ten years
> probe destination upon arrival
> if okay next step and send messages to ships in route to wake at twenty years out and activate the following steps
> through AI robots embryos are created (we have the tech now), white only, and placed in a artificial environment for gestation
> raise and educate
> deliver to safest zone
This is a nutshell but doable.
We probably only have two billion years left before we're crushed by the black hole in the centre of our galaxy.