Manson is /our/ guy

Is Marilyn Manson /ourguy/?
"The Beautiful People"
>And I don't want you, and I don't need you
>Don't bother to resist, or I'll beat you
>It's not your fault that you're always wrong
>The weak ones are there to justify the strong
Police State

>The worms will live in every host
>It's hard to tell which one they hate the most
>Capitalism has made it this way
>Old-fashioned fascism will take it away
The JQ

>Hey, you, what do you see?
>Something beautiful and something free?
>Hey you, are you trying to be mean?
>When you live with apes, man, it's hard to be clean
Race realism

Am I wrong pol? apparently he has strong leanings to social Darwinism as well. Disclaimer: He's antichristian but I do think he has some valuable pov

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He was ironically false flagging in these lyrics.

How do you know he wasn't ironically ironically false flagging?

How so?

Ccheck out The Dope Show too, its kinda redpilled.

It’s unfortunate his new stuff isn’t as good

Reznor dropped Year Zero in 2007, then stated it all came true under Obama

This is a good one too, talking about the degenerate culture of hollywood/entertainment industry

>To take some drugs say to make us feel so hollow
we love in vain, narcissistic and so shallow
Rampant drug use by celebs with high divorce rates among them.

>swim you have to swallow
i.e, to sink or swim, you must do sexual favors for those in powerful positions, las in sucking off a jewish film maker. Super relevant today with all the weinstein shit coming out and pedophilic hollywood.

>hate today no love for tomorrow
Throwing away the future for the sake of today's bullshit

>They love you when you're on all the covers, when you're not then they love another.
Companies using young celebs like condoms and then dumping them in the trash when the next piece of ass rolls around. Whatever makes them more money regardless of talent.

oh shit that first song though, Satellite
>Better watch what you think
>What was that you said?
>Everywhere And everything
>And every word
>I'm watching you
>I'm one step ahead

c r e e p y

It reminds me of the whole thought police thing going on in England right now and other parts of Europe, like going to jail for a tweet or summat

Say your name
Try to speak as clearly as you can
You know everything gets written down
Nod your head
Just in case they could be watching
With their shiny satellites

Turn it up
Listen to the shit they pump into
Your head
Filling you with apathy
Hold your breath
Wait until you know the time is right
On time
The end is near

I hope they cannot see
The limitless potential
Living inside of me
To murder everything
I hope they cannot see
I am the Great Destroyer

I'm not impressed by semi-literate trannies yelliing about satanism, but yeah bro keep reading those deep lyrics.

He’s a satanist fellas. He’s preaching all the shit that degrades America. He wants it to be like this.

Predictive programming white boi

Reznor for ethnostate when?

"Irresponsible Hate Anthem"

I am so all-American, I'll sell you suicide
I am totalitarian, I've got abortions in my eyes
I hate the hater, I'd rape the raper
I am the animal who will not be himself
fuck it

Hey victim, should I black your eyes again?
Hey victim,
You were the one who put the stick in my hand
I am the ism, my hate's a prism
let's just kill everyone and let your god sort them out
fuck it

Everybody's someone else's nigger, I know you are so am I
I wasn't born with enough middle fingers
I don't need to choose a side
I better, better, better, better not say this
better, better, better, better not tell
I hate the hater, I'd rape the raper
I am the idiot who will not be himself
fuck it

America cannot see anything
History is written by the winner
Fuck it

Reznor was always super big into civil liberties. Easy to tie into his music since he made a career sort of bitching about society and people. Year Zero and Hesitation Marks were pretty blatant in their messaging. Still love those albums but the purists/cultists consider them weak entries.

Manson is a douche edgelord. Not an idiot. Just think he's retarded for biting into anti-trump shit for shock value because it fits the times. Laughed when that stupid cross fell on him.

He sucked a dick on stage in front of his parents.

Yeah, coming from the Rustbelt he really held onto the values after he got clean and found out his music was being used in Gitmo. He found himself in a conversation he never wanted to be in before.

YZ was released around the same time as American Idiot and other Anti-Bush bashing album drops, but YZ didn't get dated because it was looking ahead.

he's a jew who larps as a hitler fan boy

>Am I wrong pol?

These lyrics are baby's first Nietzsche 101 read mixed in with some Laveyan Objectivism.

The Beautiful ones is a reference to that study they performed on the mice that went insane.

image related from comments section on yt
lel i said the dude was antichristian, i didn't say he wasn't a faggot.
I remember that stuff about Gitmo coming out, really kind of sad for these artists who had their music used as a psyweapon. There's a good book that you might like that goes along the lines of the quote you posted. It's called "Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business by Neil Postman". It talks about how people have moved from a text based society to an image based one and its affects on the culture, iq and conversations of the people.

uh acktually he's english, german and sioux. (you)
He was a huge Nietzsche fag, so youre not wrong.

Well he was fucking Dita von Teese so he's definitely /our/guy

hes an ironically unconformist faggot while guzzling cum off his satanist overlords dick for 2 pennies and half a schekel. Who do you think provides all the make up and travel accessories? Day of Rope when?

he's alice cooper
he's not dumb, but he's just another hedonist hollywood faggot at the end of the day

No. He's a typical, modern pop (((culture))) degenerate.

Most pale people can see the light and want to continue their existence. But that's not a rule. He may be hateful towards those that would dilute his skin tone. But that's as far as it goes. He's a degenerate besides that.

Alice Cooper represented the party kids. Manson represented the alienated kids in the corner who hated the world.

*blocks your path*

I wonder if the British police ever tried to charge him. I wouldnt be surprised if they did.

Definitely not our guy

he's not dumb hence he was probably so succesful, the interviews with wacky hosts such as bill orly and the daily show from what i can remember was clearly orchestrated
>look guys
>it's ok to be suicidal lel
kids need role models
jews in hollywood just seem to want to destroy any decent role models
they replace them with satanists, niggers, thugs, whores, etc.

Which one?

>Can't into understanding Hollywood doubles and triples
>Can't into understanding auto tune.
>Thinks there is one Taylor Swift
>Doesn't remember Gallagher sold his act.

He used to be blackpilled as fuck. All he's saying in those songs is that people are fucked and our actions will lead to hell on earth for everyone. Basically stuff edgy 12-14 year olds eat right up.

>/our goy/