The Founding Fathers put it there for a reason.
Looks like American values mean nothing to him.
The Founding Fathers put it there for a reason.
Looks like American values mean nothing to him.
The Founding Fathers never intended for the US to be invaded by Browns and Blacks.
there are people that believe this
Statue was a gift from France. It has nothing to do with American values. Open a book before you open your mouth.
The Statue of Liberty = Isis. The Whore of Babylon.
>Statue of libtards
Erm... I don't know flags
But I do know that two things create a shithole country. Bad genetics and communism*.
Which are you still suffering from OP?
*(Islam is covered by bad genetics.BIGGLY).
The poem you are referring to was written by a kike.
>implying the Wretched Refuse plaque wasn't added a century later for fundraising
>implying that stupid fucking plaque is part of the constitution
This is actually really good b8, 9/10
Immigrants up till the 80's loved the idea of coming here to work and be useful members of society. Now they all want gibs.
Bait. Sage
Here’s a red pill user, america was created and formed and should only function as a constitutional republic IF THE POPULATION IS WHITE!
I don't care how hard they work to raise cost of living, suppress wages, and raise brats who hate us and undermine us through the electoral process. Muh hard work is a meme; we're full regardless.
>implying america was founded in 1875
nice try faggot
Listen here, you wannabe Finn. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the pretentious cheese-eating surrender monkeys of France more than 100 years after the founding of the USA. The Founding Fathers had long been worm-food when it was given to America and if they could have seen it, they probably would have thought it was pretentious.
The Founding Fathers would be shooting shitskin invaders at the border with smoothbore muskets in rows of two.
She's French. She likes it dirty.
Lol.. founding fathers... public school?
>Citizenship will not descend to persons whose fathers never resided in the US
we need that one
no, the French put it there
This is a troll, but the founding fathers had nothing to do with that masonic statue, and the """"poem""" at its base that supposedly justifies infinite immigration to America from the 3rd world was written by a Jew.
>The Founding Fathers put it there for a reason
when was that, retard?
Democracy only works if the population is a homogenous race. A multiracial race in a democracy would bring the nation into chaos- Aristotle
Pic related.
>The Founding Fathers put it there for a reason
Top b8 m8
This is a cartoon, user. That's not the real Don. He would never do something like that.
The founding fathers didn't put the statue of liberty anywhere. There was no statue of liberty then.
Gibs aside, why would we invite people who will be given racial preferences over us and whose children will be taught to hate us in school? Grievance politics alone makes nonwhite immigration a nonstarter for white people.
OP is obviously joking.
But seriously, should Sup Forums be doing something to raise awareness about the statue and it's (((poem))) ?
It seems like most of America is wildly misinformed about it.
Go back to Swedistan faggot
> We need people from countries with lowest developmental index to develop our country
Read your fucking history. The Statue of Liberty was NOT placed by the founding fathers.
This Estonia faggot keeps cropping up these stupid Statue of Liberty threads
The French gave us that stupid thing a hundred years later, none of them were alive to see it.
I calculate that over 8-16 years if Europe sends all its phoney 'refugees' back wherever they came from first we could replace 44% of America with around 15% of Europeans.
I don't know if we'd get 15% of Brits to emigrate, but as long as you take a disproportionate amount of Scots and Welsh it is possible to do over that time period.
Europe has three to four times Americas population.
I've added the 8-16 years caveat to avoid a big rush of Polish and Hungarians and other weirdos. You want real western genetic stock.
REMEMBER a Nordic who is a drug dealing criminal is still infinately more likely to produce law-abiding children than someone from a genetically wrecked shithole and that's what's most important.
God bless America and her President Donald the Brave. Or as I like to think of him, Flash Gordon.
This. It's an abomination.
Ultimum kek, the statue of liberty was a gift from france you retarded monkey
tell me where in that poem does it say "bring me your spics, your niggers, your sand niggers, your slant-eyes, your losers" etc etc
We didn't always have welfare. Before the welfare the people that came to the US were looking for work not gibs.
That 1886 statue, a gift from France, should never have had the poem added to it. That was commies, recognizing the propaganda symbolism, getting into our base.
>the founding fathers put it there
>accepting a peace offering from france when you weren't even at war
Which of course is why they brought more over instead of killing all the ones already there.
He thinks he's being cunning then?
In his mind you are nationalists and therefore must worship at the feet of that big statue just like his people would (after all it is huge and that must be impressive to savages). He may never have heard of Christ in the communist tortured shithole he is in.
french freemasons there ya faggot, keep trying
is estonia a shithole country too?
Who cares what a bunch of immoral slave owners had to say?
Dude, you forgot to remove your name!
Erm... the slaves?
Or they'd get a whupping.
So we can see what it is you need that your missing to return to you your American community spirit.
The Statue of Liberty celebrates the freedom of our nations' citizens.
It doedn't say "Oh come here all ye worthless fucks"
>founding fathers
>implying they had anything to do with it
stick to ur own shit history k bitch boi
Unless you're an Indian, you're an immigrant. America was stolen by whites and built by immigrants from all over the world. Trump can fuck off and die.
because its not a statue of liberty, its a symbol of the new world order and a statue of Lucifer the light bearer you dunderhead
The "wretched refuse" part.
(((1 post by this ID)))
Slide thread
Sage, faggots
Fucking dumb ass
Maybe he knows de wae
>Statue of Liberty
>Founding Fathers
>Sign on the statue was there from it's delivery
Does. Not. Compute.
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