Where does Sup Forums stand on alcohol?
Seems to be one of if not the most contributing factor to western degeneracy.
Where does Sup Forums stand on alcohol?
Seems to be one of if not the most contributing factor to western degeneracy.
Prohibition is pointless, it only creates billion dollar empires.
I don't drink, but banning it is pointless, as evidenced many times in history.
Dosent that say something about societies absolute dependence on this chemical though? Alcohol might be the biggest Jew of them all
Saudi Arabia, UAE, basically every Muslim country where it works perfectly.
Yeah fuck you nigger.
Nice bait..
2/10 i replied
You retarded fucking leaf every of those countries is muslim their religion bans alchochol
Shut up nigger.
>99 is goy
i dont drink
13 steppin
I don't get it sorry
binge drinking and alcoholism are major issues for most communities.
no chance of it ever getting banned though mate. doesn't work. just make a choice to not take part. easy.
i had to quit drinking because Im an alcoholic. It's the best thing ever though, for everyone who can control themselves there is no reason to ban it
How do you remedy binge drinking and alcoholism when alcohol is so culturally significant then?
Dosent seem like individual choices are going to do anything to help reverse the damage alcohol does every day.
It's literally banned in more than half the countries on the planet, and yet you still have all these redditor newfags going “hurr it doesn't work as demonstrated all throughout history XD”
Alcohol is degenrate brain poison and everyone should have a right to drink it.
t. Degenerate weed and cigarette smoker
>Where does Sup Forums stand on alcohol?
I'll drink it if I please, mohammed.
we in the west can actually handle our liquor.
Why? Prohibition was a women's lib crackpot idea. Why would you ever want to repeat that mistake? Why the fuck would you want the government regulating what you can and cannot drink?
Yea, ban alcohol. Didn't work out for them governments creating crime spree and giving free cash to criminals to exploit on a new contraband. You should just control the alcohol consumption not ban it entirely. Same with drugs. Should be in control by the government. The people should be limited to the supply, not be cut off entirely, that would just create an excuse for a criminal business to emerge and take advantage of the banned stuff.
>best thing ever
Millions of deaths a year, highly correlated with domestic violence and rape, damaging to the body and increases poor decision making.
Sure thing goy.
When I was younger, getting chicks drunk was how you got to fuck them.
Now apparently this is rape, unless the women feel it isn't rape, or something. So the only reason I drink now is to loosen up the old arm for bowling.
>Seems to be one of if not the most contributing factor to western degeneracy.
That would be the Jews, and their machination of cultural Marxism.
youre free to go live there
I like it being banned because i don't get ivnited to parties and since the drinking age is 21 i can call the cops on parties that don't invite me.
1920s prove you wrong
Shut the fuck up RETARD
Alcohol should be banned, don't like it? Move to Ireland. And no you are not allowed to move to Saudi Arabia.
Traditional sports loving Americans are raised young to worship the alcojew.
>we in the list can actually handle our liquor
Ebin dude. Except any and every statistic on alcohol consumption in the west proves that it is a cancer in society.
I've been drinking it since I was 12. Alcohol is good for you. Unless you get destroyed by it 2 times a week, tven you're weak faggot who cannot drink and doesn't appriciate it
your id goy
>Ebin dude. Except any and every statistic on alcohol consumption in the west proves that it is a cancer in society.
same can be said about islam.
What does this have to do with Islam you fucking mong?
>What does this have to do with Islam you fucking mong?
Islam is a cancer on civilization.
change the way alcohol is allowed to be marketed and advertised
I have never woken after a night of excessive drinking and gone, "Wow, i feel great, what a fantastic night!"
Absolute bluepill of a socially excepted drug and one of the leading caused of societal breakdown in my country. Wouldn't ban it but it's a losers poison.
>implying (((they))) would let this happen
Can you even imagine football without beer commercials? Alcohol is literally shoved down our throats from childhood.
alcohol is pathetic beyond belief and it sums up how fucking sad this species is that our main hobby since civilisation began is recreationally giving ourselves brain damage because we can only be happy while having literally retarded thinking
but probation just makes it worse and puts it in the hands of violent criminals
it seems like people don't consider smoking cool anymore and see it for the disgusting activity it is mostly from it not being shown as cool in the media anymore, a lot of countries have regulations against adverts for them or showing them as badass in movies, so maybe that could be done, it'll probably not stop anyone who's started but might not make kids think it's cool enough to start
and people still drink in those countries lmao, the only places with low drinking rates are islamic countries and that's because it's a religious/cultural taboo, not the law
alcohol's good for you, improves social skills for a lot of ppl
what would be appointed as a contributiing factor to western degeneracy is the abuse of it.
Getting wasted on alcohol can be just as bad as eating way too much and be useless for hours because you are too bloated
this. There is nothing wrong with glass of wine after meal, couple of beers with friends etc. Problem is when you constantly get wrecked by it
happy? have a beer
sad? have a beer
bored? have a beer
angry? chill out have a beer
having a beer? have a beer
dont have a beer? have a beer
don't like beer? you havent had a real beer yet
we must secure a future for the continuation of ameribeer
>alcohol is good for you
Literally just false. Alcohol does lasting damage to several different organs.
Also, if you need to temporarily to disable yourself to be social, you haven't really made any progress.
> Alcohol does lasting damage
getting wasted maybe, a beer during dinner surely doesnt
>don't like beer? you havent had a real beer yet
t. "I drank a bud lite and know all beer tastes horrible"
Doesn't matter what you think about it, prohibition doesn't work. The black market will always make you look stupid for trying.
I was drinking a lot in uni, got my Mphys degree. Without vodka I would either break, or became fucking doctor or something.
>stays out of trouble by promoting contraceptives
This is degenerate.
That would be the 'controlling yourself' part
Listen.... i'm going to try to educate you fools.
The easiest way to ruin a relationship is to GIVE the woman power over the man.
All you morons DO, is try to destroy your own men, and give women power OVER them.
We didn't drop out of society, you KICKED us out, and now you are blaming US for it.
>just control yourself :^)
If only someone out there told this to all the binge drinkers and alcoholics.
I drink to control my epilepsy. I have about 1 minute warning before a grand mal seizure, a one once shot of brandy or whiskey (two ounces to be sure), and immediately stops the seizure aura and I'm good.
It works just like anti seizure meds only without the shit side effects. They both are neurological inhibitors (a seizure is excessive activity). They both CAUSE seizures if you take too much at once, or if you become hooked on excessive use and try to quit either of them cold turkey.
The only reason they say not to drink if you have epilepsy is because it is like doubling down on the medication, since they both do very similar things.
Doctors are stupid. I can know this is how it works from personal experience, but not one doctor anywhere would believe you if you told them.
Lol it doesn’t work at all in those countries.
In some of them they even have two tiers of law between the Muslims and non-Muslims because it really doesn’t work.
That's why I quit. Doesn't mean Im going to ruin it for people who can control themselves
Sauce. now
Last time we tried that, organized crime fucking ballooned.
Do we really feel like making that same mistake?
>but probation just makes it worse and puts it in the hands of violent criminals
How many of you Bongs suffer from F.A.S.?
fuck off alcohol is good
>whites make and drink wine for thousands of years
then suddenly
fuck alcohol fags
ban it
i love the government and i want more nazis everywhere to make me feel safe
>most contributing factor to western degeneracy
Yes, and I don't drink any alcohol at all. Even though I get laughed at it or recieve confused looks.
But banning won't do anything, people will find a way to consume it anyways, just like any other drug. What has to be changed is our culture - stop promoting alcohol in median and start educate your kids. Be a role model, not a alcoholic.
All these muslims making party weekends in London , Germany or the Netherlands to get drunk af
>sure it works
I agree with you. Alcohol is here to stay. The only way to 'fight' it is through a cultural change against it or its externalities.
Prohibition only works for black markets.
Many OTC or prescribed drugs have worse side effects. Alcohol has been the commoner's antidepressant, and there's nothing wrong with that. Alcoholism is a symptom of a broken society, not the cause of it.
Nice digits.
Women should only be allowed to consume alcoholic beverages that have under 3.5% pure alcohol per volume.
There was this nice innocent girl, great person too, then she got a scholarship to this top med school uni, next thing I hear a few months later she's in a coma because prolonged regular alcohol usage fucked her liver up. Wouldn't have imagined her of all people,alcohol culture is quite degenerate. I don't mind having a glass of whiskey or vodka occasionally with the lads, but this shitty culture of downing beer packs everyday and acting like a hard cunt when all you did was down fucking 4% light beer and made yourself a bloated piece of shite